Brachiosaurus paleoart sketches from memory vs. with reference. A more interesting dinosaur than I can ever possibly remember. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #Brachiosaurus
29.8.2023 22:13Brachiosaurus paleoart sketches from memory vs. with reference. A more interesting dinosaur than I can ever possibly remember. #Paleoart...Another small acrylic dinosaur portrait on watercolor paper, this time it's the early sauropodomorph Eoraptor. #paleoart #Eoraptor
22.8.2023 17:35Another small acrylic dinosaur portrait on watercolor paper, this time it's the early sauropodomorph Eoraptor. #paleoart #EoraptorCarnotaurus from memory versus reference, for a second time. #Paleoart #Carnotaurus
21.8.2023 06:57Carnotaurus from memory versus reference, for a second time. #Paleoart #CarnotaurusNeeded to draw the newly described Brazilian lagerpetid Venetoraptor today. It's making me come to terms with the loss of a claw on digit IV happening convergently multiple times in archosaurs. Big ol' claw there on this tiny guy. #Paleoart #Venetoraptor
17.8.2023 04:08Needed to draw the newly described Brazilian lagerpetid Venetoraptor today. It's making me come to terms with the loss of a claw on...Small 2 hour Coelophysis portrait study with acrylic on watercolor paper. #Paleoart
15.8.2023 18:32Small 2 hour Coelophysis portrait study with acrylic on watercolor paper. #PaleoartDimetrodon from memory vs. reference. I clearly don't know what they look like in my brain. #paleoart #Dimetrodon
9.8.2023 22:47Dimetrodon from memory vs. reference. I clearly don't know what they look like in my brain. #paleoart #DimetrodonCompsognathus paleoart sketch from memory vs. from reference. #Dinosaurs #Paleoart
1.8.2023 20:27Compsognathus paleoart sketch from memory vs. from reference. #Dinosaurs #PaleoartPrehistoric makeover: The Lost World 1998 ( not Jurassic Park ) with its long armed 'Tyrannosaurus rex' reimagined as a speculative Tarbosaurus descendent. #Dinosaurs
30.7.2023 17:21Prehistoric makeover: The Lost World 1998 ( not Jurassic Park ) with its long armed 'Tyrannosaurus rex' reimagined as a speculative...A memory exercise. Gallimimus sketch from memory and then while looking at reference. #Paleoart #Dinosaurs #Gallimimus
24.7.2023 04:13A memory exercise. Gallimimus sketch from memory and then while looking at reference. #Paleoart #Dinosaurs #GallimimusA messy dinosaur wing paleoart study because I realized I have some gaps in my understanding of how they fold and fan out. #Paleoart #Dinosaurs
7.7.2023 17:21A messy dinosaur wing paleoart study because I realized I have some gaps in my understanding of how they fold and fan out. #Paleoart...Pachyrhinosaurus paleoart study. Been awhile since I did one in this style and saw Pachyrhinosaurus was making a buzz online recently so felt compelled to do a quick paleoart study. #Pachyrhinosaurus #Dinosaurs #Paleoart
4.7.2023 01:13Pachyrhinosaurus paleoart study. Been awhile since I did one in this style and saw Pachyrhinosaurus was making a buzz online recently so...Quick Quetzalcoatlus lawsoni paleoart study from about a week ago to familiarize myself with it more. #Paleoart #Pterosaur #Quetzalcoatlus
15.3.2023 03:55Quick Quetzalcoatlus lawsoni paleoart study from about a week ago to familiarize myself with it more. #Paleoart #Pterosaur #QuetzalcoatlusA quick dinosaur hand study because I didn't realize Tenontosaurus only had 2 claws before last night. #Paleoart #Dinosaurs
23.2.2023 06:01A quick dinosaur hand study because I didn't realize Tenontosaurus only had 2 claws before last night. #Paleoart #DinosaursPachycephalosaurus sketch from memory vs. reference. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #Pachycephalosaurus
16.2.2023 20:53Pachycephalosaurus sketch from memory vs. reference. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #PachycephalosaurusPaleoart infographic poster style piece of the Miracinonyx cat genus, also known as the American Cheetah. #Paleoart
11.1.2023 01:20Paleoart infographic poster style piece of the Miracinonyx cat genus, also known as the American Cheetah. #PaleoartA Deinocheirus paleoart study from the other day. Drawn in Procreate and based on Scott Hartman's skeletal diagram. #Paleoart #Deinocheirus #Dinosaur
19.12.2022 22:41A Deinocheirus paleoart study from the other day. Drawn in Procreate and based on Scott Hartman's skeletal diagram. #Paleoart...Quick Therizinosaurus paleoart study based on Dan Folkes' new skeletal diagram. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #Theropod #Therizinosaurus
18.12.2022 20:59Quick Therizinosaurus paleoart study based on Dan Folkes' new skeletal diagram. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #Theropod #TherizinosaurusQuick paleoart study of the recently described halszkaraptorine dromaeosaurid dinosaur Natovenator. Just a weird little duckraptor. #Paleoart #Natovenator
5.12.2022 21:52Quick paleoart study of the recently described halszkaraptorine dromaeosaurid dinosaur Natovenator. Just a weird little duckraptor....New Spinosaurus paper dropped today. Of course I needed to do a quick paleoart sketch based on the skeletal reconstruction in it. Really good read. #Paleoart #Dinosaur #Spinosaurus
30.11.2022 22:38New Spinosaurus paper dropped today. Of course I needed to do a quick paleoart sketch based on the skeletal reconstruction in it. Really...People ask me all the time if my chickens like the snow, the answer is that they definitely do not. #chickens
29.11.2022 21:58People ask me all the time if my chickens like the snow, the answer is that they definitely do not. #chickens