RT @PaulTempleman6@twitter.com
3 years of #Brexit
3 Prime Ministers
4 Chancellors
You couldn’t make it up - but we’re trying at http://buntersbrexit.com and you can help
#BrexitDisaster #3YearsOn #Brexit #FBPE #BuntersBrexit
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PaulTempleman6/status/1620324122818678786
31.1.2023 14:04RT @PaulTempleman6@twitter.com3 years of #Brexit3 Prime Ministers4 ChancellorsYou couldn’t make it up - but we’re trying at...RT @MarinaPurkiss@twitter.com
Do you remember…
When at least we could say we were doing better than war-sanctioned Russia?
Not anymore…
BREAKING:UK economy will shrink & perform worse than other advanced economies, including Russia
Watch them still blame the war in Ukraine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarinaPurkiss/status/1620335165091512320
31.1.2023 13:56RT @MarinaPurkiss@twitter.comDo you remember…When at least we could say we were doing better than war-sanctioned Russia?YeahNot...The Tory lives unworthy of life policy is progressing to plan. #SocialMurder #Democide #ToriesOut208
RT @danielgoyal@twitter.com
12,000 extra deaths, THIS YEAR Already!
But sure, no healthcare crisis! https://twitter.com/covid19actuary/status/1620386175092674560
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/danielgoyal/status/1620417975772934145
31.1.2023 13:56The Tory lives unworthy of life policy is progressing to plan. #SocialMurder #Democide #ToriesOut208RT @danielgoyal@twitter.com12,000 extra...I first wrote to my MP @tomhunt1988@twitter.com in April 2020 & he passed the letter on to @Helen_Whately@twitter.com to respond. Nearly 3yrs on & I am still waiting for answers. I have given up any hope of ever getting them. #CovidCoverUp #LambsToTheSlaughter #LongCovid #CovidInquiry #ToriesOut208
31.1.2023 13:48I first wrote to my MP @tomhunt1988@twitter.com in April 2020 & he passed the letter on to @Helen_Whately@twitter.com to respond. Nearly...RT @TizBroken@twitter.com
It’s now 2yrs since my original email & I’ve yet to receive any answers. Latest ONS data published 10/3 reveals that a total of 2,129 health and social care works have died of #Covid since the start of the pandemic, this is criminal. #ToryCovidCatastrophe #LambsToTheSlaughter https://twitter.com/TizBroken/status/1363102683658412032
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TizBroken/status/1511703514333986818
31.1.2023 13:48RT @TizBroken@twitter.comIt’s now 2yrs since my original email & I’ve yet to receive any answers. Latest ONS data published 10/3...We most certainly will never forget this total betrayal & lack of concern for healthcare workers lives. We all lost colleagues & I want to see justice for them & their families. I sincerely hope that the #CovidInquiry is not another whitewash. #LambsToTheSlaughter #LongCovid
31.1.2023 13:33We most certainly will never forget this total betrayal & lack of concern for healthcare workers lives. We all lost colleagues & I...RT @drmeenalviz@twitter.com
@lorraine@twitter.com @DrAmirKhanGP@twitter.com We will never forget the corruption, lies and deceit that led to the deaths of so many of our colleagues 💔
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/drmeenalviz/status/1620379514344964096
31.1.2023 13:33RT @drmeenalviz@twitter.com@lorraine@twitter.com @DrAmirKhanGP@twitter.com We will never forget the corruption, lies and deceit that led to...RT @LizMcInnes60@twitter.com
"Making Britain great again" Day 761: Tory business boss Guy Hands gives his verdict on Brexit: "It was just a bunch of complete and total lies." #BrexitReality
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LizMcInnes60/status/1620366064780738560
31.1.2023 10:42RT @LizMcInnes60@twitter.com"Making Britain great again" Day 761: Tory business boss Guy Hands gives his verdict on Brexit:...RT @NHSActivistRN@twitter.com
Utter lies, nobody is buying this drivel from Helen Whateley.
Our entire health service is being set on fire by the Torys. They have to go, or the NHS will! https://twitter.com/GMB/status/1619978659909050370
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NHSActivistRN/status/1620327272027938817
31.1.2023 09:46RT @NHSActivistRN@twitter.comUtter lies, nobody is buying this drivel from Helen Whateley.Our entire health service is being set on fire by...RT @leejhunter@twitter.com
Do you support firefighters striking for fair pay?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leejhunter/status/1620186688407633920
31.1.2023 09:46RT @leejhunter@twitter.comDo you support firefighters striking for fair pay?🐦🔗:...RT @CentralBylines@twitter.com
Had Jeremy Corbyn won the 2019 General Election, would the UK be in a better or worse state than it is now?
