RT @jimmyhmiller
I was sadly just laid off at shopify
I've worked across the stack, building distributed systems, complex frontends, web, mobile, data engineering, compilers. I've worked in countless languages and love diving into to complex systems.
Reach out if you know of any opportunities
4.5.2023 22:08RT @jimmyhmillerI was sadly just laid off at shopifyI've worked across the stack, building distributed systems, complex frontends, web,...RT @GaryMarcus
👉Seismic from @geoffreyhinton: ‘The best hope is for the world’s leading scientists to collaborate on ways of controlling the technology. “I don’t think they should scale this up more until they have understood whether they can control it”
1.5.2023 18:58RT @GaryMarcus👉Seismic from @geoffreyhinton: ‘The best hope is for the world’s leading scientists to collaborate on ways of...I love these tilted buildings in Wageningen. Looks like they are happy to see you.
RT @revhowardarson
do NOT come for menswear guy on his own turf. he will ruin you using techniques undreamt of by lesser Posters. https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1651337945704697857
Komen de expats uit hun dure bubbel?: "Buur is belangrijk in onze cultuur" https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/220114/komen-de-expats-uit-hun-dure-bubbel-buur-is-belangrijk-in-onze-cultuur
RT @FuckCarsReddit
For #EarthDay let's look at how car-dependent infrastructure is threatening the bio-physical basis of our own existence 🧵/16
RT @emilymbender
Sen @BernieSanders you are right that we need regulation to ensure tech development that actually benefits everyone.
Machine's aren't gathering info. Big Tech is using machines to gather it. Let's keep the focus on keeping corporations accountable.
>> https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1646676988642607105
14.4.2023 17:02RT @emilymbenderSen @BernieSanders you are right that we need regulation to ensure tech development that actually benefits...RT @schwarz
Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving prosecutor from the Nuremberg trials, has died. I didn't think the NY Times could write an obituary of him without mentioning Ferencz's belief that Bush should be put on trial for the Iraq war. But they pulled it off! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/08/world/europe/benjamin-b-ferencz-dead.html
RT @weel
I’ve mentioned before that this covers about the same area and population as the Bay Area plus Sacramento. And that every line on the map is 2 trains per hour from early morning to around midnight. But did I mention that the stations all have timed transfers to local transit?
RT @Fietsburgemees1
8000 voetgangers meer overleden in Amerika tussen 2012 en 2018 dan als Amerikanen in kleinere auto’s waren blijven rijden. SUV’s horen niet in onze stad. https://twitter.com/flobin/status/1644637241317154816
RT @rudydotca
This is Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris. During her tenure, the banks of the Seine were opened, 30 km/h introduced and safe cycle paths built in record time. Now she wants to abolish 60,000 parking spaces, green the city ring and free the center from through traffic. https://twitter.com/Perowinger94/status/1642072168925220865
RT @StrongTowns
Every day after school, these kids have to cross 6 lanes of traffic with no shoulder, no buffer between the curb and sidewalk, no shade, and poor driver visibility. This is the world we’ve built. And we wonder why kids don’t spend time outside anymore.
RT @carroll_fife
🧵People are starting to hit me up with “traffic calming/st. redesign aren’t critical ‘crime fighting’ issues” & that I need to focus on real crime. I’ve spoken w/ one too many families impacted by violence & death associated with speeding & collisions to entertain this belief.
RT @carroll_fife
This street is even visually more calming than some dangerous streets in D3. We could use this design style in Oakland and save lots of $ in the long run. @timcourtney https://twitter.com/Qagggy/status/1630079185426456577
RT @davidminpdx
Just incredible. NY Times asks, “Why did the U.S. invade Iraq?” without mentioning the completely false article it published on its front page in the run-up to the war suggesting Iraq had WMDs. And its other brazen pro-war coverage more broadly. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/world/middleeast/iraq-war-reason.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
RT @opinonhaver
Many computer touching jobs are pretty normal and unsexy but also have clear use cases, but they like to talk about the weird stuff because it’s dramatic and exciting. No, you need to focus on being normal for a bit.
RT @davidgerard
Musk fired everyone with access to the private key to their internal root CA, and they can no longer run Puppet because the Puppet master's CA cert expired and they can't get a new one because no one has access. They no longer can mint certs.
*ahem* lol
11.3.2023 20:42RT @davidgerardUNVERIFIED RUMOUR:Musk fired everyone with access to the private key to their internal root CA, and they can no longer run...RT @americanwombat
One of the most common questions religious people wrestle with is "why do bad things happen to good people" and there's a lot of writing/discussion about that, but less about "why do good things happen to bad people" because it makes you sound petty I guess? Well call me petty
RT @RadishHarmers
Bernie was asked the difference between equality, isomorphism, and equivalence, and could not answer the question, much less consider the extension of these distinctions into higher dimensions. https://twitter.com/jorymicah/status/1632018588000198656
RT @Boenau
Land use planning has had devastating impacts on Americans: economically, socially, and culturally.
But I’m not a doomer & I know these things are fixable. Not overnight reversible, but certainly fixable.
4.3.2023 16:24RT @BoenauLand use planning has had devastating impacts on Americans: economically, socially, and culturally.But I’m not a doomer & I...