#FAO warns of ‘unprecedented’ #birdflu spread, in call for #global #action, https://news.un.org/en/story/2025/03/1161186
The rapid spread of the highly infectious avian flu virus #H5N1 has reached an “unprecedented” scale, wiping out hundreds of millions of birds worldwide and increasingly spilling over into #mammals, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned on Monday.
17.3.2025 20:09#FAO warns of ‘unprecedented’ #birdflu spread, in call for #global #action, https://news.un.org/en/story/2025/03/1161186 The rapid...3rd #meeting of #IHR(2005) #Emergency #Committee regarding the upsurge of #mpox 2024, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/3rd-meeting-of-ihr2005-emergency.html
17.3.2025 16:383rd #meeting of #IHR(2005) #Emergency #Committee regarding the upsurge of #mpox 2024,...#Togo - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification [FINAL], https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/togo-high-pathogenicity-avian-influenza.html
17.3.2025 16:07#Togo - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification [FINAL],...#USA - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H7N9 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/usa-high-pathogenicity-avian-influenza.html
17.3.2025 16:05#USA - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H7N9 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification,...Superior #replication, #pathogenicity, and immune #evasion of a #Texas dairy #cattle #H5N1 virus compared to a historical avian isolate, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/superior-replication-pathogenicity-and.html
16.3.2025 17:06Superior #replication, #pathogenicity, and immune #evasion of a #Texas dairy #cattle #H5N1 virus compared to a historical avian isolate,...#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25), https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/coronavirus-disease-research-references_15.html
15.3.2025 16:41#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25),...#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25), https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/influenza-and-other-respiratory-viruses_15.html
15.3.2025 16:39#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25),...Altered #receptor-binding #specificity of #gull-adapted #H13 avian #influenza viruses corresponds to their unique host preferences, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/altered-receptor-binding-specificity-of.html
15.3.2025 09:19Altered #receptor-binding #specificity of #gull-adapted #H13 avian #influenza viruses corresponds to their unique host preferences,...#China, 3057 people in #Dalian infected with #XK5 virus? False, old #rumor spreads again, https://news.ycwb.com/2025-03/15/content_53293019.htm
According to Health Commission WeChat official account on 14th, recently, some netizens posted info related to XK5 virus on platforms such as Douyin, saying that "Four men & women infected with the XK5 virus died in Liaoning 3ird Hospital yesterday morning. Oldest was 45 years old & youngest was 5 yrs old. Doctors involved in rescue have been isolated.
15.3.2025 09:10#China, 3057 people in #Dalian infected with #XK5 virus? False, old #rumor spreads again,...#China, #Dalian #health #commission in Northeast refutes '#XK5 Virus' rumors, GT: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202503/1330166.shtml
Health authorities in Dalian, NE China's #Liaoning Province, refuted viral rumors on Fri. about an alleged 'XK5 virus' infection in city. Rumors, which spread widely on #social media platforms including Douyin, claimed that virus caused four #fatalities in "Liaoning Third Hospital," infected thousands of people, and forced a group of doctors into isolation.
15.3.2025 09:06#China, #Dalian #health #commission in Northeast refutes '#XK5 Virus' rumors, GT:...Prevalence of #EBV, #HHV6, #HCMV, #HAdV, #SARS-CoV-2, and #Autoantibodies to Type I #Interferon in #Sputum from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / #CFS Patients, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/prevalence-of-ebv-hhv6-hcmv-hadv-sars.html
14.3.2025 17:29Prevalence of #EBV, #HHV6, #HCMV, #HAdV, #SARS-CoV-2, and #Autoantibodies to Type I #Interferon in #Sputum from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /...#USA, Monitoring for Avian #Influenza A(#H5) Virus In #Wastewater {as of March 14 '25}, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/usa-monitoring-for-avian-influenza-ah5_14.html
14.3.2025 16:54#USA, Monitoring for Avian #Influenza A(#H5) Virus In #Wastewater {as of March 14 '25},...An #overview of #influenza #H5 #vaccines, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/an-overview-of-influenza-h5-vaccines.html
14.3.2025 09:38An #overview of #influenza #H5 #vaccines, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/an-overview-of-influenza-h5-vaccines.htmlDirect and indirect #impacts of #COVID19 #pandemic on #life #expectancy and person-years of life lost with & without #disability: A systematic analysis for 18 European countries, 2020–22, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/direct-and-indirect-impacts-of-covid19.html
13.3.2025 20:22Direct and indirect #impacts of #COVID19 #pandemic on #life #expectancy and person-years of life lost with & without #disability: A...#Ukraine - #Influenza A #H5 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/ukraine-influenza-h5-viruses-of-high.html
13.3.2025 17:23#Ukraine - #Influenza A #H5 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification,...#Human Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian #Influenza A(#H5N1) — #California, September–December 2024, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/human-cases-of-highly-pathogenic-avian.html
13.3.2025 17:19#Human Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian #Influenza A(#H5N1) — #California, September–December 2024,...The Novel #H10N3 Avian #Influenza Virus Triggers Lethal #Cytokine #Storm by Activating Multiple Forms of Programmed Cell Death in Mammalian #Lungs, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/the-novel-h10n3-avian-influenza-virus.html
13.3.2025 16:45The Novel #H10N3 Avian #Influenza Virus Triggers Lethal #Cytokine #Storm by Activating Multiple Forms of Programmed Cell Death in Mammalian...Antigenicity and genetic #properties of an #Eurasian #avian-like #H1N1 swine #influenza virus in #Jiangsu Province, #China, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/antigenicity-and-genetic-properties-of.html
13.3.2025 16:42Antigenicity and genetic #properties of an #Eurasian #avian-like #H1N1 swine #influenza virus in #Jiangsu Province, #China,...#MERS #coronavirus - Kingdom of #Saudi Arabia, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/mers-coronavirus-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia.html
13.3.2025 16:32#MERS #coronavirus - Kingdom of #Saudi Arabia, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/mers-coronavirus-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia.html#Marburg virus disease– United Republic of #Tanzania, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/marburg-virus-disease-united-republic.html
13.3.2025 16:25#Marburg virus disease– United Republic of #Tanzania, https://etidiohnew.blogspot.com/2025/03/marburg-virus-disease-united-republic.html