I will soon move this account to @Fiona@blahaj.zone.
The trigger for this decision is the decision of the mods on tech.lgbt to defederate from woem.men (https://tech.lgbt/@mods/113817324965120361) for reasons that I find neither particularly convincing, nor particularly proportional… What I end up seeing here is a defederation from a major transfem instance and I really don't like that!
There is another big reason though: Over the time I’ve used it with my alt account, I really came to like Sharkey over Mastodon how it is configured here: I like being able to write LONG posts without a 1000 character limit. I like using emoji reactions. I like seeing them.
Feel free to already follow my new account, just in case something goes wrong with migration, though there aren’t a lot of posts on it yet.
I will give the mods a chance to reconsider their decision until they actually enact it, because there are still a lot of memories here, this was kinda where my transition began after all, but it looks like this is going to be farewell… 😢
13.1.2025 15:41I will soon move this account to @Fiona@blahaj.zone.The trigger for this decision is the decision of the mods on tech.lgbt to defederate...If the Zuck is so afraid of Pixelfed that he has to ban mentions of it on evilgram, than I will of course do my part and setup an account there: @Fiona@pixelfed.de
Not sure how much I will actually end up using it, because I guess I would just post my images here (or on blahaj.zone if I move there), but maybe it’ll grow on me.
13.1.2025 13:56If the Zuck is so afraid of Pixelfed that he has to ban mentions of it on evilgram, than I will of course do my part and setup an account...Content warning:lukewarm take on transphobes
I think the right to life for TERFs and nazis (but I’m repeating myself) should be made into a major subject of political debate.
13.1.2025 12:40Content warning:lukewarm take on transphobesI think the right to life for TERFs and nazis (but I’m repeating myself) should be made into a...Because I had a dream this night (yes, for real!), where someone managed to attack the mobile phone network in such a way that calling the emergency number ended up with their own fake call-center instead of real emergency service, so that they could prevent the fire-brigade from being sent to the right place (yes it was a WTF-dream):
How hard would it be to do that in reality? I know that there is a lot of stuff in place to ensure that these numbers always work, but could some of that also be used for an attack? If I set up my own mobile cell, could I control where emergency calls go? And how hard would that be?
In practice this would probably be less about the fire brigade and more about the police, but why has this not been used majorly by organized crime? Or has it?
13.1.2025 09:57Because I had a dream this night (yes, for real!), where someone managed to attack the mobile phone network in such a way that calling the...(Please boost for visibility) Because this still isn’t common knowledge and might help some people trying to get out of their country, most notably, but not limited to, the US:
If you or an ancestor of you lost German citizenship as a consequence of Nazi having been Nazis (details matter though), you are entitled to get it back: Art 116, paragraph 2 of the basic law: (https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_gg/englisch_gg.html#p0730)
Former German citizens who, between 30 January 1933 and 8 May 1945, were deprived of their citizenship on political, racial or religious grounds and their descendants shall, on application, have their citizenship restored. They shall be deemed never to have been deprived of their citizenship if they have established their domicile in Germany after 8 May 1945 and have not expressed a contrary intention.
This is a no-questions-asked policy. Even if you don’t want to live in Germany (and there are good reasons not to want to), this is still an EU-citizenship, so you can live anywhere in Europe afterwards.
10.1.2025 20:12(Please boost for visibility) Because this still isn’t common knowledge and might help some people trying to get out of their country,...Content warning:official transition creating situations that are kinda temporary forced feminization
An interesting effect about official T-blocker injections that last for 12 weeks is that this is also the duration during which you CANNOT decide that you don’t like it and just go back. The only sex-hormone that is available to you during that time is Estrogen. Since having no sex-hormone supposedly REALLY sucks, you kinda put yourself into a situation where you HAVE to take feminizing hormones, because the medical system has ensured that you will be punished severely if you don’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I really like it, but there is a certain “forced feminization” dynamic to it.
Anyways, I still love that I won’t be able to have T in my body for the next 12 weeks, even if I wanted to. 😊
10.1.2025 18:08Content warning:official transition creating situations that are kinda temporary forced feminizationAn interesting effect about official...Content warning:Shitpost
For medical reasons my father used to only drink decaffeinated coffee. In our family we referred to it as “castrated” coffee.
Now I am (chemically) castrated with plans to escalate it to surgical castration.
