Isabelle Keller-Privat & Anne Zahlan's *Heresy and Heterotopia in Works by Lawrence Durrell* is now out!
*Heresy and Heterotopia* gathers new essays by international scholars who examine heretical concepts and heterotopian counter-spaces in Durrell's thought and writing. The contributors approach Durrell's texts from a variety of perspectives, philosophical and intertextual, architectural and historical, mystical and digital.
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#modernism #books #bookstodon #durrell #literature
18.2.2025 20:26Isabelle Keller-Privat & Anne Zahlan's *Heresy and Heterotopia in Works by Lawrence Durrell* is now...Vincenzo Tomeo's *The Judge on the Screen: A Translation and Critical Edition* is now out, edited and translated by Peter Robson with Vincenzo Ferrari and Ferdinando Spina
Tomeo’s pioneering research in the 1960s and 1970s drew attention to the importance of popular culture in our understanding of the operation of the justice system. He was the first to recognize that how laws are interpreted and put into effect depends heavily on how the public understand them. This classic work now appears for the first time in an English translation with additional supporting materials.
28.12.2024 21:24Vincenzo Tomeo's *The Judge on the Screen: A Translation and Critical Edition* is now out, edited and translated by Peter Robson with...Sabrina Vellucci's book *Italian American Poetics of Place: An Environmental Perspective* is now out!
This volume examines the significance of place in contemporary Italian American literature from an ecocritical perspective. From mid-twentieth-century poets such as John Ciardi and Diane di Prima to late twentieth- and twenty-first-century fiction writers such as Carole Maso and Salvatore Scibona, the study combines Italian American literary criticism with the spatial turn that, over the last decades, has asserted the interpretive significance of place and the environment in literary texts.
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12.12.2024 17:14Sabrina Vellucci's book *Italian American Poetics of Place: An Environmental Perspective* is now out!This volume examines the...Amrita Ghosh, Rohit K. Dasgupta, and Bhakti Shringarpure's book *India's Imperial Formations: Cultural Perspectives* is now out!
They explore how empire building occurs and consolidates through the Indian and diasporic cultural landscape where a collusion with whiteness, Hindu fundamentalism, casteism, and religious and racial bigotry are rampant, and create hegemonic imaginaries of an India that denies a democratic space of multiple Indias to coexist together.
This book argues that Indian culture industries are a crucial site to investigate constructions of Islamophobia, casteism, sinophobia, sexism, colorism and anti-Blackness.
This polemical book is written by three scholars of culture, gender and postcolonial studies providing an accessible yet rigorous study of these issues.
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25.11.2024 22:07Amrita Ghosh, Rohit K. Dasgupta, and Bhakti Shringarpure's book *India's Imperial Formations: Cultural Perspectives* is now out!They...You can use the code "24JOYSALE" for 35% off all in stock in-stock print titles and eBooks
25.11.2024 22:00You can use the code "24JOYSALE" for 35% off all in stock in-stock print titles and eBooksNew Books from FDU Press!
21.11.2024 04:01New Books from FDU Press! by Dr. Gerry Philipsen, the originator of speech codes theory, and Dr. Tabitha Hart, *Contending with Codes in a World of Difference: Transforming a Theory of Human Communication* offers theoretical and methodological guidance for researchers and practical insight for students, practitioners, and laypeople.
Adding to 30 years of cultural communication research, this ground-breaking volume presents readers with a new set of original, fieldwork-based case studies that examine speech codes in on- and offline settings around the world. Most importantly, *Contending with Codes in a World of Difference* culminates with a newly updated, expanded, and re-energized version of speech codes theory, well-suited to the contemporary study of communication and culture.
21.11.2024 03:59Co-edited by Dr. Gerry Philipsen, the originator of speech codes theory, and Dr. Tabitha Hart, *Contending with Codes in a World of...You can watch the author Dennis Wilson Wise interviewed in this excellent PBS documentary about the revolutionary #fantasy and #sciencefiction editor Judy-Lynn del Rey:
16.11.2024 00:55You can watch the author Dennis Wilson Wise interviewed in this excellent PBS documentary about the revolutionary #fantasy and...If a literary movement arises but no one notices, is it still a movement?
Over the last ten decades, #poets working in #fantasy, #sciencefiction, and #horror have collectively brought forth a revival in alliterative #poetics akin to what once happened in the mid-14th century.
This anthology collects for the first time over 50 speculative poets from across North America and Europe.
Alongside such established names as C. S. Lewis, Patrick Rothfuss, Edwin Morgan, Poul Anderson, Jo Walton, P.K. Page, and W.H. Auden, this anthology includes representative texts from cultural movements such as contemporary neo-Paganism and the Society for Creative Anachronism. A lengthy critical introduction by the editor—written accessibly for a general audience—explains and contextualizes the Modern Revival for critics and readers alike.
#poetry #poems #universitypress #universitypresses #publishing #books
15.11.2024 23:40If a literary movement arises but no one notices, is it still a movement? Over the last ten decades, #poets working in #fantasy,...“What interests me in poetry is the interplay of language, the page, and silence. Heaven falls out of words because possibility is in the page, another kind of heaven; I wonder if that’s the only heaven we are given to know in life.” -- Edward Dickinson (Ted) Blodgett
E.D. Blodgett’s final volume of #poems *Walking Into God*, is the culmination of the poet’s lifelong devotion to a #poetry and poetics of the sacred. His mastery of craft, including cadence and sustained musicality, is unsurpassed in #Canadian literature. Though this volume is divided into two parts (or sequences), these compressed poems present as a single long poem that explores the processes of walking, moving, changing, and evolving within a unified field.
This is the first volume in the Keyishian Poetry Series.
#universitypress #universitypresses #publishing #books
15.11.2024 06:04“What interests me in poetry is the interplay of language, the page, and silence. Heaven falls out of words because possibility is in the...Time for an #introduction! Fairleigh Dickinson University Press left social media dormant for a spell, and now it's time to think about how best to be public and promote our #authors This feels like the right time and place.
With editorial offices in #Vancouver, British Columbia, FDUP publishes #scholarly #books for the academic market. Since our establishment in 1967 in Madison, New Jersey, we have published well over 1,500 titles in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.
It seems hopeful that #Mastodon and the Knowledge Commons instance are the right place to engage meaningfully with scholarly authors and readers.
We'll post about our recent titles and will share other posts about #universitypress #universitypresses #academic #scholarlypublishing #academicpublishing and related topics.
15.11.2024 05:33Time for an #introduction! Fairleigh Dickinson University Press left social media dormant for a spell, and now it's time to think about...just setting up my mstdn.
15.11.2024 00:55just setting up my mstdn.