#quotes #inspiration #Einstein
7.11.2024 17:15#quotes #inspiration #Einstein#EducationAndSharingDay #Kindness #MayaAngelou #Quotes #inspiration
28.10.2024 21:07#EducationAndSharingDay #Kindness #MayaAngelou #Quotes #inspirationHappy Education and Sharing Day! Today we honor the legacy of those who emphasized the importance of education and giving back to our communities. Let's celebrate by spreading kindness, sharing knowledge, and inspiring others to learn and grow. #EducationAndSharingDay
19.4.2024 16:23Happy Education and Sharing Day! Today we honor the legacy of those who emphasized the importance of education and giving back to our...Happy Education and Sharing Day, everyone! Let us all take the inspiring words of our President to heart, for the good of our nation.
#EducationAndSharingDay #POTUS
“There's a higher goal, a higher purpose of being selfless,” Greenberg said. “The very fact that we give something on a daily basis, even if it's something small, is very special. It exercises our kindness muscles.”
Read the whole article here:
#EducationAndSharingDay #Education #Kindness
I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. … The frightful dilemma of the political world situation has much to do with this sin of omission on the part of our civilization. Without "ethical culture," there is no salvation for humanity.
— Albert Einstein
#Einstein #Ethics #Education #Character #EducationAndSharingDay
#inspiration #kindness #KindnessMatters
12.3.2024 22:13#inspiration #kindness #KindnessMattersIt is not enough to know that two and two makes four, but we've got to know somehow that it's right to be honest and just with our brothers. It's not enough to know all about our philosophical and mathematical disciplines, but we've got to know the simple disciplines of being honest and loving and just with all humanity. If we don't learn it, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own powers.
— Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Rediscovering Lost Values” 1954
7.2.2024 21:49It is not enough to know that two and two makes four, but we've got to know somehow that it's right to be honest and just with our...I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. … The frightful dilemma of the political world situation has much to do with this sin of omission on the part of our civilization. Without "ethical culture," there is no salvation for humanity.
— Albert Einstein
#Einstein #Education #Ethics #Character #EducationAndSharingDay
#Kindness #Sharing #SharingMeansCaring #Inspiration #RandomActsOfKindness #Inclusion
25.1.2024 16:04#Kindness #Sharing #SharingMeansCaring #Inspiration #RandomActsOfKindness #Inclusion#Education #Sharing #SharingMeansCaring #RandomActsOfKindness #Character #Inspiration #NowThatsEducation
25.1.2024 15:45#Education #Sharing #SharingMeansCaring #RandomActsOfKindness #Character #Inspiration #NowThatsEducation🌍✨ Celebrating #InternationalDayOfEducation, where education unites us, transcending differences to build a world filled with unity and joy.
Every child deserves an education filled with hope and dreams.
#Education #MalalaYousafzai
Mental health is important for everyone, but it's especially important for young people as they navigate the path to adulthood. Education means more than just the three R's. It means empowering the entire person with the skills needed to succeed in life.
Support the students in your life by sharing mental health tips for kids & teens: https://mentalhealth.gov/talk/young-people #WednesdayWisdom #WellnessWednesday #Education #MentalHealth #SharingMeansCaring
24.1.2024 22:00Mental health is important for everyone, but it's especially important for young people as they navigate the path to adulthood....The résumé virtues are the ones you list on your résumé, the skills that you bring to the job market and that contribute to external success. The eulogy virtues are deeper. They’re the virtues that get talked about at your funeral, the ones that exist at the core of your being — whether you are kind, brave, honest or faithful; what kind of relationships you formed… Our education system is certainly oriented around the résumé virtues more than the eulogy ones.
https://www.themarginalian.org/2015/04/21/david-brooks-road-to-character/ #Character
23.1.2024 17:50The résumé virtues are the ones you list on your résumé, the skills that you bring to the job market and that contribute to external...#Education #Kindness #Inspiration #Service #Growth #EducationAndSharingDay #Quotes #Life #MisterRogers
29.11.2023 17:29#Education #Kindness #Inspiration #Service #Growth #EducationAndSharingDay #Quotes #Life #MisterRogers#Education #Inspiration #EducationAndSharingDay
29.11.2023 02:40#Education #Inspiration #EducationAndSharingDayThe skill the world needs most is kindness. Let's teach it in schools.
#Kindness #Sharing #Caring #Education #Inspiration #EducationAndSharingDay
22.11.2023 00:41The skill the world needs most is kindness. Let's teach it in schools.#Kindness #Sharing #Caring #Education #Inspiration...#peacemakers #healers #restorers #storytellers #lovers #kindness #sharing #education #AKinderFuture #EducationAndSharingDay
17.11.2023 00:17#peacemakers #healers #restorers #storytellers #lovers #kindness #sharing #education #AKinderFuture #EducationAndSharingDay