10.1.2025 17:13Content warning:ShitpostFor medical reasons my father used to only drink decaffeinated coffee. In our family we referred to it as...And now my name is officially changed in the Netherlands as well, meaning that it (and my gender) have now been updated in the “Basisregistratie Personen” (BRP), from which a lot of places, very notably almost everyone in the healthcare system is pulling their data. 😊
It will still take a while before it is updated with all my care providers (upto 24h), but this is now actually a thing! 😊
#transjoy #transition #legalTransition
8.1.2025 15:59And now my name is officially changed in the Netherlands as well, meaning that it (and my gender) have now been updated in the...Oversleeping: Done
Today’s Laser: Done
Laser: Done 😊
2nd Triptorelin Injection: Done
Updating my name and gender in the Dutch database: Coming soon in ≈1h!
8.1.2025 13:29Oversleeping: DoneToday’s Laser: DoneLaser: Done 😊2nd Triptorelin Injection: DoneUpdating my name and gender in the Dutch database:...So it’s almost been 12 weeks since I got my last triptorelin shot (next one is tomorrow and the day after that will be the 12 week point) and I was having severe issues with temperature while sleeping last night and just don’t feel good at all.
Either I had a fever from the cold that I clearly have, or these are hot flashes caused by T no longer being properly suppressed. Most likely it’s the former, but I now took 12.5mg cypro just in case. Bridging gaps is why I have it after all.
#HRT #medicaltransition #OfficialHRT #OpenHRT #diyhrt
7.1.2025 14:34So it’s almost been 12 weeks since I got my last triptorelin shot (next one is tomorrow and the day after that will be the 12 week point)...Wir haben also abschließend gesichert, dass der Angeklagte aus juristischer Sicht klar UNSCHULDIG ist, wissen aber aus dem Kontext dass er tatsächlich fast sicher SCHULDIG ist. Und in diesem Kontext veröffentlichen wir seinen Namen…
Sorry, das geht einfach nicht.
Juristisch unschuldig muss in einem Rechtsstaat auch tatsächlich wie unschuldig behandelt werden, auch wenn wir „wissen“, dass die Person es definitiv war und es um maximal widerwärtige Taten wie im fraglichen Fall geht!
Mit anderen Worten: Ich finde hier, dass die Namensnennung des Angeklagten fast ein schlimmerer Grundrechtseingriff ist, als die als verfassungswidrig eingestuften Wiederaufnahmeregelung!
Und ja: Auch Täter haben ein Recht auf Anonymität! Ihre Namen zu veröffentlichen dient in aller Regel keinem legitimen Zweck einer Strafe und kann darüber hinaus die Resozialisierung verhindern, die der primäre Zweck einer rechtsstaatlichen Strafe ist!
7.1.2025 01:01Wir haben also abschließend gesichert, dass der Angeklagte aus juristischer Sicht klar UNSCHULDIG ist, wissen aber aus dem Kontext dass er...Mit anderen Worten: Es besteht praktisch kein Zweifel, dass er es tatsächlich auch war. ABER: Er wurde halt schon mal rechtsfehlerfrei frei gesprochen und damit war die Sache halt dann auch erstmal gegessen.
Durch die Änderung der Strafprozessordnung um in solchen Fällen wieder Anklagen möglich wurden, hat die Staatsanwaltschaft das dann auch in die Wege geleitet und U-Haft beantragt, die letztlich auch bewilligt wurde.
Dagegen hat der Angeklagte Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen die U-Haft und die Gesetzesänderung eingereicht, die letztlich auch bestätigt wurde. (Alle Richter waren sich einig, dass das Gesetz so ungültig war, weil es gegen das Rückwirkungsverbot verstößt, und die Mehrheit hielt solche Gesetze sogar ganz allgemein für unzulässig. Persönlich finde ich die Begründung der Minderheit überzeugender.)
7.1.2025 00:49Mit anderen Worten: Es besteht praktisch kein Zweifel, dass er es tatsächlich auch war. ABER: Er wurde halt schon mal rechtsfehlerfrei frei...Ich habe mir heute Teile der Urteilsverkündung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Thema Wiederaufnahme von Strafverfahren angesehen. Inhaltlich nicht wirklich was neues (ich habe damals das Urteil gelesen), aber eine Sache war SEHR fragwürdig: Die Aufnahme in voller Länge die Phoenix da ins Netz gestellt hat ist nicht in Bezug auf den Namen des Beschwerdeführers zensiert. Ich halte das für mindestens sehr problematisch:
Auch in Reaktion auf den NSU-Prozess wurde damals das Gesetz über die Erweiterung der Medienöffentlichkeit in Gerichtsverfahren (EMöGG) erlassen, dass in bestimmten Fällen das Filmen der Urteilsbegründungen erlaubt, etwa bei Urteilen des BVerG, die ja in der Regel mehr Fokus auf die Rechtslage als auf einen konkreten Fall legen.
