Still struggling with the following stuff, just really want to share the cartoons by David Squires (@davidsquires) on #Qatar2022
18.11.2022 12:11Still struggling with the following stuff, just really want to share the cartoons by David Squires (@davidsquires) on #Qatar2022...📣 Boring #Introduction claxon ! 📣
*Father of 2
*GIS professional and OS enthousiast consorting with the enemy (@VertiGIS)
*Passion for football, extremely conflicted about #Qatar2022
*I love running and cycling and/to put it on Strava
*Occasional DJ and trumpet player at http://www.watchmaking.ch/
18.11.2022 10:42📣 Boring #Introduction claxon ! 📣 *Father of 2*GIS professional and OS enthousiast consorting with the enemy (@VertiGIS)*Passion for...