Today I found out that they're still releasing chapters of "Rent-a-Girlfriend"
While I *am* still reading it, I realized quickly that it would be 40 chapters to slog through in the span of what should be like 5 chapters max bc the author is like "ah yes, what is going inside this boy's head? More of the same? Better keep writing it"
Like any given page is just "oooh what does mizuhara think of me? What will she think of me? Maybe I should do this instead? I can't decide, guess I'll do nothing", and while it is a valid train of thought for people who are nervous or anxious about meeting up with the girl they like, maybe it's a bit much to show it every time.
Rant over, still gonna read it
21.2.2025 14:48Today I found out that they're still releasing chapters of "Rent-a-Girlfriend"While I *am* still reading it, I realized...US gender reveal/gamba culture
Why isn't gambling on people's births more popular than gender reveal parties in the US
Seems like the gender reveal people would love it more cos it's like "gender reveal BUT GAMBLING" and then they put that up on like DraftKings or somethin
9.2.2025 16:45US gender reveal/gamba cultureWhy isn't gambling on people's births more popular than gender reveal parties in the USSeems like the...Y'know the saying, "measure twice, cut once"?
Programming feels like "measure 20 times, execute once, realize that there's still something wrong, measure 30 more times, execute again. There's still something off. Okay. Tackle each debug until it works, then realize there's something inherently wrong, scrap the whole thing, restart from scratch, then realize you made an oopsie at the very beginning for your other code but IT'S TOO LATE NOW, so you continue to push your boulder up the never ending mountain until it works perfectly in a few days"
At least, that's how it goes for me. Idk I think I'm just getting skill gapped
31.1.2025 15:17Y'know the saying, "measure twice, cut once"?Programming feels like "measure 20 times, execute once, realize that...It's almost been a year ;-;
I have been busy! I graduated from my master's degree, found a job, I got another partner, we all lived together for a month, I started fixing up my car, I quit League for probably 3+ months... Life is good. I'm just happy that I'm able to put my degree to work.
It's been a hectic year, but it's been net positive for the most part. Hopefully I can make 2025 go even better!
Maybe I can finally put a couple of those projects I started up in the "Finished" pile. Get some volunteer hours under my belt. That type of thing.
30.1.2025 22:25It's almost been a year ;-;I have been busy! I graduated from my master's degree, found a job, I got another partner, we all lived...I very much appreciate the people that translate manhwa and manga, but
I'm not tryna read commentary from the translator in the actual manhwa itself, y'know? Like I'd go to your socials if I cared about your opinions
just tryna read my smut in peace ;-;
9.3.2024 09:49I very much appreciate the people that translate manhwa and manga, but I'm not tryna read commentary from the translator in the actual...I love mass applying to companies just to see "thanks for your interest, but we've decided to move forward with other candidates at this time"
Sorry my resume has like the stuff I used to do before and it's not related to the field, my bad
7.3.2024 12:39I love mass applying to companies just to see "thanks for your interest, but we've decided to move forward with other candidates at...I was looking at someone's MacBook and it looked like the apple was lesbian colored
We went on break, and I looked at it again, and apparently it was just reflecting the tables and chairs in front of her
My disappointment is boundless
31.1.2024 02:35I was looking at someone's MacBook and it looked like the apple was lesbian coloredWe went on break, and I looked at it again, and...Y'know what, I usually never know what I want for my New Year's Resolution™, but I think I know this year!
1) be able to do both the side and front splits by June, but in general, improve my flexibility and strength by body weights
2) improve my consistency of sleep by setting a hard limit to when I stop gaming
3) improve the consistency of my femme voice to around like 50% uptime by March (I'm probably at like 15% rn)
I think it might help that I have these goals concrete, so here we are. Anyway, Happy New Year, y'all! Be gay, do crimes, etc
1.1.2024 09:03Y'know what, I usually never know what I want for my New Year's Resolution™, but I think I know this year!1) be able to do both...I'm about to finish my master's degree in March, which is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. On one hand HOLY HECK I'm really enjoying all the classes I've taken, and I like the path I'm walking down. On the other, I gotta find something to do after I graduate, and while I'm sure I could handle anything someone throws at me, I need people willing to hire me ;-; It's honestly scary to put myself out there again!
