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#Twitter is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by #Musk) but #ruZZia genocide in #Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by ) but genocide in is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected recently (and some I designed)…

1.7.2023 21:49#Twitter is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by #Musk) but #ruZZia genocide in #Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

#Twitter is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by #Musk) but #ruZZia genocide in #Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by ) but genocide in is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected recently (and some I designed)

1.7.2023 21:48#Twitter is on pauze (=selfDDoS attack by #Musk) but #ruZZia genocide in #Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected recently (and some I designed)

1.7.2023 20:47Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected recently (and some I designed)

1.7.2023 20:46Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected recently (and some I designed)

1.7.2023 20:45Twitter is in pauze (=self-DDOS attack by Musk) but ruZZian genocide in Ukraine is not, so I thought of posting some memes I collected...

We need to prevent #Ukraine become second #Chechnya ---RT @saintjavelinUman and Groznyi. Same perpetrators. If they’re not stopped, this...

We need to prevent become second
RT @saintjavelin
Uman and Groznyi. Same perpetrators.

If they’re not stopped, this won’t stop.

6.5.2023 10:15We need to prevent #Ukraine become second #Chechnya ---RT @saintjavelinUman and Groznyi. Same perpetrators. If they’re not stopped, this...

Orban, the forever child with Stockholm-syndrome.#RussiaIsCollapsing #Orban ---RT @nexta_tvOrban: I can't imagine that Russia will be...

Orban, the forever child with Stockholm-syndrome.

RT @nexta_tv
Orban: I can't imagine that Russia will be defeated, and it will accept defeat

"To think that the Russians will idly watch as they are defeated, their political system is broken, their president is killed, drones are attacked over Red Square, to believe that they will silently…

5.5.2023 15:49Orban, the forever child with Stockholm-syndrome.#RussiaIsCollapsing #Orban ---RT @nexta_tvOrban: I can't imagine that Russia will be...

When the two Kings meet…#Zelenskiy #WillemAlexander ✌🏿🇺🇦🇳🇱 ---RT @koninklijkhuisDe Koning ontvangt president Volodymyr...

When the two Kings meet…
RT @koninklijkhuis
De Koning ontvangt president Volodymyr Zelensky van Oekraïne in audiëntie op Paleis Huis ten Bosch in Den Haag.

4.5.2023 22:15When the two Kings meet…#Zelenskiy #WillemAlexander ✌🏿🇺🇦🇳🇱 ---RT @koninklijkhuisDe Koning ontvangt president Volodymyr...

Hero✌🏿🇺🇦❤️‍🔥#Sanremo2023 #SofiaSamolyuk #СофіяСамолюк ---RT @ukrinform13-річна українка...


RT @ukrinform
13-річна українка Софія Самолюк відмовилась від участі у пісенному конкурсі Sanremo Junior 2023, який проходить в Італії, через участь росіян. Про участь росіян організатори оголосили за кілька годин до самого конкурсу 3 травня.

4.5.2023 22:15Hero✌🏿🇺🇦❤️‍🔥#Sanremo2023 #SofiaSamolyuk #СофіяСамолюк ---RT @ukrinform13-річна українка...

It amazes me how the filthy #ruZZians all over the World are allowed to ostentatiously promote their horrendous #genocide in #Ukraine, while...

It amazes me how the filthy all over the World are allowed to ostentatiously promote their horrendous in , while Ukrainians are being ostracized for showing their understandable outrage. The PABSEC is on the wrong side of history.
RT @nexta_tv
A scandal at the PABSEC summit in - the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

In the first video, Ukrainian MPs unfolded the …

4.5.2023 21:32It amazes me how the filthy #ruZZians all over the World are allowed to ostentatiously promote their horrendous #genocide in #Ukraine, while...

These pictures are more important than #KremlinDroneAttack #RussiaIsATerroristState ---RT @ZelenskyyUaThe world needs to see and know this.A...

These pictures are more important than

RT @ZelenskyyUa
The world needs to see and know this.

A railway station and a crossing, a house, a hardware store, a grocery supermarket, a gas station - do you know what unites these places? The bloody trail that 🇷🇺 leaves with its shells, killing civilians in Kherson and Kherson region.


3.5.2023 18:29These pictures are more important than #KremlinDroneAttack #RussiaIsATerroristState ---RT @ZelenskyyUaThe world needs to see and know this.A...

Clear and logical. #Ukraine NOT involved in #KremlinDroneAttack. Putler and his maffia beter focus on the growing resistance from within...

