"deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state"
16.4.2024 03:21"deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state"“If you were in a room with [Dulles, Helms and Wisner], you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.”
- James Angleton
some art inspired by "The Devil's Chessboard," a book that i've heard a lot about, and will get to read eventually
30.1.2024 14:02“If you were in a room with [Dulles, Helms and Wisner], you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up...Ronald Reagan Died for Our Sins (2021)
artwork inspired by the iran-contra scandal and "They Live!!"
9.1.2024 02:28Ronald Reagan Died for Our Sins (2021)artwork inspired by the iran-contra scandal and "They Live!!"unsettled by the new wikipedia ui, kinda find it harder to start binging and deepdiving with this ui, but it's possible i'll just get used to it lmfao
20.1.2023 14:14unsettled by the new wikipedia ui, kinda find it harder to start binging and deepdiving with this ui, but it's possible i'll just...wala talaga sa hulog yung framing niya, kulang din sa mga biro yung first half
1.1.2023 06:33wala talaga sa hulog yung framing niya, kulang din sa mga biro yung first half"Triangle of Sadness" was the last film I watched for 2022, massive L 😔
1.1.2023 06:31"Triangle of Sadness" was the last film I watched for 2022, massive L 😔https://www.youtube.com/live/roGdOGDNS98
29.12.2022 03:07#KaJomaLiveshttps://www.youtube.com/live/roGdOGDNS98Minsan hindi ko na mabasa sariling handwriting ko hahah ano ba 'yan
23.12.2022 10:06Minsan hindi ko na mabasa sariling handwriting ko hahah ano ba 'yanmasaya din pala mag-aral ng sama-sama ah, hehe
12.12.2022 04:22masaya din pala mag-aral ng sama-sama ah, hehetagal ko nang di nagdadrawing o nag-aanimate haha kailangan ko ipractice ulet
9.12.2022 04:27tagal ko nang di nagdadrawing o nag-aanimate haha kailangan ko ipractice uletduality of man
28.11.2022 05:54duality of manmashallah sister minnie
26.11.2022 00:31mashallah sister minnieNED's Declassified Color Revolution Guide
24.11.2022 23:16NED's Declassified Color Revolution GuideDaming kailangang gawin sa mga susunod na araw at linggo... exciting! 😄
24.11.2022 15:23Daming kailangang gawin sa mga susunod na araw at linggo... exciting! 😄sarap ng creamy spinach ng angel's pizza gago
24.11.2022 11:45sarap ng creamy spinach ng angel's pizza gagothey gotta find a better word for posting on the fediverse other than "tooting" lmfao
23.11.2022 09:06they gotta find a better word for posting on the fediverse other than "tooting" lmfaofeeling kinda pumped today, been listening to Plok (SNES) Boss Theme Ultra HD Remaster on loop for the last 4 hours
23.11.2022 03:11feeling kinda pumped today, been listening to Plok (SNES) Boss Theme Ultra HD Remaster on loop for the last 4 hoursThe Manchurian Candidate (1962) except instead of becoming an assassin, Shaw becomes a niche internet micro-celebrity.
22.11.2022 13:23The Manchurian Candidate (1962) except instead of becoming an assassin, Shaw becomes a niche internet micro-celebrity.@pinoy Mic check Mic check
22.11.2022 12:33@pinoy Mic check Mic check⬆️