Tired of PDF documents? Export your TeXmacs files directly to HTML! #HTML #mathematics
12.4.2023 22:49Tired of PDF documents? Export your TeXmacs files directly to HTML! #HTML #mathematicsHint: to post @gnu_texmacs documents on @arxiv including the source code, you can follow the method devised by the ConTeXt people https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Posting_on_arxiv.org…
Alternatively: help us develop ways to embed the document in the generated PDF :)
5.4.2023 13:04Hint: to post @gnu_texmacs documents on @arxiv including the source code, you can follow the method devised by the ConTeXt people...Multiple bibliographies in @gnu_texmacs
4.4.2023 15:37Multiple bibliographies in @gnu_texmacsWant to check out some more videos on TeXmacs. You find them here: https://www.youtube.com/@texmacsvideos5790 and here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjXdYclFpynD0ufg_pp-5MT5-X-57Okvs with extensive example of real-world use of TeXmacs to deliver math lectures via videoconferencing!
1.4.2023 17:15Want to check out some more videos on TeXmacs. You find them here: https://www.youtube.com/@texmacsvideos5790 and here...A math presentation using a clone of the "metropolis" beamer style. Sources available here: https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples/slides-meyer-cdt #presentation #mathematics #beamer #notlatex #latex #softwareforhumans
1.4.2023 16:53A math presentation using a clone of the "metropolis" beamer style. Sources available here:...We need more research on programming languages for documents.
has also his own take on the matter (document structure comes from pure macros whose arguments are visually editable). Long ago J. Kingston (of Lout fame) was designing a new document language: "nonpareil." http://jeffreykingston.id.au/nonpareil/
Exercise for coders: modify the TeXmacs python plugin to allow to set the size of the image directly from the Python side, e.g. as argument of the ps_out command. See http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/change-the-output-size-of-ps-out/1333 #python #TeXmacs #exercise #coding #useful_and_fun.
16.3.2023 19:46Exercise for coders: modify the TeXmacs python plugin to allow to set the size of the image directly from the Python side, e.g. as argument...Presenting with
(no human has been harmed with TeX to make these slides) #mathematics #presentation #beamer
A new blog post on how to define new list types with UI support: https://texmacs.github.io/notes/docs/new-lists.html
16.2.2023 10:57A new blog post on how to define new list types with UI support: https://texmacs.github.io/notes/docs/new-lists.htmlWhat about blackboard presentations with
? :)
How to customise environment numbering in @gnu_texmacs http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/customize-counter-format-for-theorems/1234
26.1.2023 13:15How to customise environment numbering in @gnu_texmacs http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/customize-counter-format-for-theorems/1234Why not writing your PhD thesis with TeXmacs? At https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples/other-examples you find a real PhD thesis in mathematics which you can use to try out TeXmacs. A single document which is editable from page 1 to page 216... #typesetting #mathematics #PhDthesis #wysiwyg
15.1.2023 23:25Why not writing your PhD thesis with TeXmacs? At https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples/other-examples you find a real PhD...A paper written with TeXmacs. You can find this and other examples here: https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples #mathematics #typesetting #wysiwyg #userexperience #focus #productivity
13.1.2023 17:17A paper written with TeXmacs. You can find this and other examples here: https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples #mathematics...Mogan (https://mogan.app, a distribution of @gnu_texmacs) on
(from http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/compiling-mogan-under-android/1210/8…) #Android #termux #mogan #texmacs
If you are new to TeXmacs check this list of documents (including several PhD thesis) created with it at https://texmacs.github.io/notes/docs/example-documents.html
5.1.2023 18:21If you are new to TeXmacs check this list of documents (including several PhD thesis) created with it at...TeXmacs' blog
is created in TeXmacs. It contains useful informations and user contributions are welcome. Send us a PR in GitHub (https://github.com/texmacs/notes) #blog #texmacs
Some basic facts about TeXmacs from a presentation some years ago. #programming #typesetting #mathematics #c++ #scheme #gnu_guile
1.1.2023 18:28Some basic facts about TeXmacs from a presentation some years ago. #programming #typesetting #mathematics #c++ #scheme #gnu_guileTeXmacs is scriptable in Scheme (as any software should be). You can manipulate documents and insert arbitrary content, define menus and widgets, modify behaviours. @guilelang #scheme #lisp #scripting #graphics #typesetting #user_interface
31.12.2022 09:56TeXmacs is scriptable in Scheme (as any software should be). You can manipulate documents and insert arbitrary content, define menus and...TeXmacs interfaces directly with many softwares like #Mathematica #Julia #Python #R #Matlab #SageMath and you can compose rich and beatyful documents in literate programming style.
30.12.2022 09:54TeXmacs interfaces directly with many softwares like #Mathematica #Julia #Python #R #Matlab #SageMath and you can compose rich and beatyful...Write your CV with @gnu_texmacs. The documents are both fully structured and WYSIWYG, so you get both consistency across sections and easy tweaking the final result for edge-cases (e.g. spacing). Moreover you can export directly to HTML. https://github.com/texmacs/tm-forge/tree/main/examples/cv-altmejd #CV #typesetting #TeXmacs
29.12.2022 11:50Write your CV with @gnu_texmacs. The documents are both fully structured and WYSIWYG, so you get both consistency across sections and easy...⬆️