I'm graduating in Data Science with a Marketing focus, and I've really enjoyed learning about marketing strategy and the analytics + analytic systems behind improving marketing, so if you know anyone that can help out with finding me a job, I would greatly appreciate you as a person <3
I don't plug for myself often, so it feels weird to do ;-;
(i want to) #GetFediHired
Other 5 am design thoughts
What if content just had tags on em, like Tumblr did, but then readers could have CW filters for specific content tags to be blurred from the TL
God I'm on a roll, why are my best thoughts when I'm barely lucid
7.11.2023 11:14Other 5 am design thoughtsWhat if content just had tags on em, like Tumblr did, but then readers could have CW filters for specific content...Imagine if League (or insert competitive game here) had behavioral matchmaking
What a nice dream
7.11.2023 11:10Imagine if League (or insert competitive game here) had behavioral matchmakingWhat a nice dreamY'all ever go back to playing a game, look at your friends list, then realize that you haven't talked to someone in like 10 years, you look for them on your contacts list, and find that they seem like they don't exist anymore, and you're like "dang I kinda miss hanging out with them" but it's been so long that they could've gotten married, moved to like different places, and you just have 0 clue where they are anymore?
This is what I get for going back onto Guild Wars 2
6.11.2023 01:36Y'all ever go back to playing a game, look at your friends list, then realize that you haven't talked to someone in like 10 years,...I awoo for my gay girlfriend to eat out with me
14.10.2023 00:47I awoo for my gay girlfriend to eat out with meAwooooooBeen awhile but enjoy a cute selfie cos I got the new hair
I'll just cw it in case someone doesn't wanna see a face or eyes looking their way, but here ya go
6.10.2023 23:38Been awhile but enjoy a cute selfie cos I got the new hairI'll just cw it in case someone doesn't wanna see a face or eyes looking...Damn, riding the commuter train kinda rocks
I'm sitting here on my phone thinking about the traffic I could be in and the parking fees I coulda paid, and I'm like this is relaxing
God bless public transportation
This is *not* a hyperfixation so I can look cool (read: not stupid) at a wedding; however, it's not outside of the realm of possibilities that I should be ready by the time the wedding rolls around.
28.9.2023 09:20This is *not* a hyperfixation so I can look cool (read: not stupid) at a wedding; however, it's not outside of the realm of...My next hyperfixations: learning to dance
I got salsa, bachata, samba, breaking, and capoeira on my to-do-but-never-finish list, on top of some cool random stuff from tiktok clips
I feel like all the body weight exercises and stretches are fine, but dancing will probably contextualize it in a fun way that I've always kinda wanted to do
28.9.2023 09:18My next hyperfixations: learning to danceI got salsa, bachata, samba, breaking, and capoeira on my to-do-but-never-finish list, on top of...not to say i'd rather them make a dogshit course that gets outperformed by the pre-rolled course, but like just be honest what's going into the course and if i happen to buy the course pack and do all the shit in it, maybe you could just give me the credit instead of charging me for pretending to teach me
20.9.2023 23:18not to say i'd rather them make a dogshit course that gets outperformed by the pre-rolled course, but like just be honest what's...I love when classes cost money, and then the professors in the class are like "oh yeah, btw buy these ebooks and course packs because they do our job for us" and then it's like "why am i paying for a fully online class where the syllabus is literally someone else's course" like what happened to integrity
20.9.2023 23:15I love when classes cost money, and then the professors in the class are like "oh yeah, btw buy these ebooks and course packs because...Anyone else hyperfixating on cars and/or self hosted servers?
I'm trying to find a responsive manual transmission AWD (negotiable-ish but I live in winter snow lands) sedan/coupe for a daily driver that would be fun to drive
I'm also diving into my server stuff heheh, i can currently only ssh in, but I'm looking into buying a domain and starting up making the docker containers for my webpage
2.9.2023 07:25Anyone else hyperfixating on cars and/or self hosted servers?I'm trying to find a responsive manual transmission AWD (negotiable-ish but...