Clear and logical. NOT involved in . Putler and his maffia beter focus on the growing resistance from within

RT @Podolyak_M
As for the drones over the Kremlin. It’s all predictable... Russia is clearly preparing a large-scale terrorist attack. That's why it first detains a large allegedly subversive group in Crimea. And then it demonstrates "drones over the…

3.5.2023 17:29Clear and logical. #Ukraine NOT involved in #KremlinDroneAttack. Putler and his maffia beter focus on the growing resistance from within...

😂✌🏿🥳🏴‍☠️Йебаш! #нашапобеда #победабудетзанами#9мая#деньпобеды ---RT...


RT @SergiyKyslytsya
Спойлер від Нас-Там-Нєт Продакшін …

3.5.2023 13:03😂✌🏿🥳🏴‍☠️Йебаш! #нашапобеда #победабудетзанами#9мая#деньпобеды ---RT...

Ons eigen oorlogsmisdadiger #SonjaVanDenEnde @SonjaEnde @IntlCrimCourt ---RT @onyxusoneI feel like someone should be archiving the tweets of...

Ons eigen oorlogsmisdadiger @SonjaEnde @IntlCrimCourt
RT @onyxusone
I feel like someone should be archiving the tweets of ruscist collaborators and propagandists for later use during prosecution for propaganda and war crimes. This celebration and gloating on loss of human life by russian hand should be punished at Hague.

1.5.2023 19:28Ons eigen oorlogsmisdadiger #SonjaVanDenEnde @SonjaEnde @IntlCrimCourt ---RT @onyxusoneI feel like someone should be archiving the tweets of...

ruZZia, genealogically rooted in stalinist fascism. Specially for you, with your hashtags, you sick ruZZian mobiks and vatniks:...

ruZZia, genealogically rooted in stalinist fascism.
Specially for you, with your hashtags, you sick ruZZian mobiks and vatniks:

RT @DarthPutinKGB
OTD in 1941 the Soviets had a military parade in Moscow. So they invited their Nazis allies cos it would be rude not to.

1.5.2023 18:52ruZZia, genealogically rooted in stalinist fascism. Specially for you, with your hashtags, you sick ruZZian mobiks and vatniks:...

Polish fist at the Belarus border is firmly stretched out direction east. So this club of senile alcoholics thought out a Cunning Plan to...

Polish fist at the Belarus border is firmly stretched out direction east. So this club of senile alcoholics thought out a Cunning Plan to run straight at it. So that they can proclaim themselves heroic and can scream “bomb Poland!” Bunch of losers.
RT @kvistp
The Night Wolves bikers, who love so much, left for today.

They expect to be in Berlin on May 9.

Not only the Soviet and …

30.4.2023 11:19Polish fist at the Belarus border is firmly stretched out direction east. So this club of senile alcoholics thought out a Cunning Plan to...

Noam #Chomsky, a senile accessory to #RussianGenocideInUkraine ---RT @nata_druhakWhen anti-americanism makes you so blind, that you choose...

Noam , a senile accessory to
RT @nata_druhak
When anti-americanism makes you so blind, that you choose to ignore dozens of killed overnight in their beds, cut POWs’s heads and other parts of body, raped women, men and children. Definitely, humane way to conduct genocide.

30.4.2023 10:34Noam #Chomsky, a senile accessory to #RussianGenocideInUkraine ---RT @nata_druhakWhen anti-americanism makes you so blind, that you choose...

RT @SIfill_Take a moment.

RT @SIfill_
Take a moment.

29.4.2023 21:37RT @SIfill_Take a moment.

Look well at this photo: the whole #Mariupol is in ruins. Except these fake blocks, where no one lives. They were built only for one...

Look well at this photo: the whole is in ruins. Except these fake blocks, where no one lives. They were built only for one purpose: so that putin body-double could visit it to prove to all debilitated ruZZians that the city is OK.
RT @Podolyak_M
Mariupol-2023. After "liberation" by the Russian army. The totally destroyed and burned city. And in the center – three "exemplary houses" to film propaganda...
"A Potemkin village…

29.4.2023 17:23Look well at this photo: the whole #Mariupol is in ruins. Except these fake blocks, where no one lives. They were built only for one...

“When strangers are coming”….(1944). What an enormous loss. My heart goes out to his family, friends and of course Jamala @JamalaBird...

“When strangers are coming”….(1944). What an enormous loss. My heart goes out to his family, friends and of course Jamala @JamalaBird 💔🖤⚫️
RT @anno1540
Found under the rubble in Uman: a Ukrainian musician who wrote songs for Jamala died

During a rocket attack on Uman on April 28, 2023, the famous Ukrainian musician from Mykolaiv Volodymyr Makarovsky was killed. The man performed in the rock band "Foxtrot", wrote songs and… https://t…

29.4.2023 14:36“When strangers are coming”….(1944). What an enormous loss. My heart goes out to his family, friends and of course Jamala @JamalaBird...
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