12.3.2025 21:40#craptocurrency has been; always will be.
#TodaysGOP is #TheGaslightingCompany.
11.3.2025 15:45Always has been; always will be.#TodaysGOP is #TheGaslightingCompany.I LOVE IT!
There's also an obvious military correlate to this: "Kill People and Break Kings"
NOTE: this is NOT a threat, nor a call for ANYONE to take independent action. Operating under clear & competent authority is required under the Law of Armed Conflict--and remaining accountable to society--to 'We, the People," ALL of them--is what distinguishes us from the other side.
But it IS another reminder, as I've observed here before, that in the U.S., the military--the folks with the license to "kill people and break things," as the saying goes--swears its Oath "to support & defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC."
11.3.2025 15:20I LOVE IT!There's also an obvious military correlate to this: "Kill People and Break Kings" NOTE: this is NOT a threat, nor a call for...* Note that by framing it at 1948 and the "Arab-Isrseli War," they're STILL trying to make it look like an Arab attack STARTED it, when Zionist settlers from Europe aided by terrorist groups like Irgun, Havana, and the Stern Gang had been ethnically cleansing #Palestine FOR DECADES already by that point TO ENABLE the creation of the modern state of Israel--which at that point hadn't existed FOR TWO MILLENNIA.
11.3.2025 14:11* Note that by framing it at 1948 and the "Arab-Isrseli War," they're STILL trying to make it look like an Arab attack STARTED...The tide is turning. Even @CNN is having to admit that the #Nakba happened, and #IsraelAtWarCrimes has been committing #EthnicCleansing FOR ALMOST A CENTURY:
"During the Arab-Israeli War in 1948, millions of Palestinians were forcibly removed from cities like Tiberias in what became known as 'The Nakba,' or catastrophe."
11.3.2025 14:05The tide is turning. Even @CNN is having to admit that the #Nakba happened, and #IsraelAtWarCrimes has been committing #EthnicCleansing FOR...
10.3.2025 00:18 Revolt of the #AmericanOligarchs -- a wholly owned subsidiary of the reimagined COMINTERN of #VladTheInvader, #OligarchInChief of the Russian mafia state, as I pointed out in February of 2017 (link in comments).
10.3.2025 00:18The Revolt of the #AmericanOligarchs -- a wholly owned subsidiary of the reimagined COMINTERN of #VladTheInvader, #OligarchInChief of the...
10.3.2025 00:12#ApartheidClyde #HighQualityCats of @lowqualityfacts ๐
9.3.2025 23:41The #HighQualityCats of @lowqualityfacts ๐ One of my Naval War College classmates--and later, faculty colleagues) came to us as a Commander in the Royal Navy, our ally with the "special relationship", at the tail end of a full career & with full NATO clearances, WAS RECRUITED BY US upon retirement, for our civilian faculty, had two kids born in the U.S., and had lived here with his family for almost a decade & a half by the time of my unexpected promotion and orders for DC.
Trying FOR ALL THAT TIME, he had STILL not been granted U.S. citizenship, despite the personal intervention of several Flag Officers and the Rhode Island congressional delegation! This really epitomizes why we need to FIX OUR OWN DAMN SYSTEM before trying to implement an enforcement-focused approach: we can't even meet OUR OWN SOCIETY'S DEMAND for immigration to drive the U.S. economy. Sometimes even when the candidate is a middle-aged, highly-educated European white guy. Imagine what POC and marginalized populations have had to deal with--even Before Trump. #SNAFU
9.3.2025 23:39THIS. One of my Naval War College classmates--and later, faculty colleagues) came to us as a Commander in the Royal Navy, our ally with the...They're just #DyingToOwnTheLibs. Once you understand their 'platform' has been all about #MuhLibruhlTears--and nothing else--it all starts to makes sense.
Plus, why would you expect anything OTHER THAN a death cult, when it's led by the #Donjjal...? ๐ค
9.3.2025 22:56They're just #DyingToOwnTheLibs. Once you understand their 'platform' has been all about #MuhLibruhlTears--and nothing else--it...Heil, #trumpenfuhrer ...?
9.3.2025 22:52Heil, #trumpenfuhrer ...?HEIL, NO! #CircleJerks (removed my other hashtag on account of who the OP on this is! Sorry, Robert! ๐ )
9.3.2025 22:48#Idiocracy #CircleJerks (removed my other hashtag on account of who the OP on this is! Sorry, Robert!...The #MafiaDon administration: #ObstructionOfJustice
9.3.2025 21:53The #MafiaDon administration:...I guess it all makes sense, when you think it through: the guy who builds these things is now in charge of the "rapid unscheduled disassembly" OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. ๐ #ApartheidClyde #TurdReich
7.3.2025 01:33I guess it all makes sense, when you think it through: the guy who builds these things is now in charge of the "rapid unscheduled...These people are NOT tough guys....
6.3.2025 06:00These people are NOT tough guys.... like #ApartheidClyde can't build a safe rocket, car, OR social networking site! ๐ And this is the guy Trump says is in charge of #dumbsizing our Federal government...? #Idiocracy (#idioligarchy?)
5.3.2025 23:14Looks like #ApartheidClyde can't build a safe rocket, car, OR social networking site! ๐ And this is the guy Trump says is in charge...Silver lining: this angry intolerance of dissent may just be what saves democracy. Because #MAGAts are NOT a unified movement; they're a loose & fractious coalition of fascists, racists, nationalists, redpills, talibangelicals, conspiracy theorists, and antigovernment nuts--many of whom hate EACH OTHER (for example, the racists & anti-immigrant nationalists *loathe* JD Vance for marrying a nonwhite daughter of immigrants) almost as much as they hate normies. And their ONLY unifying factor is #CheetoJesus.
Who's an 80-year-old fat guy with TERRIBLE health habits. God is gonna take him out of the picture soon enough, in sha' Allah, and on that happy day, THIS highly-successful intelligence analyst predicts MAGA will friggin' EAT itself, the way the #Daeshbags did when we convinced them they had a mole (which I will neither confirm nor deny...). ๐
5.3.2025 20:37Silver lining: this angry intolerance of dissent may just be what saves democracy. Because #MAGAts are NOT a unified movement; they're a...