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You may have noticed my observations are missing…I’m going to be offline for several months, but I will be back! Hopefully I’ll be...

You may have noticed my observations are missing…I’m going to be offline for several months, but I will be back! Hopefully I’ll be back at it for the summer.

7.1.2025 03:54You may have noticed my observations are missing…I’m going to be offline for several months, but I will be back! Hopefully I’ll be...

Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (75% RH). Barometer 1028.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 8 gusting 23 km/h (293°). No...

Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (75% RH). Barometer 1028.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 8 gusting 23 km/h (293°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 19:00Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (75% RH). Barometer 1028.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 8 gusting 23 km/h (293°). No...

Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.6 °C (77% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (287°). No...

Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.6 °C (77% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (287°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 18:00Temperature -13.4 °C with a dew point of -16.6 °C (77% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (287°). No...

Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (78% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising. Wind WNW 8 gusting 18 km/h (293°). No liquid...

Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (78% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising. Wind WNW 8 gusting 18 km/h (293°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 17:00Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (78% RH). Barometer 1028.4 mb, rising. Wind WNW 8 gusting 18 km/h (293°). No liquid...

Temperature -13.8 °C with a dew point of -16.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1028.0 mb, rising. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (293°). No liquid...

Temperature -13.8 °C with a dew point of -16.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1028.0 mb, rising. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (293°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 16:00Temperature -13.8 °C with a dew point of -16.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1028.0 mb, rising. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (293°). No liquid...

Temperature -14.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1027.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 10 km/h (303°). No...

Temperature -14.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1027.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 10 km/h (303°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 15:00Temperature -14.4 °C with a dew point of -16.9 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1027.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 10 km/h (303°). No...

Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.4 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (300°). No...

Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.4 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (300°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 14:00Temperature -13.9 °C with a dew point of -16.4 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (300°). No...

Temperature -13.3 °C with a dew point of -16.0 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1026.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 8 gusting 18 km/h (316°). No...

Temperature -13.3 °C with a dew point of -16.0 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1026.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 8 gusting 18 km/h (316°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 13:00Temperature -13.3 °C with a dew point of -16.0 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1026.2 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 8 gusting 18 km/h (316°). No...

Temperature -13.1 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (296°). No...

Temperature -13.1 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (296°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 12:00Temperature -13.1 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1026.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 16 km/h (296°). No...

Temperature -13.0 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 13 km/h (315°). No...

Temperature -13.0 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 13 km/h (315°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 11:00Temperature -13.0 °C with a dew point of -15.7 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 13 km/h (315°). No...

Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (301°). No...

Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (301°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 10:00Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1025.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 11 km/h (301°). No...

Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 5 gusting 16 km/h (307°). No...

Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 5 gusting 16 km/h (307°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 09:00Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 5 gusting 16 km/h (307°). No...

Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.1 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (297°). No...

Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.1 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (297°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 08:00Temperature -12.9 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1024.1 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 6 gusting 11 km/h (297°). No...

Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 11 km/h (322°). No...

Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 11 km/h (322°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 07:00Temperature -12.8 °C with a dew point of -15.5 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.9 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 6 gusting 11 km/h (322°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.7 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (307°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.7 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (307°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 06:00Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.7 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (307°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (305°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (305°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 05:00Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.6 mb, rising slowly. Wind NW 3 gusting 11 km/h (305°). No...

Temperature -12.6 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.3 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 13 km/h (284°). No...

Temperature -12.6 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.3 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 13 km/h (284°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 04:00Temperature -12.6 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.3 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 3 gusting 13 km/h (284°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.5 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 11 km/h (283°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.5 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 11 km/h (283°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 03:00Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.2 °C (81% RH). Barometer 1023.5 mb, rising slowly. Wind WNW 5 gusting 11 km/h (283°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.4 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 3 gusting 13 km/h (277°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.4 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 3 gusting 13 km/h (277°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 02:00Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.4 °C (80% RH). Barometer 1023.4 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 3 gusting 13 km/h (277°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (79% RH). Barometer 1023.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 5 gusting 13 km/h (272°). No...

Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (79% RH). Barometer 1023.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 5 gusting 13 km/h (272°). No liquid precipitation or melt in the last 24 hours.

2.1.2025 01:00Temperature -12.7 °C with a dew point of -15.6 °C (79% RH). Barometer 1023.0 mb, rising slowly. Wind W 5 gusting 13 km/h (272°). No...
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