If you don't know https://5calls.org/, visit this site and make some calls in support of the IFLE (International and Foreign Language Education) to restore this and other funding that has been unlawfully stopped and units "abolished" in the Department of Education as of March 12, 2025. Fulbright is also under fire. @ach @kfitz @schopie1 @nehgov
13.3.2025 01:32If you don't know https://5calls.org/, visit this site and make some calls in support of the IFLE (International and Foreign Language...Looking at an old leadership mini-blog post from March 5, 2020, yes right before the world turned upside down yet again, I found this today:
In Disturbing the Peace (1985-86/1990, 181-182), Czech writer, human rights activist, and statesman Václav Havel spoke:
"Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed. The more unpromising the situation in which we demonstrate hope, the deeper that hope is. Hope is not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out…. It is also this hope, above all, that gives us the strength to live and continually to try new things, even in conditions that seem as hopeless as ours do, here and now."
10.11.2024 22:12Looking at an old leadership mini-blog post from March 5, 2020, yes right before the world turned upside down yet again, I found this today:...Still challenged by the shift from X and finding that my primary professional organizations and many of my colleagues are still using X as their primary space for professional communication. I've shut down for a while trying to prioritize writing projects and not having the capacity to amplify new replacements for X in many of my scholarly circles. How are others navigating this? Oh and I love this community!!!
9.3.2024 14:56Still challenged by the shift from X and finding that my primary professional organizations and many of my colleagues are still using X as...Please consider submitted an abstract -
Neurodiverse German Studies
48th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Atlanta, Georgia
September 26-29, 2024
Submission Deadline: February 23, 2024 through OpenWater
More info available at https://www.thegsa.org/blog/cfa-seminar-participant-applications-gsa-2024#15.%20Neurodiverse
#GSA #WIG #Neurodiverse #neurodivergence
7.2.2024 01:51Please consider submitted an abstract - Seminar: Neurodiverse German Studies48th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association,...Melissa Elliot at Wheaton is the best collaborator! She and I just co-published an article on East German music videos in the recent issue of the #GermanStudies Review - Yes all of your favorites! - Check it out -
"The East German Disco Film: An Intermedial Approach to the GDR’s Imagined (Musical) Futures" http://doi.org/10.1353/gsr.2023.0037 https://muse.jhu.edu/article/897323 #GermanStudiesAssociation #DEFA #ProgressFilm #DEFAFilmLibrary #marianaivanova @guyintheblackhat
I am so lucky to be able to call #DustinDeFelice in the #EnglishLanguageCenter at MSU a colleague and collaborator. We recently published together on the topic of non-tenure track faculty mentoring on the Blog of the @humetricshss Initiative, a group of scholars who are truly transforming higher education. Keep watching what they are up to!! Dustin and I were honored to be HuMetricsHSS Fellows this past year and met some amazing folks! Thanks so much! Our piece is called "Developing Unit Mentoring Programs for Non-Tenure Stream Faculty by Building on the Charting Pathways to Intellectual Leadership Initiative" @cplong @jasonrhody @BatsInLavender
21.6.2023 02:21I am so lucky to be able to call #DustinDeFelice in the #EnglishLanguageCenter at MSU a colleague and collaborator. We recently published...Looking forward to facilitating the session on "Difficult Colleagues, Difficult Conversations" at the upcoming MLA MAPS virtual summer seminar this Friday afternoon, June 23! See you there! @mlanews @jasonrhody @paulakrebs @lydiatang
19.6.2023 01:53Looking forward to facilitating the session on "Difficult Colleagues, Difficult Conversations" at the upcoming MLA MAPS virtual...Along with my colleagues @cplong @BillHartDavidson, I'm happy to announce a new article on the Charting Pathways to Intellectual Leadership Initiative #CPIL that is out now in #InsightToDiversity in the recent article by @NikkiBrahm entitled "Expanding Boyer's Model to Better Recognize Diverse Faculty Roles." https://www.insightintodiversity.com/expanding-boyers-model/
31.5.2023 01:23Along with my colleagues @cplong @BillHartDavidson, I'm happy to announce a new article on the Charting Pathways to Intellectual...Congratulations to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of the foremost leaders of the 21st Century, on her award of the Germany's Grand Cross of the Order of Merit! Go get em Angela!
