#Grippe aviaire : qu'est-ce que la #souche #H7N9, transmissible à l'homme {NOT! this is an NA lineage not one of the two China's HP/LP lineages}, qui vient de réapparaître aux Etats-Unis ? https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/grippe-aviaire/grippe-aviaire-qu-est-ce-que-la-souche-h7n9-transmissible-a-l-homme-qui-vient-de-reapparaitre-aux-etats-unis_7138956.html#xtor=RSS-3-[lestitres]
La dernière détection de ce sous-type dans le pays datait d'août 2017, quatre ans après son apparition en Chine, dans la région de Shanghai.
19.3.2025 20:28#Grippe aviaire : qu'est-ce que la #souche #H7N9, transmissible à l'homme {NOT! this is an NA lineage not one of the two...#US #CDC A(#H5N1) #Birdflu Response #Update March 19, 2025, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/us-cdc-ah5n1-birdflu-response-update.html
19.3.2025 20:21#US #CDC A(#H5N1) #Birdflu Response #Update March 19, 2025,...Safety and #effectiveness of MVA-BN #vaccination against #mpox in at-risk individuals in #Germany (SEMVAc and TEMVAc): a combined prospective and retrospective cohort study, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/safety-and-effectiveness-of-mva-bn.html
19.3.2025 09:22Safety and #effectiveness of MVA-BN #vaccination against #mpox in at-risk individuals in #Germany (SEMVAc and TEMVAc): a combined...Large-scale computational #modelling of #H5 #influenza #variants against #HA1-neutralising #antibodies, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/large-scale-computational-modelling-of.html
19.3.2025 09:18Large-scale computational #modelling of #H5 #influenza #variants against #HA1-neutralising #antibodies,...Different #genetic #determinants for high #virulence, #transmission and #replication of high pathogenicity #H7N7 avian #influenza virus in #turkeys and #chickens, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/different-genetic-determinants-for-high.html
19.3.2025 09:13Different #genetic #determinants for high #virulence, #transmission and #replication of high pathogenicity #H7N7 avian #influenza virus in...Florian #Krammer fears that the #global influenza #research network CEIRR, which includes European, Japanese, and Chinese scientists, could also be affected by #Trump's radical interventions, especially since it is financially dependent on the #NIH. Under the umbrella of the most important US agency for biomedical research, six institutes focus on influenza. The NIH has an annual budget of nearly $50 billion – so far.
19.3.2025 08:44Florian #Krammer fears that the #global influenza #research network CEIRR, which includes European, Japanese, and Chinese scientists, could...#Pandemic #risk: Why #birdflu is a #concern for researchers, https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Pandemie-Risiko-Warum-die-Vogelgrippe-der-Forschung-Sorgen-bereitet,coronavirusupdate292.html
The avian flu virus is considered a pathogen with pandemic potential. #H5N1 has been rampant among dairy #cows in the #US for almost a year. Virologist #Drosten also warns that livestock should be kept in mind as potential vectors. But now, of all times, the Trump administration is attacking science.
19.3.2025 08:43#Pandemic #risk: Why #birdflu is a #concern for researchers,...#Baloxavir improves #disease #outcomes in #mice after intranasal or ocular #infection with #Influenza A virus #H5N1-contaminated cow’s #milk, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/baloxavir-improves-disease-outcomes-in.html
18.3.2025 16:58#Baloxavir improves #disease #outcomes in #mice after intranasal or ocular #infection with #Influenza A virus #H5N1-contaminated cow’s...The #Texas Department of State Health Services is reporting an #outbreak of #measles in the South Plains and Panhandle regions of Texas. At this time, 279 cases have been identified since late January. Thirty-six of the patients have been hospitalized, https://www.dshs.texas.gov/news-alerts/measles-outbreak-2025
18.3.2025 16:49The #Texas Department of State Health Services is reporting an #outbreak of #measles in the South Plains and Panhandle regions of Texas. At...The rapid #spread of #H5N1 avian #influenza has reached an "unprecedented" scale and may seriously affect #food #security in various countries, https://news.qq.com/rain/a/20250318A019CK00
FAO Deputy Director-General Godfrey Magwenzi stressed that the crisis is likely to have serious impacts on food security and food supply in countries, including losses in nutrition, reductions in rural employment and incomes, shocks to local economies, and increased costs for consumers.
18.3.2025 16:46The rapid #spread of #H5N1 avian #influenza has reached an "unprecedented" scale and may seriously affect #food #security in...#India - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/india-high-pathogenicity-avian.html
18.3.2025 16:08#India - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification,...Analyses of #phylogenetics, natural #selection, and #protein structure of clade #H5N1 #Influenza A reveal that recent viral lineages have evolved promiscuity ..., https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/analyses-of-phylogenetics-natural.html
18.3.2025 09:07Analyses of #phylogenetics, natural #selection, and #protein structure of clade #H5N1 #Influenza A reveal that recent viral...#FAO warns of ‘unprecedented’ #birdflu spread, in call for #global #action, https://news.un.org/en/story/2025/03/1161186
The rapid spread of the highly infectious avian flu virus #H5N1 has reached an “unprecedented” scale, wiping out hundreds of millions of birds worldwide and increasingly spilling over into #mammals, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned on Monday.
17.3.2025 20:09#FAO warns of ‘unprecedented’ #birdflu spread, in call for #global #action, https://news.un.org/en/story/2025/03/1161186 The rapid...3rd #meeting of #IHR(2005) #Emergency #Committee regarding the upsurge of #mpox 2024, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/3rd-meeting-of-ihr2005-emergency.html
17.3.2025 16:383rd #meeting of #IHR(2005) #Emergency #Committee regarding the upsurge of #mpox 2024,...#Togo - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification [FINAL], https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/togo-high-pathogenicity-avian-influenza.html
17.3.2025 16:07#Togo - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification [FINAL],...#USA - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H7N9 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/usa-high-pathogenicity-avian-influenza.html
17.3.2025 16:05#USA - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H7N9 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification,...Superior #replication, #pathogenicity, and immune #evasion of a #Texas dairy #cattle #H5N1 virus compared to a historical avian isolate, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/superior-replication-pathogenicity-and.html
16.3.2025 17:06Superior #replication, #pathogenicity, and immune #evasion of a #Texas dairy #cattle #H5N1 virus compared to a historical avian isolate,...#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25), https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/coronavirus-disease-research-references_15.html
15.3.2025 16:41#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25),...#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25), https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/influenza-and-other-respiratory-viruses_15.html
15.3.2025 16:39#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25),...Altered #receptor-binding #specificity of #gull-adapted #H13 avian #influenza viruses corresponds to their unique host preferences, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/altered-receptor-binding-specificity-of.html
15.3.2025 09:19Altered #receptor-binding #specificity of #gull-adapted #H13 avian #influenza viruses corresponds to their unique host preferences,...⬆️