"This is not the state I grew up in....'I come back to what the Bible tells us to do, to love people above all else. None of this is love.'”
Families AND doctors are leaving states because of hate.
A reminder: Gender affirming care IS healthcare. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association & American Psychiatry Association support gender affirming care for children & adults
A gentle reminder: in schools that banned race in admissions, the number of Black students dropped by 50% (& none of them were doing well to start with--UMich dropped from 7% to 4% 🤦♀️).
We have made it so much harder for students already facing hardship.
When they say the quiet part out loud.
7.7.2023 11:17When they say the quiet part out loud.That took less than a month; but it seems fitting that on this holiday (with its potential for additional accidents/violence) my blood is saving someone's life.
There is a blood shortage.
As a doctor & patient-we need EVERYONE to #donateblood. You WILL save lives.
This #4thOfJuly we're doing the most democratic thing we could think of: helping #GOTV!
Wrote 20 #LettersToVoters for Vote Forward because OH is trying to remove a simple majority in voting!
Their msg remains the same: "We're too young to vote, so please vote for our future."
Lady weekend, I was honored to speak to #WomenMarch2023 PA Rally on behalf of Doctors for America
-women's reproductive care & gender-affirming care IS healthcare
-this healthcare leads to ⬇️ suicide, ⬆️ school, ⬆️ employment, & ⬆️ earning at those jobs
-healthcare IS a HUMAN right.
#reproductiverights #ReproductiveHealthcare #transrights
Video link here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5hku8p9QjuA&feature=share8
3.7.2023 13:45Lady weekend, I was honored to speak to #WomenMarch2023 PA Rally on behalf of Doctors for America Fact:-women's reproductive care &...The most dangerous thing about RFK Jr isn't that, in one interview, he said:
-antidepressants➡️school shootings
-water chemicals➡️transgender
-HIV isn't a virus
-wifi opens your blood brain barrier
It's that a company promoted this disinformation to MILLIONS.
#vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives
#MisinformationKills #disinformationkills
It is safer than viagra or tylenol.
Please read this amicus brief from @drsforamerica on behalf of physicians in ALL specialities about the potential impact on our ability to appropriately care for pts.
Share widely.
And: if you're a doctor-JOIN US. This affects ALL of our pts.
Democracy is not a spectator sport.
So tonight we wrote letters w/ @VoteRiders to make sure Wisconsin voters have ALL the right info to VOTE in their critical state Supreme Court elecrion.
You can do this or follow this space for more ways to help GOTV.
"Any illusion that medicine & politics are, or should be, separate spheres has been crushed under the weight of >1.1MIL Americans killed by a pandemic that was in many ways preventable....
Doctors can no longer be passive witnesses. We have a responsibility to insist on changes"
Doctors Aren’t Burned Out From Overwork. We’re Demoralized by Our Health System. https://nyti.ms/3jy7WeM
8.2.2023 22:10"Any illusion that medicine & politics are, or should be, separate spheres has been crushed under the weight of >1.1MIL...Our team will always take care of you.
But for us to do it right, you have to have health insurance.
Millions qualify for plans starting at $0/mo & qualify for subsidies.
So-SIGN UP BEFORE JAN 15 at HealthCare.gov
It will save your life.
(signs by Lily, 7yo)
To all who follow, amplify, ask questions, and especially to all who have cheered on my kids or trusted me with their cares & concerns, a very special thank you from my family as we end out this year.
There have been highs & lows, but the work continues & I'm so grateful to all!
This time of year can be difficult for so many reasons.
Please remember:
You alone are worthwhile.
You are important.
You matter.
You are NEVER alone: call or text 988 to reach someone @988Lifeline 24-7 if you ever doubt any of the above.
I got an early holiday present and it is the best present.
23.12.2022 15:43I got an early holiday present and it is the best present.2 large multi-state studies out this week showing that getting your #UpdatedCovidBooster decreases your risk of severe #COVID19 (hospitalization, death) by 50%+.
As a reminder: this booster is recommended for EVERYONE 6mo+ yo!
Unfortunately, TOO FEW PEOPLE have gotten vaccinated.
Have questions/concerns? ASK ME. I'm happy to chat.
Study #1 👇🏽
Study #2 👇
A special plea: the past few years have seen an unprecedented rise against science, facts, & healthcare.
We need our doctors & doctors-in-training to stand up for ALL patients.
That's what doctorsforamerica.org does: helps train & support docs & med students to #PutPatientsOverPolitics.
If you're a doctor or student, please become a member: your membership helps us!
And everyone else: please consider a small gift!
Guns are an epidemic & #1 killer of our children in this country.
The lives in this article, & too many others, trusted in us to protect them: The Lives They Lived nyti.ms/3W0ts9Q.
Everyone needs to act.
The option to stand on the sidelines does not exist.
#gunsense #guncontrol
DeSantis is "asking the Florida Supreme Court to make a statewide grand jury to investigate the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines."
Yes: the current GOP presidential frontrunner is a vaccine-denier.
We need EVERYONE to lift-up & amplify SCIENCE & FACTS.
#StandUpForScience #vaccineswork #VaccinesAreSafe
"Democracy dies in the darkness."
One side is buying-and silencing-news media, radio, and now social media.
What can you do?
Well, here is a good place to start: follow the folks listed here wherever they are (I reposted earlier a list of some folks on Mastodon--please reply if there are more I should follow/amplify!)
Twitter Suspends Accounts of Half a Dozen Journalists https://nyti.ms/3V1Y9KC
Damn straight we do.
(Get your holiday wear at Crooked Media where a portion of proceeds go to @votesaveamerica@birdsite.wilde.cloud Every Last Vote fund-now THAT'S some holiday spirit!)