Got my photos back from summer/fall of 2024! I’m definitely getting better at metering by eye
10.3.2025 16:25Got my photos back from summer/fall of 2024! I’m definitely getting better at metering by eyeWhy she do this
18.10.2024 22:51Why she do thisCW food, transphobic remarks by Keurig Dr Pepper Snapple CEO Tim Cofer
New Dr. Pepper ZERO SUGAR ad campaign condemned as "offensive" and "not woke" by the "nonbinary community"; Keurig Dr Pepper Snapple CEO Tim Cofer steps down after being "cancelled", says "those things should be grateful for even being compared to a person"
10.9.2024 01:22CW food, transphobic remarks by Keurig Dr Pepper Snapple CEO Tim CoferNew Dr. Pepper ZERO SUGAR ad campaign condemned as...SHE STINKS!
16.8.2024 00:57SHE STINKS!why didn’t they warn me that one of the side effects of the tetanus vaccine is deliriously cutting your hair to look like young Howl
16.8.2024 00:39why didn’t they warn me that one of the side effects of the tetanus vaccine is deliriously cutting your hair to look like young HowlPlus a couple from life! Shoutout to @proto and @cowboy (not to mention my cat duckie!) for letting me accost them with my camera
12.8.2024 19:05Plus a couple from life! Shoutout to @proto and @cowboy (not to mention my cat duckie!) for letting me accost them with my cameraI finally got some old film rolls back, and I’m so happy with how the pictures came out!
12.8.2024 18:31I finally got some old film rolls back, and I’m so happy with how the pictures came out!Oh wait, actually, I did already know that
5.8.2024 17:07Oh wait, actually, I did already know thatI love saying “Joseph M Juran applied Pareto’s principle to business, PROVING that 80% of the profits are generated by less than 20% of the work, effort, and resources,” man if only I knew you can say LITERALLY ANYTHING and business people will just believe you if you but a percent sign after it
5.8.2024 17:06I love saying “Joseph M Juran applied Pareto’s principle to business, PROVING that 80% of the profits are generated by less than 20% of...I can’t decide what’s worse, a chapter talking about how it’s like, if you’re poor it’s cause your personality and work ethic is bad, or to have one that acts like aromatherapy is a real a valid medical treatment
5.8.2024 17:00I can’t decide what’s worse, a chapter talking about how it’s like, if you’re poor it’s cause your personality and work ethic is...I’m going to school to cut hair, not to learn quack economic garbage where someone is like “ahh yeah this concept isn’t a “””””hard and fast mathematical law””””” but it’s like kinda real”
5.8.2024 16:57I’m going to school to cut hair, not to learn quack economic garbage where someone is like “ahh yeah this concept isn’t a...What kind of absolute fucking bullshit is the “80/20 rule” and why the fuck do I have to learn about it in school
5.8.2024 16:56What kind of absolute fucking bullshit is the “80/20 rule” and why the fuck do I have to learn about it in schoolReintroducing pests to my apartment to get the hot trans exterminator to come back
30.7.2024 16:36Reintroducing pests to my apartment to get the hot trans exterminator to come backHow have I only seen one other person in this entire fucking airport wearing a mask
26.7.2024 08:36How have I only seen one other person in this entire fucking airport wearing a maskVery bored at school so I decided to do a doodle of @proto ‘s fursona!
CW ec
24.7.2024 19:11Very bored at school so I decided to do a doodle of @proto ‘s fursona!CW ecMe not moving her out of the drawer is her reward for putting up with being trapped in a hot room with no electricity during a heat wave (shoutout to my landlord for not checking to see if any of the outlets were grounded the last time the apartment caught fire and us finding out because an electrician decided to do his due diligence and double check a year later, only to have her delay replacing them for a month because she didn't want to upset her anniversary plans)
16.7.2024 22:00Me not moving her out of the drawer is her reward for putting up with being trapped in a hot room with no electricity during a heat wave...We adhere to only the highest standards for stove safety in this household
CW food
22.6.2024 03:52We adhere to only the highest standards for stove safety in this householdCW foodIm literally #wonking my #wingus right now
15.6.2024 02:11Im literally #wonking my #wingus right nowI just got my first roll of film back that I took with a 1930s brownie, and am super happy with how they came out!! I had to use a different kind of film than what the camera was intended for (as the original was discontinued in 1982), and didn’t realize that the smaller aspect ratio would lead exposures to overlap, but the effect turned it very cool! I’ll have to experiment to see if I can do it more purposefully in future, but for now I’m thrilled
14.6.2024 19:54I just got my first roll of film back that I took with a 1930s brownie, and am super happy with how they came out!! I had to use a different...Eep on fish
8.6.2024 20:18Eep on fish#caturday