Stay Woke: Rooted, Ready & Rising 2025
Poetry to share on this NEW day
...This time is ours. Let’s be free.
Visit Eileen S. Ho with Love Inkling – poetry from my heart:
[video alt text: Lyrics of "Wake Up" song from @ LlunrMusic on background of NEW event flyer with white and orange letters on purple]
21.1.2025 15:59Stay Woke: Rooted, Ready & Rising 2025Poetry to share on this NEW day...This time is ours. Let’s be free.Visit Eileen S. Ho with Love...Today I Voted UNCOMMITTED in the Michigan Democratic Primary.
#Vote #Uncommitted #Michigan #DemocraticPrimary @ListenToMichigan #CeaseFireNow #StopGenocide #EndOccupation #IStandWithPalestine #AaronBushnell #FreePalestine
27.2.2024 17:43Today I Voted UNCOMMITTED in the Michigan Democratic Primary.#Vote #Uncommitted #Michigan #DemocraticPrimary @ListenToMichigan #CeaseFireNow...Cooking a pot of tortellini pasta, with a generous side of 🍉 ongoing, and making some noise to feed our world now‼️
Learning and thinking about #RefeedingSyndrome from @NutritionByNada as we share some Free #FreePalestine recipes today❣️
Standing in #TaikoSolidarity with people of 🇵🇸 and supporting collective care circles including @unrwa working together for our co-liberation. 💞 #TaikoLiberation
#CeaseFireNow #StopGenocide #FromTheRiverToTheSea #PalestineWillBeFree
💌 To: The Sea, From: The River 💟 My Heart Beats For Us All To Be Free❣️ Will you Free my Palestine? ☮️
#Valentine #CoLiberation #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #StopGenocide #EndOccupation #DownWithEmpire #LetsBeFree #WeAreTheWaves #WeAreWhoWeNeed
📸 Dec-2023 #SazanamiTaikoArtsEnsemble #GreatLakesTaikoCenter #TaikoArtsCollective #TaikoLove #TaikoPeace #TaikoLiberation
🎧 "Ho-Oh" @silkroadproject
We play with Taiko Love ❤️ for World Peace ☮️ this Lunar New Year 2024‼️ Join ⚡Raion Taiko “sound of thunder drums” embracing the rhythm of rain & energy of light to create song on the soundscapes of Japanese Taiko Drumming in the Spirit of our Communities❣️
Raion Taiko ensemble 2024: Larry An, Eileen S. Ho, Tomo Terakado, Yoshino Watanabe, Ash Brown
#RaionTaiko #Midwest #Taiko #ArtsEnsemble #GreatLakesTaikoCenter #GLTC #MichiganUSA #TaikoLove #TaikoPeace #TaikoSpirit
"Everyone can do something. Global strike. All of us." ~from YK Hong blog post at
#CeaseFireNow #GlobalStrike #FreePalestine
We are who we need. Let's Drum, Dance & Dream On!!!
#TaikoPeace ☮️ #TaikoLove ❤️ #TaikoLiberation 🍉
⚡Global Strike for permanent Ceasefire in Palestine: January 21st-28th 2024 👀 Link to post @ykreborn on IG at
21.1.2024 16:34"Everyone can do something. Global strike. All of us." ~from YK Hong blog post at...#TaikoLiberation #DrumOn (say it, play it, relay it)
til they're Free (te ke Ten)
til they're Free (te ke Ten)
watermelon olive tree (te ke te ke te ke Ten)
til they're Free (chi ki Chi)
til they're Free (chi ki Chi)
not until we all are free (chi ki chi ki chi ki Chi)
Remix Share Follow on Instagram:
✊🏽☮️ @samantharise #voice
🙌🏻🎹 @paxressler #keyboard
🤟🏼🥁 @eileensho #ShimeDaiko #atarigane
#CeaseFireNow #FreePalestine #FromTheRiverToTheSea
Note to self: Keep playing with what you have! (drawing in Google Keep Notes) #TimeToPlay #LizArt #SillyCuratorPrompts
12.10.2023 18:57Note to self: Keep playing with what you have! (drawing in Google Keep Notes) #TimeToPlay #LizArt #SillyCuratorPromptsEileen Sheila Ho
何愛玲 Hé Ài Líng
Wonder Love Sing
First Daughter of Philip & Grace
First Partner & Mother of the An-Ho Family
I am...
a Wonder of the World
the Love of my People
my Voice of our Song.
I am...
Player of Drums
Drummer of Dreams
Dreamer of Dances
Dancer of Play.
I am...
Collector of Rocks
Receptor of Rhythms
Seeker of Surprises
Follower of Laughter
Flower of Tears.
I am...
Lover of Movement
Body of Creativity
Creator of Culture
Cultivator of Brilliance
Rainbow of Joy.
