#bookqw: DRINK
I took the opportunity to ask him what it means when an Emorian shares his wine with another person.
When he answered, my breath was driven out of my body. Truly, how could I have known? But I understand now what Fenton meant when he said that the Emorians don't take blood vows. After all, a life-binding vow need not be exchanged through blood. It could just as easily be exchanged through wine – and could be just as binding.
#amwritingfantasy #snippet
"'Bros'? What does that mean?"
"Brothers, I think. As far as I can tell, the journal-writer and his friend consider themselves to be blood brothers or wine-friends or whatever is the equivalent in their tribe. They declare that they will be best bros forever, which sounds like a blood vow of friendship to me. And yet . . . Have you ever heard of a place where the custom is for friends not to touch each other?"
#amwriting #historicalfantasy
Dexter rolled his eyes to the side. I followed his gaze without turning my head – a trick every slave knows.
The guards at the gatehouse had wandered away. They were offering their flasks to our guards. All four guards were laughing together. None of them were watching the gate.
Dexter's eyes were urgent upon me. I knew what he was asking. This might be our only chance. Should we try to run?
#amwritingfantasy #serialfiction @bookstodon
I write historical speculative fiction on hope in dark times. My stories are set in alternative worlds inspired by late antiquity, the gaslamp era, and the Atomic Age. Within dark settings, transformation occurs through the bonds of love: family, friendship, and romance (queer and not queer).
I'm here to read and post fiction.
My website: http://duskpeterson.com
My blog & newsletter, which has long excerpts from my stories, fiction announcements, etc.: http://duskpeterson.dreamwidth.org
19.7.2023 00:26I write historical speculative fiction on hope in dark times. My stories are set in alternative worlds inspired by late antiquity, the...