Too sick to do more than post a link.. but here's an update:
10.6.2022 16:41Too sick to do more than post a link.. but here's an update: oatmeal always makes me sleepy. Maybe I should have it at night instead of in the morning?
4.5.2022 12:32Having oatmeal always makes me sleepy. Maybe I should have it at night instead of in the morning?I'm still having trouble putting any focus on the "leak" part when McConnell has been telegraphing his court-stacking plan for literally decades and the GOP has been campaigning on controlling people for just as long. They've managed to achieve complacency where they want it by stoking civil rights fires. They will always.
4.5.2022 12:10I'm still having trouble putting any focus on the "leak" part when McConnell has been telegraphing his court-stacking plan for...Content warning:Wondering out loud
Do you have to be on a desktop browser to find/check out Mastodon groups?
29.4.2022 02:24Content warning:Wondering out loudDo you have to be on a desktop browser to find/check out Mastodon groups?Also, hi! My first marriage and adult medical experiences taught me to be hypervigilant about being gaslit, and I had cancer treatment while [redacted] was in office. Sometimes I'm not OK. #introduction
29.4.2022 02:08Also, hi! My first marriage and adult medical experiences taught me to be hypervigilant about being gaslit, and I had cancer treatment while...Content warning:Politics
Because even if you think Gaetz didn't know his transactions would be used against him when his story broke, everyone after that sure AF knew what was up. This Cawthorn thing is about pouring fuel on a fire so we'll all be entranced by the flames. You're going to need solid evidence to make me think otherwise.
29.4.2022 01:18Content warning:PoliticsBecause even if you think Gaetz didn't know his transactions would be used against him when his story broke,...Content warning:Politics
I'm pretty sure the public Venmo trails from Gaetz and now Cawthorn were meant to be found. I don't necessarily know what the diversion is about, but I'd put money on the "scandal" being a nonsensical story designed to misdirect public attention.
29.4.2022 01:04Content warning:PoliticsI'm pretty sure the public Venmo trails from Gaetz and now Cawthorn were meant to be found. I don't...Back in the mid-90s, I would run home from school and start immediately dialing the local BBS until a spot opened and the modem started screeching. (It could take a while! Lol) Online socializing is so exhilarating when the corporate BS is stripped away.
28.4.2022 21:25Back in the mid-90s, I would run home from school and start immediately dialing the local BBS until a spot opened and the modem started...I was testing the waters at CounterSocial too, before it got overwhelmed. Does anyone have opinions about it vs. Mastodon?
28.4.2022 21:05I was testing the waters at CounterSocial too, before it got overwhelmed. Does anyone have opinions about it vs. Mastodon?Despite the weather being terrible for someone with chronic pain, I did manage to do some chore-type stuff today. And it feels good to make a little progress.
28.4.2022 20:56Despite the weather being terrible for someone with chronic pain, I did manage to do some chore-type stuff today. And it feels good to make...I won't be making a habit of posting these. Don't worry. I'm good at them, though, and just wanted y'all to know. π
Daily Quordle 94
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I don't know why my "next chapter" links seem to be jumping straight to Chapter 24. Pretty sure I didn't manually change them all because I don't have that kind of energy!
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience. I'll look into fixing it soon, but you can use the TOC link to navigate the story, or just change the chapter number in your browser URL.
28.4.2022 19:45I don't know why my "next chapter" links seem to be jumping straight to Chapter 24. Pretty sure I didn't manually change...We got a call back from the vet today with results on Boomer's (dog) liver biopsy.
Long story short, he's either got chronic hepatitis from a previous infection or he's got an autoimmune issue. Not reversible, but definitely treatable, and it's chronic but doesn't appear to be acute. There's no test to say which thing for certain, but we can try treating and see how he responds.
Overall we're happy to have some idea of what's going on and relieved to have options to help him. We β€ our Boom.
28.4.2022 18:08We got a call back from the vet today with results on Boomer's (dog) liver biopsy.Long story short, he's either got chronic...@Mayana Please add me to Animals, Art, Blogging, Cats, Chronic & Invisible Illness, Dogs, Everyday Life, Writing. #Trunk
28.4.2022 16:50@Mayana Please add me to Animals, Art, Blogging, Cats, Chronic & Invisible Illness, Dogs, Everyday Life, Writing. #TrunkContent warning:Suicide (talked about but not described)
My ex-MIL died by suicide. In Chapter 3 I talk about it because it continues painting a picture of the dysfunctional abyss I'd surrounded myself in. I don't get into gory details, but if you've been there, you don't need details to start spiraling.
This is more about how we dealt with her death than about how she died.
Still, this chapter might not be for you.
28.4.2022 16:11Content warning:Suicide (talked about but not described)My ex-MIL died by suicide. In Chapter 3 I talk about it because it continues...It's been a few years, but I turned email notifications on for my blog comments. Maybe this will help me respond at an acceptable pace?
Another thing I'm pondering is starting a more newsletter-style subscription option highlighting my content from across multiple sources (blog, social, YouTube, etc) instead of just an RSS of my blog posts.
I am connected to MailChimp at the moment, but not married to it.
If you're happy with whatever you've got going on and want to share, I'm all ears!
28.4.2022 15:48It's been a few years, but I turned email notifications on for my blog comments. Maybe this will help me respond at an acceptable...Next. Chapter 2. I will always regret that I didn't try to see her in concert at another time. I think my concert days are behind me now. Just no desire to be made that physically uncomfortable.
28.4.2022 09:01Next. Chapter 2. I will always regret that I didn't try to see her in concert at another time. I think my concert days are behind me...Doing the (almost 4 a.m.) wake up thingy. Pretty sure there's some instant oatmeal in my near future. Something about it soothes my rumbling stomach back to sleep.
Take that, prednisone! I am not so easily defeated.
Things on my to-do list today:
*clean bathroom
*tidy bedroom
*tidy kitchen
I'm writing them down for later when I'm scrolling endlessly and trying to remember I actually had an agenda.
#ChronicIllness #NEISvoid #cancer
28.4.2022 08:56Doing the (almost 4 a.m.) wake up thingy. Pretty sure there's some instant oatmeal in my near future. Something about it soothes my...Content warning:Food // Prednisone
Dan: Going to bed now.
Me: OK. Hey, listen, would you be mad if I ate the rest of that pie while you're sleeping?
Dan: Surprised, yeah. But not mad.
Me, 30 minutes later: *burp*
Eating half a pie before bed isn't normal, but on prednisone it is.
28.4.2022 03:45Content warning:Food // PrednisoneDan: Going to bed now.Me: OK. Hey, listen, would you be mad if I ate the rest of that pie while you're...I always feel like I should explain that this chapter is not flippantly titled. Probably because too many thoughtless assholes use the word as a standalone joke.
28.4.2022 03:01I always feel like I should explain that this chapter is not flippantly titled. Probably because too many thoughtless assholes use the word...