To donate to Chaikuni please click here:
Let’s help local farmers to work to stop #deforestation and do great work with #agroforestry in South America!
10.7.2024 14:17To donate to Chaikuni please click here:’s help local farmers to work to stop #deforestation...Today is the last day of Chaikuni institute’s fundraising campaign!
Please take a moment to watch this film about #agroforestry promoter Adilla
And please donate if you can to help #permaculture and #indigenous rights in the Peruvian Amazon :)
10.7.2024 14:14Today is the last day of Chaikuni institute’s fundraising campaign!Please take a moment to watch this film about #agroforestry promoter...Chaikuni institute in the Peruvian Amazon help empower #indigenous people through #permaculture, intercultural education and human & #nature rights.
Check out their wonderful new film about Kukama women and #agroforestry here:
And if you’re interested in helping them out with their work, please look —>
1.7.2024 14:07Chaikuni institute in the Peruvian Amazon help empower #indigenous people through #permaculture, intercultural education and human &...Man I wish we could just stay on GMT all year. I want my 5am dawn back! #daylightsaving
1.4.2024 07:30Man I wish we could just stay on GMT all year. I want my 5am dawn back! #daylightsavingBlimey. #3BodyProblem on Netflix is a bit odd isn’t it? Kicks off utterly serious and brutal then suddenly we’ve got Ade Edmunson, Kevin Eldon and a Tudor era Phil Wang wearing his specs from 2024? Is this meant to be a camp comedy?
25.3.2024 11:49Blimey. #3BodyProblem on Netflix is a bit odd isn’t it? Kicks off utterly serious and brutal then suddenly we’ve got Ade Edmunson, Kevin...If any of my lovely film critic followers would be interested in watching (and maybe even reviewing) my #shamanic #SlowCinema feature SAIVO I’ve got some free screener codes waiting for you - DM me :)
1.2.2024 18:04If any of my lovely film critic followers would be interested in watching (and maybe even reviewing) my #shamanic #SlowCinema feature SAIVO...And so the big news - my experiential art / feature #film SAIVO is now available to rent or buy here:
The film was made at the Isogaisa #festival of #shamanism in Norway and follows #Sami #shamans and many others from around the world sharing their #spiritual #traditions with each other. It’s intentionally slow paced (#SlowCinema) and intended to be viewed as a ritual, meditation or prayer. I hope you enjoy it - please share here and elsewhere if you do!
24.1.2024 21:18And so the big news - my experiential art / feature #film SAIVO is now available to rent or buy here:http://www.saivofilm.comThe film was...Hi all! Sorry for radio silence these past months - have had my head down working on exciting things and then took some time away. Looking forward to sharing something big with you all very soon #movie #SlowCinema #shamanism
24.1.2024 20:55Hi all! Sorry for radio silence these past months - have had my head down working on exciting things and then took some time away. Looking...At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold… or a few billion of them…
26.8.2023 17:58At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold… or a few billion of them…Loving the sound of rain this morning :)
20.6.2023 05:24Loving the sound of rain this morning :)Sitting here playing #Zelda TOTK and chatting to an old uni mate and realising that exactly this time 20 years ago we were playing Wind Waker… so happy my doubts about this one were unfounded!
19.5.2023 19:13Sitting here playing #Zelda TOTK and chatting to an old uni mate and realising that exactly this time 20 years ago we were playing Wind...6 years ago I took a tentative step back into the world of videogames after about an 18 year old break with #Zelda BOTW… I *want* to preorder TOTK but I have yet to see anything that excites me. I love adventures in nature and most enjoy games that give me that sense when I can’t actually get outside because of long Covid and British rain! Wondering if the reviews will convince me, but platforming in the sky doesn’t feel like roaming free to me…
10.5.2023 17:166 years ago I took a tentative step back into the world of videogames after about an 18 year old break with #Zelda BOTW… I *want* to...Installed a solar irrigator at the #allotment this weekend. Not sure it’s working yet but if it does it’s going to be life changing! Had the usual spectators watching me install…
8.5.2023 16:55Installed a solar irrigator at the #allotment this weekend. Not sure it’s working yet but if it does it’s going to be life changing! Had...I’m not entirely sure why, but I find myself feeling a huge amount of appreciative joy for Michael Douglas getting the honorary Palme d’Or this year. I’ve always found his performances most enjoyable. I hope he walks up to collect to the sound of ‘Falling Up’ by Theo Parrish :) #cannes #michaeldouglas
3.5.2023 13:39I’m not entirely sure why, but I find myself feeling a huge amount of appreciative joy for Michael Douglas getting the honorary Palme...There’s something about this moment in the year when many of the leaves of the #woodland trees are out, but they still have that young spring green colour. Magic.
26.4.2023 18:02There’s something about this moment in the year when many of the leaves of the #woodland trees are out, but they still have that young...A lovely afternoon at the #allotment! Have to love foxes :)
21.4.2023 17:49A lovely afternoon at the #allotment! Have to love foxes :)#Spring has definitely sprung and the #allotment is starting to take shape. Trying to get as much low maintenance stuff going as possible now before #editing work heats up. Film and TV in the U.K. is almost as seasonal as farming sometimes :) At least I’ll have #strawberries to munch on in the suite soon!
17.4.2023 16:18#Spring has definitely sprung and the #allotment is starting to take shape. Trying to get as much low maintenance stuff going as possible...No #wordle, that is not a word
9.4.2023 17:20No #wordle, that is not a wordBeen a while since I posted anything from the #woodland. Had been planning a move to more rural climes but Liz Truss happened. Upside = haven’t had to say goodbye to these ancient tree spirits just yet… Spring is definitely underway here!
17.3.2023 14:00Been a while since I posted anything from the #woodland. Had been planning a move to more rural climes but Liz Truss happened. Upside =...I seem to be following a lot of Canadians here, and was about to write something attempting to be witty about how people in #Canada sure seem to stay up very late, but realised that no, I just like to get up early and they have a west coast… #ConfusedBrit #Morning #Lark
17.3.2023 06:44I seem to be following a lot of Canadians here, and was about to write something attempting to be witty about how people in #Canada sure...