As well as various scribblings in notebooks I've kept a detailed digital journal for the past ten years.
Of course, I wish I had started earlier with that. But it's like planting a tree. The best time to start a journal was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. 😀
(I use simple txt files - one for each month. And, currently I put them all together in Obsidian. Works really well now and hopefully future-proofed to some extent.)
2.2.2024 19:34As well as various scribblings in notebooks I've kept a detailed digital journal for the past ten years.Of course, I wish I had started...Absolutely loved this Substack post from Anna Codrea-Rado. I have notebooks in most of these categories. 😀
'No. 13 The blanks' made me feel better, and a fraction less guilty, about all the empty notebooks that I own.
Sadly no teen diaries - I do go back about 21-22 years though with my notebooks, starting with a series of small black moleskines.
2.2.2024 19:31Absolutely loved this Substack post from Anna Codrea-Rado. I have notebooks in most of these categories. 😀 'No. 13 The blanks'...A new post on my 1 in 12 Substack this evening - some everyday colourblind problems. This week it was the Traitors (those pesky red/green pouches) and red-green LEDs on my Kindle.
Can you tell the LED colours apart? I can't.
#colourblind #colorblind #colourvisiondeficiency
28.1.2024 19:15A new post on my 1 in 12 Substack this evening - some everyday colourblind problems. This week it was the Traitors (those pesky red/green...Is Boris Johnson colourblind? My new Substack post - musing on the problems of graphs and accessibility for those of us who don't see quite as many colours.
The media was more interested in highlighting Johnson's apparent halfwittery when it came to reading graphs. Fair enough. <add shooting fish in barrel gif here>
But, I do find it amazingly common to see graphs that are pretty much unreadable for me.
#1in12 #1in200 #colourblind #colourvisiondeficient
24.1.2024 17:04Is Boris Johnson colourblind? My new Substack post - musing on the problems of graphs and accessibility for those of us who don't see...Out on the fells today. I have no photos as I couldn’t feel my hands. But it feels important to mention days (most of them!) that aren’t Insta perfect.
It was filthy. Rain. Wind. Atrocious underfoot: from slush to hard ice. I teetered around and every single stitch of clothing on me was wet. I was able to wring out my gloves. Even the sprockers were like: “Really?”
Still I know I am lucky to be able to get out - even if it was a wee bit more type 2 fun. 😀
#running #fellrunning #cumbria
20.1.2024 17:50Out on the fells today. I have no photos as I couldn’t feel my hands. But it feels important to mention days (most of them!) that aren’t...I’ll write more on this in the future but I think it's important to flag now to people who are colourblind - when it comes to blood in wee or blood in poo you can't trust your senses.
If in doubt there are tests that can do it. Don't be shy about telling your healthcare professional and get it checked.
#colourblind #colourvisiondeficiency
17.1.2024 21:16I’ll write more on this in the future but I think it's important to flag now to people who are colourblind - when it comes to blood in...Here's a short post I wrote on colourblindness and bladder cancer. We need to know more about the potential for people who are colourblind to present late with some cancers.
👉 2009 paper in NW England
👉 Small study of 200 patients presenting with bladder cancer
👉 Colourblind x3 as likely to have advanced bladder cancer
👉 Known that colourblind can't detect blood in bodily fluids as easily
Here are some quick snaps from Winder in the #Howgills in the Yorkshire Dales this morning.
My two sprockers were loving the snow, tumbling around each other, and loving life. The fell ponies are currently dotted all over the southern slopes of Winder looking over Sedbergh.
#yorkshiredalesnationalpark #fellrunning #running #dogsofmastodon
17.1.2024 19:33Here are some quick snaps from Winder in the #Howgills in the Yorkshire Dales this morning. My two sprockers were loving the snow, tumbling...I’ve decided to start a Substack about colour blindness - colour vision deficiency. It affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. Lots of areas to tackle 😀
Finding people who are colourblind is not always easy so any reposts/sharing would be massively appreciated. Thanks!
#colourblind #colourvisiondeficiency
#1in12 #1in200
10.1.2024 21:09I’ve decided to start a Substack about colour blindness - colour vision deficiency. It affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. Lots of...This has been improving in recent years - and the FA has guidance on it. I understand the iconic nature of the colours involved in a Tyne-Wear derby - black/white stripes vs red/whites stripes - but this is a really poor decision today.
#FACup #colourblind #colourvisiondeficiency #1in12
6.1.2024 13:14This has been improving in recent years - and the FA has guidance on it. I understand the iconic nature of the colours involved in a...Currently watching huge #FACup game today - Sunderland vs Newcastle. I am #colourblind - the only way I can tell the difference between the two teams is by looking at shorts/socks. It is horrible and almost unwatchable. What are they thinking?
#colourvisiondeficiency #1in12
6.1.2024 13:05Currently watching huge #FACup game today - Sunderland vs Newcastle. I am #colourblind - the only way I can tell the difference between the...I've just tidied up my December reading list - 11 books total. Book of the month has to be Fire Weather by John Vaillant - brutal but brilliant. And not tricky to see how it won the 2023 Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction.
3.1.2024 18:54I've just tidied up my December reading list - 11 books total. Book of the month has to be Fire Weather by John Vaillant - brutal but...Ignore - testing webmentions
Please ignore. Trying to wrestle webmentions into shape on my site.
22.12.2023 13:25Ignore - testing webmentionsPlease ignore. Trying to wrestle webmentions into shape on my site.December 2023 reading list - in progress
19.12.2023 18:47December 2023 reading list - in progress thought I had a decent handle on the problems with Big Tech - been thoroughly schooled by @pluralistic and his book, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation. (Link to Verso Books below.)
It’s been added to my Read Again list. Brilliant.
23.9.2023 18:05I thought I had a decent handle on the problems with Big Tech - been thoroughly schooled by @pluralistic and his book, The Internet Con: How...@lennym I know you are on the look out for multi-day stage races… you seen this? No camping, so works out pricey, but all logistics included as far as I can see.
23.9.2023 17:53@lennym I know you are on the look out for multi-day stage races… you seen this? No camping, so works out pricey, but all logistics...Another post on the #CapeWrathUltra - some thoughts on the gradients/terrain and I do some speculating on the first three days.
#CWU #ultrarunning #Ultra #running
15.5.2023 19:27Another post on the #CapeWrathUltra - some thoughts on the gradients/terrain and I do some speculating on the first three days....You can tell it is getting close and I am getting more nervy. 😂
Another post on my training in the lead up to the #CapeWrathUltra
#ultrarunning #CWU #running #Howgills
15.5.2023 16:28You can tell it is getting close and I am getting more nervy. 😂 Another post on my training in the lead up to the #CapeWrathUltra...There is just a week to go now until the #CapeWrathUltra kicks off and I am well into the tapering phase...
Some reflections on that here:
#running #fellrunning #ultra #ultrarunning #CWU
14.5.2023 17:00There is just a week to go now until the #CapeWrathUltra kicks off and I am well into the tapering phase...Some reflections on that here:...Today's post with a weekly training update - lovely run today but I nearly got run down by a quad bike which was not quite so ideal at all. 😂
#ultra #ultrarunning #running #CapeWrathUltra
7.5.2023 20:41Today's post with a weekly training update - lovely run today but I nearly got run down by a quad bike which was not quite so ideal at...