nsfw art thief call him dick tracy
13.3.2025 23:50nsfw art thief call him dick tracymilfuetoast
13.3.2025 16:27milfuetoastmore like sour crime imo
12.3.2025 21:26more like sour crime imowhee, gfsw timeline is slow
12.3.2025 20:34whee, gfsw timeline is slowdragon's ligma
12.3.2025 20:25dragon's ligmababy you know what time it is
12.3.2025 20:24baby you know what time it isdaniel cornerprophets has been doing big numbers on bsky. it brings me no pleasure to report this
11.3.2025 18:20daniel cornerprophets has been doing big numbers on bsky. it brings me no pleasure to report thisif i were having a problem with the localized demiurge i would simply adopt PAL gnosticism
11.3.2025 07:11if i were having a problem with the localized demiurge i would simply adopt PAL gnosticismit's me. jeff de cuisine
11.3.2025 05:00it's me. jeff de cuisinebad
nerds cummy glusters
11.3.2025 04:59badnerds cummy glustersgoing up behind the flag and murmuring something really softly and then when the flag says "what?" saying "what?" right back at the flag
9.3.2025 01:57going up behind the flag and murmuring something really softly and then when the flag says "what?" saying "what?" right...the music of bonch ovi
9.3.2025 01:35the music of bonch ovidisrespecting the flag. interrupting the flag. gaslighting the flag
9.3.2025 01:22disrespecting the flag. interrupting the flag. gaslighting the flaguncle salmon
9.3.2025 01:00uncle salmonlove a critter-shaped garden tchotchke
9.3.2025 00:03love a critter-shaped garden tchotchkepostful boaster
8.3.2025 07:18postful boasterpercussion section is just those two guys who go on the talent shows and make water droplet sounds by bumping their bellies together
8.3.2025 07:17percussion section is just those two guys who go on the talent shows and make water droplet sounds by bumping their bellies togethercomposing for bagpipes and waterphones and accordions and a theremin and the ewi and whatever the worst brass instrument is
8.3.2025 07:16composing for bagpipes and waterphones and accordions and a theremin and the ewi and whatever the worst brass instrument isfucked-up instrument orchestra
8.3.2025 07:14fucked-up instrument orchestrai'm the guy on top chef who plays the dramatic waterphone sting
8.3.2025 07:07i'm the guy on top chef who plays the dramatic waterphone sting