I had been planning on edging all morning. But it all changed when I slid into my toy. It felt so good—the way the toy gripped me, the way the textures caressed me. I couldn't fight against such a wonderful feeling. The toy fueled my frenzy, intensifying my desire to fuck as it offered me an irresistible reward for doing so. Feeling my big, hard cock sliding in and out of the toy made me feel so happy, so manly. I knew I planned to edge, but that feeling was so magnificent that I couldn't stop myself. A little as if Penis and Toy were scheming together to get me to give in. The toy was sucking me of all my willpower as it kept drawing me back inside. How could I turn down such an invitation? How could I deny such a persuasive charm? I simply couldn’t. So, as the toy continued to make me feel great, strong, and big, I kept going. I didn't last long. With one last powerful thrust, growling like a wild animal, I shot my load deep into the toy. Granted, the two hours I had planned were instantly shrunk to a mere 20 minutes, but I didn’t care then. And I still don’t: it all felt so perfect.
21.1.2025 19:08I had been planning on edging all morning. But it all changed when I slid into my toy. It felt so good—the way the toy gripped me, the way...A very good video on gooning.
15.1.2025 16:54A very good video on gooning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYCtNgFz-wI#Happy #New #Year. Wishing you at least 2025 minutes of #pleasure through #masturbation this year.
1.1.2025 16:38#Happy #New #Year. Wishing you at least 2025 minutes of #pleasure through #masturbation this year.Content warning:A reminder to enjoy masturbation everyday
Merry Christmas !
25.12.2024 18:31Content warning:A reminder to enjoy masturbation everydayMerry Christmas !Content warning:It's a wonderful day to masturbate
12.12.2024 01:59Content warning:It's a wonderful day to masturbate🖼While #Nofappers and #NoNutNovember devotees have spent November denying themselves #pleasure, sane and sensible individuals kept #masturbating and #orgasming regularly. Which group do you think is the happiest now?
7.12.2024 15:47While #Nofappers and #NoNutNovember devotees have spent November denying themselves #pleasure, sane and sensible individuals kept...Content warning:Edging and gooning make my day
I woke up this morning at 4:30. I pulled out a toy, lubed it, and edged myself. I lost myself in the #pleasure and ended up thoroughly gooned. Awash with #dopamine but completely drained of all my energy, I fell asleep around 6.
I woke up again at 7:30, feeling incredible. After a coffee and breakfast, I went on to work on the farm. But, still feeling #horny, I brought another #toy and some #lube with me. After completing the planned tasks, I took out my toy and lube. I felt my cock swell as I poured the lube into my toy. I felt my heart racing as I spread the lube with my fingertips. I was eager and couldn't wait any longer, so I put the toy against my hard cock's head.
As earlier, I felt the luscious wetness of the textures swallowing my #penis as my hips worked my hard #cock in and out of the toy. I soon forgot where I was. Before long, I lost all restraint. But the toy ensured I didn't lose sight of who I am: a penis. Aroused. Strong, stiff and fucking happy. A #male, entirely focused on his #pleasure. Dumber and dumber by the minute. A blissful and daft #bator. Moaning. Babbling. Revelling in his penis. A happy #gooner, totally under the toy's spell.
But there comes a time when a penis must fulfil its duty. And no gooned man is in a position to stop this. So, as my joy surged and my muscles tensed up, I knew I was about to cum. And I was ready. Triggered, I rammed my cock deep into the toy. My throbbing cock made me gasp loudly as I inseminated the toy.
It was about 11:00, and I was now ready to start my day.
21.11.2024 13:52Content warning:Edging and gooning make my dayI woke up this morning at 4:30. I pulled out a toy, lubed it, and edged myself. I lost myself...Content warning:A reminder to enjoy masturbation everyday
22.10.2024 01:49Content warning:A reminder to enjoy masturbation everyday🖼Content warning:Masturbation for Halloween
Happy Halloween !
12.10.2024 01:17Content warning:Masturbation for HalloweenHappy Halloween !A little bit of #agricultural porn today : I'm proud of our production of #organic #pears this year. #Bartlett #William #BonChrétien
1.9.2024 14:37A little bit of #agricultural porn today : I'm proud of our production of #organic #pears this year. #Bartlett #William #BonChrétienBeautiful masturbation
24.8.2024 03:09Beautiful masturbationContent warning:Edging as a reward
A blissful #edging session energises me and helps me #work more efficiently. It’s also a #reward. When my #penis is masturbated, I know it’s because I’ve been a #GoodBoy I can feel what a good boy I’ve been right down to the core of my shaft. I can feel the reward in each and every part of my body. With each stroke, my brain gets the message: “Good boys deserve to be masturbated. You’ve been a good boy, so you deserve to be masturbated. Spread your legs wide open, expose your cock and let yourself be rewarded.” And who am I to object? Then, after 15 minutes of this highly gratifying care, I feel #rested and #recharged. Ready to work again with renewed #vigour and #motivation. Willing to work efficiently to get my reward faster. Prepared to show just how good of a boy I am. Because I know what kind of reward I’ll get for being a good boy. And how #incredible that reward will be.
16.7.2024 18:58Content warning:Edging as a rewardA blissful #edging session energises me and helps me #work more efficiently. It’s also a #reward. When...Content warning:Toys are great to masturbate
I can relate. Once I start playing with a #toy, I just can't put it away. I feel compelled to stick my #cock into the toy, to slide my cock into it and expose my cock to the toy’s slick internals. I simply can't help myself, as the toy makes me feel #happy, #energized. Try as I might to stop, I'm soon back inside the toy, grinning ecstatically. Feeling great. And I can’t stop until my cock starts to throb and smears my abs with the whitish evidence of my #manly #pleasure.
15.7.2024 02:02Content warning:Toys are great to masturbateI can relate. Once I start playing with a #toy, I just can't put it away. I feel compelled...Content warning:Enjoyable male masturbation
Lying on his living room sofa, a man masturbates. #male #masturbation #ejaculation #pleasure #orgasm #wellness #AI
11.7.2024 16:36Content warning:Enjoyable male masturbationLying on his living room sofa, a man masturbates. #male #masturbation #ejaculation #pleasure...Content warning:Satyrs masturbate too
A #Satyr is always #Horny ( #AI )
1.7.2024 00:36Content warning:Satyrs masturbate tooA #Satyr is always #Horny ( #AI )Content warning:Masturbation outside
#Masturbating outside creates an incredibly strong #connection with #nature
30.6.2024 12:09Content warning:Masturbation outside#Masturbating outside creates an incredibly strong #connection with #natureContent warning:Masturbation is always good
#Masturbating under a warm summer rain #AI
28.6.2024 13:00Content warning:Masturbation is always good#Masturbating under a warm summer rain #AIContent warning:Man masturbating in a shaded stream
Having a blast with #AI. #masturbation #orgasm #ejaculation #nature
25.6.2024 17:44Content warning:Man masturbating in a shaded streamHaving a blast with #AI. #masturbation #orgasm #ejaculation #natureContent warning:Ode to masturbation
I’m #masturbating
I’m making love to #Penis
Likewise, I can feel it,
Penis is making love to me
Drenching me in #PhallicPleasure
I’ve lost touch with the outside world
And I’m now nothing but a Penis
A proud, fully erect, massive #Phallus
With balls delightfully tight
Embraced by #bliss
Caressed with #happiness
Feeling #magnificent
Tensed yet relaxed
I don’t want this #love to end
24.6.2024 18:12Content warning:Ode to masturbationI’m #masturbatingI’m making love to #PenisLikewise, I can feel it,Penis is making love to meDrenching...Content warning:Natural penis