If you don't want your software to be used on #Fedora #Debian #openSUSE or even on #ArchLinux, DON'T OPEN SOURCE IT, otherwise keep silent. Don't pretend is foss just to have contributions from the broad foss community. At the core of foss philosophy is the idea of reciprocal giving-taking.
20.12.2024 07:49If you don't want your software to be used on #Fedora #Debian #openSUSE or even on #ArchLinux, DON'T OPEN SOURCE IT, otherwise keep...Xfce 4.20 released
15.12.2024 17:42Xfce 4.20 releasedhttps://alexxcons.github.io/blogpost_14.htmlLoops será lançado em 5 minutos.
21.10.2024 02:54Loops será lançado em 5 minutos.The era of artificial intelligence has already begun in full force, and in the operating system communities based on Linux there is still debate about which is the best package manager, which is the best distribution. Standards and standards are being defined by others and when the #Linux community wakes up it will be reactive.
12.6.2024 04:17The era of artificial intelligence has already begun in full force, and in the operating system communities based on Linux there is still...#libadwaita without adwaita patch working on #GNOME #Debian Stable. Theming should be easy.
19.12.2023 01:21#libadwaita without adwaita patch working on #GNOME #Debian Stable. Theming should be easy.I miss #libhandy-based apps so bad. Theming was easy, apps were modern-look and convergent, just like #libadwaita. I wouldn't mind if gtk-based DE like #Xfce picked the #libhandy project as it's primary building-block (replacing libxfceui).
16.12.2023 08:47I miss #libhandy-based apps so bad. Theming was easy, apps were modern-look and convergent, just like #libadwaita. I wouldn't mind if...