Driven by Christian values, we tackle poverty, prevent blindness, improve health and change the lives of disabled people
UKrestu Ophilayo: Ubungqina BabaPostile…
Healing prayer is perhaps best summarized in the phrase: “Christian healing is Jesus Christ meeting a person at his/her point of greatest need.” Jesus does the healing, not us…
There is widespread evidence showing that “today, Christians constitute by far the most widely persecuted religion.” Finding once again that Christianity is the most persecuted religion of all…
Izimfundiso ZeBhayibheli
IBhayibheli linikeza iseluleko esingcono kunazo zonke emibuzweni enzima kakhulu ngokuphila. Ukuba usizo kwalo kuye kwabonakala phakathi neminyaka eminingi. Kule ngxenye, uzothola ukuthi iBhayibheli liwusizo kanjani.—2 Thimothewu 3:16, 17…
Betel UK is an independent Christian charity for men, women and families affected by drug and alcohol addiction and homelessness. Through work, well-being and worship, we restore broken lives
Prayer lies at the heart of Christian belief and practice. Christ himself prayed many times and throughout the Bible we find many people engaged in the practice of prayer…
Canales Cristianos en VIVO sin costo alguno. 24 horas del dia Ebenezer Almavision y muchos mas
Converted to Christianity, making the decision to follow Jesus. Lenci is now a Ph.D. student at the University of Edinburgh in textual criticism. His goal is to be able to answer Muslim objections to Christian faith—particularly that the text of the bible has been hopelessly corrupted over the centuries of copying the bible…