In this #gig economy, even demons needed a side hustle. The one as BBQ chef at a local restaurant didn’t quite work out—unfortunately, people wanted their steak less charred, more bloody. Mortals just didn’t live up to hellish standards. He had found his calling, however. Nothing quite like drafting insurance contracts that cost humans an arm, a leg, and possibly their soul.
#vss365 #amwriting #flashfiction #microfiction
Anyone could dance like a #maniac. Now, ritual cleansings…those required a lot more skill to be considered maniacal. One had to rattle off the words while running around the house with sage in one hand and the cup of chamomile tea in the other. Becoming a certified RC maniac had cost her a few wicked burns and more than one cramped jaw.
#vss365 #amwriting #microfiction #flashfiction
He thought of it as #charity. All those socks bunched together in drawers and cupboards, forgotten until someone shoved a smelly foot in them. In his collection, they were admired. Adored even. Besides, he loved how everybody blamed the washing machine or the drier. Of cooourse, they ate socks…
#vss365 #amwriting #microfiction #flashfiction
He just wished his #magic didn’t depend on the blood of a virgin as a catalyst. His doctor was starting to ask questions about his anaemia, and it was getting very, very hard to resist that one demon he kept summoning.
#vss365 #microfiction #amwriting
As an avid plotter, I often thought authors were exaggerating for dramatic effect when they said their characters hijacked the story and they had no more control.
Consider me wiser now that two of my characters are finally teaching me that, yes, they do have all the power.
#amwriting #angelfireseries #writingcommunity #writerproblems #bookstodon
I achieved my goal for #nanowrimo with one hour to spare. 50k words of my manuscript edited (and many thousands more written and rewritten and rejected and rewritten)!
Excuse me while I do a celebratory jig!
#amwriting #amediting #writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #nanowinner2022
7k left for #nanowrimo - can I make it?
#amwriting #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon
When you’re editing and you can’t believe you wrote this wonderful scene… (or remember how)
Such a lovely change from my usual imposter syndrome.
#amediting #writerproblems #amwriting #writingcommunity
Today’s #writingresearch : were Egyptian temples guarded? What was the typical lay-out? Where and how did the priests and priestesses live?
Did you know #campfire has a great tool to store your research and link them to any other element you have in the app (including other research stubs, locations, characters or elements on your book’s timeline)?
#amwriting #writingcommunity #ancientegypt
Views while editing 🍁🍂
#amwriting #autumn
Just because I like knowing how other authors write: do you…
#amwriting #writingcommunity #poll #wip #writinginspiration #author
What made my day today? Finding out my fictional angels’ language corresponds to one of the ancient languages traders in Egypt would have spoken in 1620 BCE (which is when my current book takes place).
I live for these coincidences.
#AmWriting #writingresearch #minoan #ancientegypt #hellfireseries
Fine. I failed. I fell into the hole.
18.11.2022 19:48Fine. I failed. I fell into the hole.Today in #writingresearch : what happened when rowers on boats in #ancientegypt got tired? Did they work in crews? Did they have moments of rest when they sailed specific stretches?
So tempting to fall into the research hole and find more than I need for my specific scene, but I’m trying to be a good little writer 😁
18.11.2022 12:47Today in #writingresearch : what happened when rowers on boats in #ancientegypt got tired? Did they work in crews? Did they have moments of...Ok, bear with the Toot #newbie … I picked a random server when I joined because I had no clue, and only just realised there’s a #writingexchange server. How do I change? I see something about invitations floating around? Does it even matter what server I’m on?
#ineedhelp #writingcommunity #lost
Walking cleared my mind today. Autumn ❤️🍂
#walk #AutumnWalk
Today’s editing includes making up an entirely new character—river boat captain, incurable flirt, and deliciously morally gray.
I fell in love with him after two sentences. The inspiration? I could see my main character saying, “You’re an idiot. I like you.” and he simply popped into my head, nearly ready-made and so much fun.
These are the best writing days. So grateful this is what I get to do…
#amediting #amwriting #fictionalcharacters #paranormalromance #hellfireseries
When writing your books means you can dive into researc about ancient Egypt and you can call it WORK, you know you picked the right profession.
Current questiond I’m answering: Are city streets paved? What did Avaris look like, and how would my characters get to the harbor? Would there be bridges?
#amwriting #writingresearch #ancientegypt
#editing is my personal kind of hell and I’ve been trying to figure out why. I think part of me is scared touching a story that works and messing it up, but that’s definitely not all it is. Is it the need to move on to the next and being annoyed I’m still problem solving plotholes in this one? Or something to do with my rampant perfectionism (you’d think I like editing things to perfection, but no)?
Anyone any thoughts? Surely I can’t be the only one? #amwriting #amediting
10.11.2022 06:47#editing is my personal kind of hell and I’ve been trying to figure out why. I think part of me is scared touching a story that works and...If you’re into #mmromance I’ve got free books for you! 53 authors giving away wonderful MM romance stories at including my paranormal romance Mortal Love!
#freebooks #paranormalromance #romancereads #romancerecs #gayromance
9.11.2022 19:55If you’re into #mmromance I’ve got free books for you! 53 authors giving away wonderful MM romance stories at...