The US have deployed two B52H bombers to the Middle East. Their configuration / payload has not been detailed but each B52H bomber can carry up to 20 AGM-86B cruise missiles with up to 150kt each and 8 B83 gravity bombs with 1.2Mt each providing a total nuclear firepower of up to 25.2Mt.
Let's play Wargames and ask WOPR to calculate what the US could do with that kind of nuclear firepower:
17.2.2025 21:46The US have deployed two B52H bombers to the Middle East. Their configuration / payload has not been detailed but each B52H bomber can carry...With great sadness I have to announce that Dr. Mustafa Elmasri @Gaza_Psych has passed away. May Allah grant him the highest ranks in heaven. 💔😭🇵🇸
25.1.2025 17:27With great sadness I have to announce that Dr. Mustafa Elmasri @Gaza_Psych has passed away. May Allah grant him the highest ranks in heaven....This is not a parody account or a faked image, this is a war criminal defending a billionaire.
23.1.2025 13:01This is not a parody account or a faked image, this is a war criminal defending a billionaire.Bring them home! #BringThemHome
23.1.2025 07:05Bring them home! #BringThemHomeA thief who kills the owner is still a thief - and a murderer. #FreePalestine
23.1.2025 07:00A thief who kills the owner is still a thief - and a murderer. #FreePalestineAsking Israel to investigate it's own war crimes is like asking any other criminal to investigate it's own crimes: Pointless.
I am waiting for these accomplices in the crime of Genocide to be arrested... #LawAndOrder
Mark my words: The attack on Gaza ain't over yet. It's gonna last until March 2027.
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months.
-- Revelation 13:5
The international community has failed, civilization has failed, humanity has failed. It failed to protect the people in Gaza from the vicious onslaught of the vilest savages who ever walked this planet. This failure will forever remain as bloody stain on the consciousness of humanity.
15.1.2025 12:05The international community has failed, civilization has failed, humanity has failed. It failed to protect the people in Gaza from the...The US guaranteeing for Israel is like a dog guaranteeing for it's owner.
شاهد الله يراقب بيقظة الهجوم على مخيم القديسين، على الشعب الذي يحبه، ولكن بالنسبة له، الذي رأى 13.7 مليار سنة، 15 شهرًا ليس إلا طرفة عين. لو كان الله يعاقب الناس فورًا على ما اقترفوا من ظلم، ما ترك على الأرض كائنًا حيًا واحدًا. ولكنه يؤخرهم إلى أجل مسمى. ومتى حان أجلهم، لا يمكنهم تأخيره بلحظة، ولا يمكنهم تقديمه.
11.1.2025 03:48شاهد الله يراقب بيقظة الهجوم على مخيم القديسين، على الشعب الذي يحبه، ولكن...As-Shaheed has been vigilantly observing the attack on the camp of the saints, those He loves deeply. With a perspective spanning 13.7 billion years, a mere 15 months seems insignificant to Him. As stated in the Quran, if Allah were to punish people immediately for their transgressions, no life would remain on earth. Instead, He grants them respite until a predetermined time, ensuring that when judgment arrives, it is inevitable and precise, neither delayed nor hastened.
11.1.2025 03:44As-Shaheed has been vigilantly observing the attack on the camp of the saints, those He loves deeply. With a perspective spanning 13.7...Please read and share!
#FreePalestine #Gaza #Genocide
You can silence the messenger but the truth will continue to echo
#Meme #FreePalestine
When Allah decrees that someone should die in a certain land, He gives him a reason for going there. #Quran #Hadith
9.1.2025 06:41When Allah decrees that someone should die in a certain land, He gives him a reason for going there. #Quran #HadithMay all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. #LokahSamasta #Meme
9.1.2025 06:38May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness...Can you please take a look at and tell me what you think?
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Yosef Weitz
#Zionism #FreePalestine
Menachem Begin
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