Okunoshima, better known as Rabbit Island, is home to around 900 rabbits.
It was once called "the island erased from the map" & contains many ruins from World War 2
#WW2 https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/en/the-island-erased-from-the-map-okunoshima/
7.8.2023 14:50Okunoshima, better known as Rabbit Island, is home to around 900 rabbits.It was once called "the island erased from the map" &...school vouchers don't help disadvantaged kids. After the Arkansas Governor pushed through a voucher scheme, several schools raised their tuition to keep #poor kids out. A school voucher is a grift to funnel your tax dollars into private hands
#poors #poverty #schoolvouchers #arkansas
7.8.2023 12:59school vouchers don't help disadvantaged kids. After the Arkansas Governor pushed through a voucher scheme, several schools raised their...78 years ago today, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Here's one survivor's story
The Slaughter of #Hiroshima
"Walking through the park you pass a grass-covered mound, two or three meters high — containing the unidentifiable ashes of some seventy thousand human beings"
#AtomicBombs https://jacobin.com/2015/08/hiroshima-nagasaki-bombing-wwii
7.8.2023 11:2978 years ago today, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Here's one survivor's storyThe Slaughter of...eat the rich
Rishi Sunak is Still Trying to Hide His Financial Interests
The Prime Minister’s pledge to bring in a new era of transparency, integrity & accountability now looks like A BIG FAT LIE
#RishiSunak #wealthy #politics #investments https://bylinetimes.com/2023/04/19/rishi-sunak-is-still-trying-to-hide-his-financial-interests/
7.8.2023 08:09eat the richRishi Sunak is Still Trying to Hide His Financial InterestsThe Prime Minister’s pledge to bring in a new era of transparency,..."might makes right"
An Interview With the Guy Who Was @Music on Twitter Until Elon Musk BLATANTLY STOLE his Username
“As soon as I got the email, I was just like, ‘This is bullcrap.’ ”
#theft https://slate.com/technology/2023/08/x-twitter-usernames-music-take-away-interview.html
7.8.2023 07:57"might makes right"An Interview With the Guy Who Was @Music on Twitter Until Elon Musk BLATANTLY STOLE his Username“As soon as I...The #poverty of industrial England was the backdrop of HG Wells’s childhood. This experience instilled in him a clear-eyed realism with which he rejected both utopian & progressive notions that #socialism could be won without #ClassStruggle
4.8.2023 13:26The #poverty of industrial England was the backdrop of HG Wells’s childhood. This experience instilled in him a clear-eyed realism with...YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE!! this will make your blood boil ...
Just when you think our predatory for-profit ‘healthcare’ system cannot get any worse a #Louisville hospital is caught dumping sick elderly patients on the sidewalk & leaving them
#healthcare https://www.wave3.com/2023/06/29/its-like-im-worthless-troubleshooters-investigate-patient-dumping-allegations/
4.8.2023 13:08YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE!! this will make your blood boil ...Just when you think our predatory for-profit ‘healthcare’ system cannot get...Joe Biden Wants You to Kill & Die for the murderous sexist SAUDI MONARCHY, like WTFH??
The Biden administration is thinking about pursuing a US-Saudi mutual defense pact. How does the prospect of US soldiers waging war for Mohammed Bonesaw sound to you?
#MBS #Saudi https://jacobin.com/2023/08/joe-biden-saudi-arabia-monarchy-mutual-defense-pact-war-foreign-relations
2.8.2023 08:14Joe Biden Wants You to Kill & Die for the murderous sexist SAUDI MONARCHY, like WTFH??The Biden administration is thinking about...why is it always "poor people should cut back" instead of "billionaires should stop being such greedy psychopaths"?
