Poesies que se't queden enganxades... Weggaan (Anar-se'n), de Rutger Kopland
29.5.2024 21:24Poesies que se't queden enganxades... Weggaan (Anar-se'n), de Rutger KoplandNoorderlicht!
27.2.2023 21:50Noorderlicht!These cards are one of my favourite writing tools, and they’re discounted today! They’ve gotten me unstuck of so many situations, and they help me get started with new stories. If you write and don’t know them, check them out! (I bought the PDF and printed them myself at a local print shop to avoid shipping + import fees) https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/125685/The-GameMasters-Apprentice-Base-Deck
19.12.2022 18:32These cards are one of my favourite writing tools, and they’re discounted today! They’ve gotten me unstuck of so many situations, and...Flipo amb el GPT3, o l’encerta de ple o et cola unes troles de campionat 🤣
5.12.2022 20:59Flipo amb el GPT3, o l’encerta de ple o et cola unes troles de campionat 🤣