Die Sache ist nun natürlich die: Die erneute Anklage um die es hier ging war in etwa so eindeutig, wie es nur geht, weil es die erste war (niemand fängt mit den grenzwertigen Fällen an) und der Angeklagte sogar schon im Zivilrecht für schuldig befunden wurde…
7.1.2025 00:41Ich habe mir heute Teile der Urteilsverkündung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Thema Wiederaufnahme von Strafverfahren angesehen....The latest #Perun video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxW-8uONXhI) really started with another one of his bangers:
“And so we’ve seen who can probably claim to have emerged from 2024 as geopolitical winners…
[Picture of Erdogan]
And those whose greatest claims of strategic success is probably that they avoided a Mussolini style relationship with local lighting infrastructure.
[Picture of Assad]”
6.1.2025 11:32The latest #Perun video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxW-8uONXhI) really started with another one of his bangers:“And so we’ve seen...Content warning:re: Effects of different Testosterone-blockers on sexuality (medical, but explicit)
When I compare this with what they say that #bicalutamide, namely that it tends to do a better job at preserving penile function (for those who want that or maybe also for those concerned with atrophy in the context of loss of material for bottom surgery), there clearly are differences between blockers.
I’m kinda curious what else is there and how for example mono-therapy and spiro compare (the later except for the permanent need to run to the toilet).
Anyone similar/different/further experiences?
6.1.2025 01:23Content warning:re: Effects of different Testosterone-blockers on sexuality (medical, but explicit)When I compare this with what they say...Content warning:Effects of different Testosterone-blockers on sexuality (medical, but explicit)
When I was still on #OpenHRT I used #Cypro (12.5mg daily with varying doses of E, yes that’s kinda high), which was clearly enough to suppress my T, but since I’ve started official HRT, I’m now on #Triptorelin (a #GNRHagonist, in a rare Dutch healthcare W) with an injection every 12 weeks (my second one will be in 3 days on Wednesday).
My general impression is that cypro did a good job at massively reducing my sex-drive, I feel that triptorelin did a much more thorough job at flattening down most of what was left before.
Even more so with physical function. While it’s not gone completely and technically everything still kinda works, things went from “there is much less liquid” to “this almost feels like there is nothing” (there still is, but I think the consistency also went even more watery) with the change.
#HRT #DiyHRT #transition #trans #medicaltransition #transfem #transgender
6.1.2025 01:20Content warning:Effects of different Testosterone-blockers on sexuality (medical, but explicit)When I was still on #OpenHRT I used #Cypro...Finally took it. This means I took my “morning” dose at 17:30. And that’s not even the actually stupid part.
The actually stupid part is that that isn’t even that far of from when I should have taken it, considering how late (early) it was when I went to bed last night and that I had maybe a bit more than a 12h break between them…
I really get why people like injections and I will definitely try to talk my endo into giving me once-a-day doses from now on, because this twice-daily stuff really starts getting old quickly…
5.1.2025 16:33Finally took it. This means I took my “morning” dose at 17:30. And that’s not even the actually stupid part.The actually stupid part...When you take you E (gel) after your morning shower as to not wash it off, but procrastinate that shower for so long that you could just have taken it anyways… 😑
5.1.2025 15:46When you take you E (gel) after your morning shower as to not wash it off, but procrastinate that shower for so long that you could just...I guess one of my new years resolutions is to finally loose weight. The reason I’m for once optimistic about it is that I’ve created an appointment with my GP to get professional help on Monday. And if even that won’t help, I might be able to get a stomach reduction next year!
So kinda cheating, but on the other hand it really is kinda necessary at this point.
5.1.2025 04:20I guess one of my new years resolutions is to finally loose weight. The reason I’m for once optimistic about it is that I’ve created an...I think that if you instantiated MLS with Kyber this could at the same time have the potential to make Fedi the most advanced crypto-messenger around…
4.1.2025 21:35I think that if you instantiated MLS with Kyber this could at the same time have the potential to make Fedi the most advanced...