Zustand des deutschen #Journalismus 2023: Fast überall werden die Ergebnisse der #BerlinWahl2023 mit denen der für ungültig erklärten Wahl von 2021 verglichen, deren Ergebnisse ja komplett irrelevant sind, sonst wäre sie ja nicht ungültig. Anstatt mit 2016 zu vergleichen (zB Grün +3,2 / AfD -5,1).
#Berlin #BerlinWahl #JournalismusInDerKrise
13.2.2023 18:09Zustand des deutschen #Journalismus 2023: Fast überall werden die Ergebnisse der #BerlinWahl2023 mit denen der für ungültig erklärten...We got this beautiful #Hippeastrum #Amaryllis plant from our neighbors for Christmas, and it's in full bloom now. Reminds me a bit of S05E06 of #StarTrekTNG (The game) 😅
I hope it will survive as it seems a bit complicated to care for as far as I read, but I'm optimistic ☺️
In the background there is some unrelated #StarWars and #Mandalorian stuff 🫣
#StarTrek #tng #scifi #nerdContent #flowerPhotography
11.1.2023 17:12We got this beautiful #Hippeastrum #Amaryllis plant from our neighbors for Christmas, and it's in full bloom now. Reminds me a bit of...Just noticed that my heat pump tumble dryer sounds like the engine room in #StarTrek 😱😅😍
30.12.2022 22:09Just noticed that my heat pump tumble dryer sounds like the engine room in #StarTrek 😱😅😍Ist das ein offizieller Account?
Oh well, ... back to work and let #SteamDeck load 😅
2.12.2022 12:52Oh well, ... back to work and let #SteamDeck load 😅Good thing #BlackFriday brought me this at 75€ only 😅
2.12.2022 12:30Good thing #BlackFriday brought me this at 75€ only 😅#SteamDeckI love that smell of new hardware 😍
2.12.2022 12:26I love that smell of new hardware 😍#nerd #SteamDeck🥳🥳🥳
2.12.2022 12:19🥳🥳🥳#SteamDeckJust ordered high quality prints of these excellent photos from #NASAWebb @spacetelescope website that were published to the public domain ❤️
Earthrise from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (#LRO)
A perfect complement to the photos of the #CarinaNebula and the #moon that are already making my walls so beautiful to look at and marvel at the #universe 🤩
Hooray to #science 🤓 and #PublicDomain copyright rules 🥳
30.11.2022 22:23Just ordered high quality prints of these excellent photos from #NASAWebb @spacetelescope website that were published to the public domain...Perks of having a real mobile flat 😅
But I am a heavy user at home too as it seems 🙈
29.11.2022 21:57Perks of having a real mobile flat 😅But I am a heavy user at home too as it seems 🙈Neurone in der Petrischale lernen Pong spielen
"Eine Zellkultur, die ein Computerspiel bedienen kann? Forscher konnten Neuronen in einem Experiment beibringen, die Balken des Videogames »Pong« zu steuern."
#pong #retroGaming #science #gaming #pong #neuroscience #forschung #research
27.11.2022 13:20Neurone in der Petrischale lernen Pong spielen"Eine Zellkultur, die ein Computerspiel bedienen kann? Forscher konnten Neuronen in einem...#SteamDeck ordered ✔️
Let's see when it arrives and if it's really as cool as the reviews say :)
27.11.2022 12:44#SteamDeck ordered ✔️Let's see when it arrives and if it's really as cool as the reviews say :)#gaming #nerd #steamMeta Twitter Musk Spam
I think I need to change my filter from hide to remove... Getting a bit out of hand here, no? 🤔
22.11.2022 17:56Meta Twitter Musk SpamI think I need to change my filter from hide to remove... Getting a bit out of hand here, no? 🤔Had to switch the #pixelfed server, as the one I initially created my pixelfed account on tolerated hate speech against #gays, which has nothing to do with free speech!
So please follow my new account @Fenriz@pixelfed.de if you'd like to follow my photo stream. Thanks. :)
Edit: the abusive server was *not* pixelfed.social, but some quite small European instance. Just to avoid any confusion here.
21.11.2022 22:46Had to switch the #pixelfed server, as the one I initially created my pixelfed account on tolerated hate speech against #gays, which has...I'll unfollow everyone posting unconfirmed horror #news, especially if without any CW. Please go back to T. and do it there. People like it there. So long and thanks for all the fish. 👋
15.11.2022 22:18I'll unfollow everyone posting unconfirmed horror #news, especially if without any CW. Please go back to T. and do it there. People like...My current #boardgames #collection (missing two #starwars games that are somewhere else together with my Star Wars collection 😅) #collector #nerdStuff #brettspiele #boardgame #boardgames
13.11.2022 22:10My current #boardgames #collection (missing two #starwars games that are somewhere else together with my Star Wars collection 😅)...See you next year 👋🪶
#zugvögel #migratoryBirds #autumn
13.11.2022 19:08See you next year 👋🪶#zugvögel #migratoryBirds #autumnA beautiful landscape in autumn with some hills, fields, a forest, grapevines and a small village in the valley below. The sun is up but low at first and in the later images there is a nice sunset with strong orange and red colors.
#Abendspaziergang #nature #walking #hiking #autumn #goldenHour #photography #fediPics #fediPix #naturePhotography
13.11.2022 19:05A beautiful landscape in autumn with some hills, fields, a forest, grapevines and a small village in the valley below. The sun is up but low...🥰
#retro #retroGaming #atari #atari2600 #switch #nintendo #nerdStuff #atari50
12.11.2022 19:16🥰#retro #retroGaming #atari #atari2600 #switch #nintendo #nerdStuff #atari50