RT for a better sample size!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CentralBylines/status/1619840140301697029
30.1.2023 21:00RT @CentralBylines@twitter.comHad Jeremy Corbyn won the 2019 General Election, would the UK be in a better or worse state than it is now?RT...I’m absolutely raging, yet another report this government has hidden away. #Panorama #LongCovid #LambsToTheSlaughter
RT @naimaella@twitter.com
#Panorama reveals there are 90,000 health workers with #LongCovid, many of whom caught COVID at work, had limited PPE, couldn’t isolate from patients and have been left behind
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/naimaella/status/1620156121314131968
30.1.2023 21:00I’m absolutely raging, yet another report this government has hidden away. #Panorama #LongCovid #LambsToTheSlaughterRT...Absolutely spot on, #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #Panorama #LongCovid #LambsToTheSlaughter
RT @leilamw3@twitter.com
@cathburns@twitter.com great programme #Panorama but shouldn’t be using past tense. NHS workers STILL being exposed more than anyone else to C19 and therefore risking long covid #CovidIsNotOver
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leilamw3/status/1620156214020816897
30.1.2023 20:53Absolutely spot on, #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDIsAirborne #Panorama #LongCovid #LambsToTheSlaughterRT @leilamw3@twitter.com@cathburns@twitter.com...Nearly 3yrs on & #Panorama reports there are thousands of healthcare workers off with #LongCovid. Why were our concerns re infection control not addressed at the start of the pandemic? It’s absolutely criminal they’re now being dumped on the scrap heap. #LambsToTheSlaughter
30.1.2023 20:45Nearly 3yrs on & #Panorama reports there are thousands of healthcare workers off with #LongCovid. Why were our concerns re infection...RT @TizBroken@twitter.com
It’s now 2yrs since my original email & I’ve yet to receive any answers. Latest ONS data published 10/3 reveals that a total of 2,129 health and social care works have died of #Covid since the start of the pandemic, this is criminal. #ToryCovidCatastrophe #LambsToTheSlaughter https://twitter.com/TizBroken/status/1363102683658412032
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TizBroken/status/1511703514333986818
30.1.2023 20:45RT @TizBroken@twitter.comIt’s now 2yrs since my original email & I’ve yet to receive any answers. Latest ONS data published 10/3...I’m totally with you & still awaiting answers to questions re PPE which I asked @tomhunt1988@twitter.com at the start of the pandemic. Perhaps if concerns re infection control had been addressed there might not have been so many left suffering. #Panorama #LongCovid #LambsToTheSlaughter
30.1.2023 20:45I’m totally with you & still awaiting answers to questions re PPE which I asked @tomhunt1988@twitter.com at the start of the pandemic....RT @TheEUBird1@twitter.com
I am raging watching #Panorama - how can these people, who cared for our loved ones on the frontline of COVID, now be hung out to dry by the #NHS and government? It’s SHOCKING. Can’t we do something about it? #LongCovid is a real thing, it’s time these poor souls get some help.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheEUBird1/status/1620157446202474497
30.1.2023 20:45RT @TheEUBird1@twitter.comI am raging watching #Panorama - how can these people, who cared for our loved ones on the frontline of COVID, now...RT @danielgoyal@twitter.com
My thoughts on the government’s new plan to the NHS crisis published today. A thread…
Sum: They seemed to listen to the experts but are clearly not interested in recovering the NHS…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/danielgoyal/status/1620059808903888897
30.1.2023 19:35RT @danielgoyal@twitter.comMy thoughts on the government’s new plan to the NHS crisis published today. A thread…Sum: They seemed to...RT @andrewgregory@twitter.com
Breaking: The British Medical Association, @TheBMA@twitter.com, says the government's urgent and emergency care plan is "laughable", risks "jeopardising patient safety even further", and fails to understand that the NHS won't survive without "immediate steps" to bolster its waning workforce.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andrewgregory/status/1620105724025270272
30.1.2023 19:20RT @andrewgregory@twitter.comBreaking: The British Medical Association, @TheBMA@twitter.com, says the government's urgent and emergency...#EnoughlsEnough #SupportTheStrikes #ToriesOut207
RT @leejhunter@twitter.com
Firefighters and FF (Control) have overwhelmingly voted for strike action
The employers have 10 days to come back with an offer to avoid strikes.
We can't live like this any more. Firefighters at foodbanks and worrying if they can pay bills, it can't go on!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leejhunter/status/1620096810940518402
30.1.2023 17:37#EnoughlsEnough #SupportTheStrikes #ToriesOut207RT @leejhunter@twitter.comFirefighters and FF (Control) have overwhelmingly voted for strike...