via BraveNewFilms
#wealth #greed #power #poverty
2.8.2023 07:23why is it always "poor people should cut back" instead of "billionaires should stop being such greedy psychopaths"?via...Right-wingers love to insist that members of Adolf Hitler’s party were socialists. But Nazism’s real economic policies upheld hypercapitalist principles rooted in social Darwinist ideas about the value of human life. They weren’t socialists at all
1.8.2023 16:48Right-wingers love to insist that members of Adolf Hitler’s party were socialists. But Nazism’s real economic policies upheld...Despite muskrat's stated desire for twitter to be a “free-speech bastion,” Musk’s long history of silencing critics has translated into his willingness to use the site’s content policies to advance his own agenda
#FreeSpeech #lies https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musks-lawsuit-threats-prove-hes-a-free-speech-phony
1.8.2023 16:34Despite muskrat's stated desire for twitter to be a “free-speech bastion,” Musk’s long history of silencing critics has translated...grifting super-wealthy UK Prime Minister is shamelessly approving HUNDREDS OF NEW LICENSES for North Sea #oilandgas. His financial ties to oil giant & North Sea operator @Shell probably have nothing to do with it
#corruption https://bylinetimes.com/2022/07/19/rishi-sunaks-family-profiting-from-ties-to-oil-giant-shell/
1.8.2023 08:34grifting super-wealthy UK Prime Minister is shamelessly approving HUNDREDS OF NEW LICENSES for North Sea #oilandgas. His financial ties to..."free speech" my arse: the only speech that muskrat believes should be free is HATE SPEECH
Twitter Threatens Legal Action Against Nonprofit That Tracks #HateSpeech
31.7.2023 12:35"free speech" my arse: the only speech that muskrat believes should be free is HATE SPEECHTwitter Threatens Legal Action Against...Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t work on his Hawaii ranch, but he & other greedy wealthy landowners own land to benefit from huge agricultural #tax breaks. The scheme ALLOWS THE SUPERRICH TO HOARD WEALTH AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC
#EatTheRich #greed https://jacobin.com/2023/06/agriculture-property-tax-break-use-value-assessment-superrich-mark-zuckerberg-investment
31.7.2023 11:14Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t work on his Hawaii ranch, but he & other greedy wealthy landowners own land to benefit from huge agricultural...wow: Connecticut reduced its prison population by 50%, closed 10 prisons & reduced violent crime by 43% over a period of 10 years
“It is kind of remarkable. We could probably close a few more.”
#prison https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/mass-incarceration-reduction-crime-rates-connecticut.html
30.7.2023 16:48wow: Connecticut reduced its prison population by 50%, closed 10 prisons & reduced violent crime by 43% over a period of 10 years“It...Rosa Luxemburg Anticipated the Destructive Impact of #Capitalist #Globalization
Rosa Luxemburg’s work The Accumulation of Capital described the havoc that capitalism wreaked upon what we now call the Global South. Today’s socialist and environmental activists can draw valuable insights from Luxemburg’s understanding of the world system
the #economy of #greed https://jacobin.com/2023/07/rosa-luxemburg-globalization-imperialism-marx-capital/
30.7.2023 13:11Rosa Luxemburg Anticipated the Destructive Impact of #Capitalist #GlobalizationRosa Luxemburg’s work The Accumulation of Capital described...Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Perfected the Art of Originalism Jujitsu
"she expertly wielded the conservatives’ own tools against them. She spoke the language of the right to promote left-leaning principles."
#SCOTUS #CivilRights #BlackLivesMatter https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/supreme-court-ketanji-brown-jackson-originalism-jujitsu.html
29.7.2023 14:13Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Perfected the Art of Originalism Jujitsu"she expertly wielded the conservatives’ own tools against them....Another Monument to White Supremacy That Should Come Down? The Electoral College
29.7.2023 13:10Another Monument to White Supremacy That Should Come Down? The Electoral College#WhiteSupremacy...australian govt officials are FLAMING MORONS: they are mandating MURDERING NATIVE SPECIES to protect invasive introduced species ... WHUT THE ACTUAL FCUK?
make this make sense ...
#Australia #swans https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-03/swans-culled-in-tas-central-highlands-over-trout-habitat/101608088
29.7.2023 09:53australian govt officials are FLAMING MORONS: they are mandating MURDERING NATIVE SPECIES to protect invasive introduced species ... WHUT...wow. i never thought i'd agree with lindsey graham on ANYTHING. but here we are
Lindsey Graham & Elizabeth Warren: When It Comes to Big Tech, Enough is enough. It’s time to rein in Big Tech.
Nobody elected #BigTech execs to govern anything, let alone THE ENTIRE DIGITAL WORLD
#SocialMedia https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/27/opinion/lindsey-graham-elizabeth-warren-big-tech-regulation.html
28.7.2023 11:49wow. i never thought i'd agree with lindsey graham on ANYTHING. but here we areLindsey Graham & Elizabeth Warren: When It Comes to...