Finished up my second beech bowl today. Sanding and Danish oil to finish.
It's the first bowl I've made with a ring base rather than a tenon, and I'm rather pleased at how it came out :)
Defeated before I even got started. With the bowl already started, the wings are further back than the faceplate...and hit the motor before I can tighten it.
A spacer/big bolt & washer should sort it out but I've nothing to hand just now.
Taking a look at my broken wing bowl tonight. On closer inspection of the break, its broken right on a knot (4mm diameter)- still attached to the tenon on the bowl.
Going to attach a faceplate and see of I can tidy up the tenon.
26.1.2023 18:23Taking a look at my broken wing bowl tonight. On closer inspection of the break, its broken right on a knot (4mm diameter)- still attached...You know when something breaks and flies across the workshop, it always finds the worst place to land? Yep, tenon snapped and launched my wing bowl through the lid of a full 10 litre paint tub.
22.1.2023 21:01You know when something breaks and flies across the workshop, it always finds the worst place to land? Yep, tenon snapped and launched my...Playing around with one of the logs I got yesterday and seeing where it led.
The base is too tall, but I went higher to include more of the sides - its not going to be practical.
The colour of the wood was looking fantastic as I turned it.
Cleaning up one of the logs, still not sure what wood it is yet. Will turn it round and have a think. Can pepper grinders ever be too big?
And an oak plank I'm going to chop up and laminate then turn to a big bowl.
Also this nice little piece of Ash. Think i'm going to chop it up and practice a river table top.
21.1.2023 13:14Also this nice little piece of Ash. Think i'm going to chop it up and practice a river table top.A wee trip to Central Scotland Sawmill this morning. Amongst other pieces, 4 wee logs for salt & pepper grinders. Maybe elm? Not sure though. #woodturning
21.1.2023 13:13A wee trip to Central Scotland Sawmill this morning. Amongst other pieces, 4 wee logs for salt & pepper grinders. Maybe elm? Not sure...Practicing my lamination skills first, then turned a bowl. In retrospect, I should have half turned it then set it to dry for a while as it was quite green.
Should also have planed the glued surfaces a bit more.
Then a little white spirits to clean it up ready for finishing #woodturning
16.1.2023 08:47Then a little white spirits to clean it up ready for finishing #woodturningFlip it around, cut the interior out and generally make pretty
16.1.2023 08:47Flip it around, cut the interior out and generally make prettyAdded a tenon to the base to allow me to mount the other way round #woodturning
16.1.2023 08:45Added a tenon to the base to allow me to mount the other way round #woodturningBeech bowl blank I started on yesterday #woodturning
16.1.2023 08:44Beech bowl blank I started on yesterday #woodturningDetermined not to let my Mastadon experience be as negative as I have on twitter. So trying to avoid political BS and instead post pleasing pics of my wood turning projects.
16.1.2023 08:43Determined not to let my Mastadon experience be as negative as I have on twitter. So trying to avoid political BS and instead post pleasing...I just spent the last couple of work days helping a colleague retrofit unit tests to the implementation...tricky, awkward, difficult work.
I must have mentioned how much easier it is to write the tests first and build the impl around that, maybe 20 times? (And internally said it 1000 times)
Apparently it's too hard to write them first, yet we spend 6 hours testing one method 👹👹