Exercise how?…
Take it till you make it. Right
9.4.2024 11:45Exercise how?…Take it till you make it. Righthttps://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/04/09/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1669/Vampires/GHOSTs/Psychological THRILLERs...
9.4.2024 02:03Vampires/GHOSTs/Psychological THRILLERs...https://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/04/08/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1648/Week 4 of 2 Corinthians 10 3-5
*Spiritual Neuroscience DR. Carolyn Leaf book *Choose the Holy Spirit to direct my brain. Until Next Time, Heidi💜
9.4.2024 01:35Week 4 of 2 Corinthians 10 3-5*Spiritual Neuroscience DR. Carolyn Leaf book *Choose the Holy Spirit to direct my brain. Until Next Time,...A study of 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 (week 3) http://youtube.com/watch?v=MI9qMcRq9Ag&feature=youtu.be https://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1638/
5.4.2024 18:25A study of 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 (week 3) http://youtube.com/watch?v=MI9qMcRq9Ag&feature=youtu.be...As if anyone has to ask?
I really believe God created animals before he created us because he knew we would need them.
5.4.2024 17:02As if anyone has to ask?I really believe God created animals before he created us because he knew we would need...This…
If I watch anytime
4.4.2024 20:27This…If I watch anytimehttps://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1632/He won’t let me go…
The Lord has been calling me to do a study of 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 for the past 3 weeks…
3.4.2024 18:06He won’t let me go…The Lord has been calling me to do a study of 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 for the past 3...Stay…
Intrusive thoughts are common, affecting about six million Americans
1.4.2024 23:27Stay…Intrusive thoughts are common, affecting about six million...What works?
I love to talk to myself
31.3.2024 21:44What works?I love to talk to myselfhttps://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/03/31/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1608/?
I am praying for breakthroughs
31.3.2024 15:48?I am praying for breakthroughshttps://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/03/31/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1605/I do…
will start with a gratitude list: 1. The weather was beautiful today.
31.3.2024 04:07I do…will start with a gratitude list: 1. The weather was beautiful...It’s in there somewhere…
Life is a process y’all! Seek your joy like a Christian would seek the Lord
29.3.2024 12:41It’s in there somewhere…Life is a process y’all! Seek your joy like a Christian would seek the...2 Corinthians chapter 10(study)
So now to meditate on this
29.3.2024 04:132 Corinthians chapter 10(study)So now to meditate on thishttps://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/03/29/https-bananacat07-wordpress-com-p1586/✅👣🫧✨🧸👑💎📦✂️🗑️📬💌🔑
I have learned to let the people who let me go to let them go also
29.3.2024 00:52✅👣🫧✨🧸👑💎📦✂️🗑️📬💌🔑I have learned to let the people who let me go to let them go...Are we there yet?
I’m pretty sure at 5 years old I assumed I would be fine as long as I could sit on my porch while eating Smarties all day
28.3.2024 12:44Are we there yet?I’m pretty sure at 5 years old I assumed I would be fine as long as I could sit on my porch while eating Smarties all...How do you take your thoughts captive to be obedient to Christ?
Before I forget, I want to discuss my most powerful prayer with you. My prayer goes something like this:
28.3.2024 04:44How do you take your thoughts captive to be obedient to Christ?Before I forget, I want to discuss my most powerful prayer with you. My...The way that…
What’s something most people don’t understand? As much as they say that they want to, no one else understands someone's struggle. They say, that's why we should be kind. When it comes to enabling someone, we aren't really being kind to them. we can't fix someone else. There are times when a person sees no way out or they resort to old habits that are harmful.
27.3.2024 11:55The way that…What’s something most people don’t understand? As much as they say that they want to, no one else understands...Untitled
How has technology changed your job? In the morning I feel depleted of energy when I think about the tasks of the day ahead of me. The first thing I delete from my life is probably the things that are positive for me such as exercise. The reason is after my "exercise session" I am depleted of energy. I need rest then.
26.3.2024 12:28UntitledHow has technology changed your job? In the morning I feel depleted of energy when I think about the tasks of the day ahead of me....Let Them…
25.3.2024 14:24Let Them…https://bananacat07.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/let-them/Help yourself…
I remember a few years ago sitting in the ER completely helpless with anxiety, depression, and shortness of breath. My heart was racing. I was scared. I felt alone with a room full of people. Those around me were calm. Like nothing was going on while I was there feeling insane. I was screaming inside of myself. I felt desperate for help.
25.3.2024 03:06Help yourself…I remember a few years ago sitting in the ER completely helpless with anxiety, depression, and shortness of breath. My heart...⬆️