In Honor of International Women's Day - I wanted to call attention to the new book - Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction edited by Lisa Yaszek, Keren Omry, Wendy Gay Pearson, and yours truly (out Feb 2023). It contains 52 chapters on all types of SF and gender from the 15th century to now and written by graduate students, independent scholars, early career faculty, emerita, and authors from countries all over the world writing on works that are integrated into the collection and not separated into a world SF section. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Gender-and-Science-Fiction/Yaszek-Fritzsche-Omry-Pearson/p/book/9780367537012
9.3.2023 03:16In Honor of International Women's Day - I wanted to call attention to the new book - Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction...Congratulations Sadam Issa, Ayman Mohammed, Rajiv Ranjan, Wenying Zhou and
on their online textbooks and materials in #arabic #urdu #chinese and #russian! Good luck at the KU 2023 Languages OER Conference! https://lilac.msu.edu/news/linguistics-languages-and-cultures-faculty-will-represent-msu-at-the-2023-language-open-educational-resources-conference/
Kudos to Felix Kronenberg, Emily Uebel, and all in the Center for Language Teaching Advancement (#WeAreCeLTA)
on the opening of the new National Resource Center for Less Commonly Taught Languages (#NLRC) at MSU! Great news for all #LTCLs and #indigenouslanguages https://cal.msu.edu/news/national-resource-center-for-less-commonly-taught-languages-to-open-at-msu/
Wow third day at the #MLA2023 and I can't wait until the panel #467 "Addressing Women's Invisible Labor in the Academy" at 10:15 on Saturday, where I get to present with Stephanie Kirk, Lan Dong, Iwona Sadowska, and Liz Mayo!! After that, check out the related panel at noon #511 "Identity, Power, and Long-Term Transformations in Academic Labor." See you soon! #MLA #MLA_ALD #CPIL
7.1.2023 07:32Wow third day at the #MLA2023 and I can't wait until the panel #467 "Addressing Women's Invisible Labor in the Academy" at...Wishing great conversations to my Michigan State colleagues at the MLA 2023! Divya Victor, Emily Uebel, Ayman Mohammed, Sadam Issa, Kinitra Brooks, Kristin Mahoney, Luca Giupponi, Tianyi Kou-Herrema, Kathleen Fitzpatrick @kfitz #MLA #MLA2023 #msucal
5.1.2023 20:13Wishing great conversations to my Michigan State colleagues at the MLA 2023! Divya Victor, Emily Uebel, Ayman Mohammed, Sadam Issa, Kinitra...It is so great to be at the MLA 2023 in San Francisco that starts today! Looking forward to talking more today about 126. "Infrastructures of Professional Development" Thursday at 5:15 with my colleagues on that roundtable with Janine Utell, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, @kfitz, Emily Isaacs, Mark Sample, and Susan Tomlinson! Can't wait to learn more! #MLANews #MLA #MLA_ALD #MLA2023
5.1.2023 19:57It is so great to be at the MLA 2023 in San Francisco that starts today! Looking forward to talking more today about 126....Congratulations to the MLA on the ADFL name change to the new and more inclusive and representative Association of Language Departments (aka ALD). Thank you for making room for and welcoming our Indigenous language colleagues as well as those teaching American Sign Language. Now let's ensure that they feel like they also belong in the ALD!! #MLANews #MLA_ALD
29.12.2022 01:35Congratulations to the MLA on the ADFL name change to the new and more inclusive and representative Association of Language Departments (aka...Thrilled to be a part of the new #ADFLBulletin with my article on "Transformative Listening" and how it relates to advice for chairs and leaders on how to handle complaints. Thanks to Lydia Tang, and our other colleagues for compelling essays on multilingualism, collaborative curricular change, and department naming. #MLANews #multilingualism #ADFL https://www.maps.mla.org/bulletin/issue/adfl.47.1/
22.12.2022 13:47Thrilled to be a part of the new #ADFLBulletin with my article on "Transformative Listening" and how it relates to advice for...I'm a professor of #GermanStudies and Associate Dean in the area of #undergraduatestudies and administration at Michigan State University. My research areas are #sciencefiction, #film, #German literature and culture, #autism life writing, #healthhumanities. We are transforming #tenure and #promotion pathways for all including #contigentfaculty through the Charting a Pathway to Intellectual Leadership (#CPIL) model. Read more about it Change Magazine: https://doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2022.2054175
3.12.2022 01:13I'm a professor of #GermanStudies and Associate Dean in the area of #undergraduatestudies and administration at Michigan State...A shout out to Joachim Boaz on his blog @SFRuminations for reviewing my article on publishing Ursula K. LeGuin in East Germany that appears in the journal Extrapolation. #sciencefiction https://sciencefictionruminations.com/2022/11/11/exploration-log-1-sonja-fritzsches-publishing-ursula-k-le-guin-in-east-germany-2006/
3.12.2022 00:58A shout out to Joachim Boaz on his blog @SFRuminations for reviewing my article on publishing Ursula K. LeGuin in East Germany that appears...Women, Life, Freedom!
29.11.2022 18:43Women, Life, Freedom!