Result! After planning our Aberdeen to Athens train trip with the awesome @seatsixtyone, we ended up in actual Seat 61!
26.8.2024 08:59Result! After planning our Aberdeen to Athens train trip with the awesome @seatsixtyone, we ended up in actual Seat 61!Following what are the chances of us getting our own instance, @simonjbains ? 😃
7.12.2023 13:26Following what are the chances of us getting our own instance, @simonjbains ?...Have quite enjoyed messing about with our #OpenSim #upperlimb #biomechanics model this morning! Finally sorting out some troublesome muscle wrapping issues around the elbow 😃.
2.8.2023 11:23Have quite enjoyed messing about with our #OpenSim #upperlimb #biomechanics model this morning! Finally sorting out some troublesome muscle...I started my Mastodon journey at (which is good - thank you @stux), but decided to move here to see more relevant content when browsing the 'local' server.
11.7.2023 16:31I started my Mastodon journey at (which is good - thank you @stux), but decided to move here to see more relevant content when...Hi all - 👋
By way of #introduction, I am an academic #biomedical #engineer interested in #biomechanics 💪, #movementanalysis, #rehabilitation technologies and #musculoskeletal modelling.
Based in Aberdeen, Scotland.
11.7.2023 16:27Hi all - 👋 By way of #introduction, I am an academic #biomedical #engineer interested in #biomechanics 💪, #movementanalysis,...