🙌🏽 On tour with 10 gomidaiko *trashcan drums* LOL❣️ Hitting the road for a weekend retreat at Historic Idlewild, Michigan, in solidarity with my NEW CFC BOC Leaders cohort 🥰
#NonprofitEnterpriseAtWork #ChampionsForChange #BodiesOfCulture
So powerfully beautiful to feel the energy of Lake Michigan while playing taiko on the beach!
Video description: two people on a sunny sandy beach with blue water and gentle waves lapping the shore behind them as they play rhythms with sticks on drums they carry with a shoulder strap.
🌊 #LakeMichigan #GlenHaven #Beach
🥁 #Japanese #taiko #drumming #katsugi #okedaiko 🎶 #Godaiko #GreatLakes #song #YamadaMizue ⚡ #RaionTaiko #drummers @eileensho #AshBrown #GreatLakesTaiko #collective
Embodied Social Justice Certificate Program 2023 April-June: Join us and take your seat at the table for a more just, thriving, sustainable society for all!
#RootsDownLoveUp with
Rev. angel Kyodo williams
Staci Kay Haines
Resmaa Menakem
Kerri Kelly
Dr. Angel Acosta
Learn more at
#ESJ #Embodied #SocialJustice
We Drum & Dream with love and joy in the collective care circle of Centering Justice, in conversation about Shared Leadership in my practice and play at the Great Lakes Taiko Center (GLTC) in SE Michigan, leaning into a Solidarity Economy & Sociocracy.
#Drum #Dream #Love #Joy #CollectiveCare #Circle #CenteringJustice #SharedLeadership #practice #play #GreatLakes #Taiko #Michigan #SolidarityEconomy #Sociocracy
You can watch the recorded session hosted by at
16.2.2023 18:12We Drum & Dream with love and joy in the collective care circle of Centering Justice, in conversation about Shared Leadership in my...Sharing a reflection from today's session on Embedded Racism & Embodied Resistance with my Champions For Change fellows and facilitators at Nonprofit Enterprise at Work (NEW) in Washtenaw County, Michigan USA.
#poetry #reflection #money #WhiteSupremacyCulture #heart #EmbodiedPractice #love #ChangeMakers
12.2.2023 00:27Sharing a reflection from today's session on Embedded Racism & Embodied Resistance with my Champions For Change fellows and...Snow
now in abundance
[from my blog "Love Inkling, poetry from my heart"]
Snow ❄️
on all
when we blink
empty yet
in abundance
no snow. now snow. know snow.
[More Love Inkling to read, see and listen to at]
#snow #now #abundance #poetry #blog #LoveInkling
27.1.2023 14:14Snownow in abundance[from my blog "Love Inkling, poetry from my heart"]Snow ❄️fallingon allwhen we blinkcomeempty...Wishing you cycles of Joy as we hop into a New Year!
Photo taken on Lunar New Year morning of a bright red cyclamen flower with background view through window screen of a recycle bin and garden covered in newly fallen snow.
#LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheRabbit #LNY2023 #MichiganUSA #cycles #Joy 🎉🐇🧧
22.1.2023 16:27Wishing you cycles of Joy as we hop into a New Year!Photo taken on Lunar New Year morning of a bright red cyclamen flower with background...EVERY DAY is a day to challenge ourselves to learn, understand, and act, for social justice...
CHECK OUT this year's Content Catalog compiled by UWWC to watch, read, listen, and act on at
WATCH Dr. Camara Jones’ TedX Talk, “Allegories on Race and Racism” at
JOIN where you are! United Way of Washtenaw County in Southeast Michigan USA is where I join.
#EquityChallenge #2023Equity #UnitedForEquity #WashtenawCounty #Michigan #RaceAndRacism #Equity
I don't have a cat but I do have a senior rescue minpin dog that always pops up in my Google photos identified as a cat! Like this pic from a couple years ago... #SmokeyTheMinPin #DogsOfMastodon #caturday #photo
10.12.2022 23:54I don't have a cat but I do have a senior rescue minpin dog that always pops up in my Google photos identified as a cat! Like this pic...Towards Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century
Transformative Learning for Change-makers Everywhere...Open, On-Line, Interactive, and Free. Accessible from Anywhere on the Net
January 29 - June 10, 2023 [7 modules, 2 hours/week, 21 weeks]
A unique blend of theory and critical analysis showcasing models of transition now being applied in communities around the globe.
Just signed up myself! #JustTransition #SynergiaInstitute #CollectiveLiberation
8.12.2022 16:37Towards Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous CenturyTransformative Learning for Change-makers Everywhere...Open, On-Line,...Wordle grid
Wordle 526 1/6*
...when my practice is not perfect but play!
#practice #PracticeNotPerfect #play
27.11.2022 06:38Wordle gridWordle 526 1/6*🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩...when my practice is not perfect but play!#practice #PracticeNotPerfect #play