Every day on the roads of Mozambique the ground does not stop shaking because of the trucks carrying top quality wood to China, but Mozambican students from all provinces and districts are worse off localities are condemned to not using desks, studying under the trees, when it rains students Be aware that we do not study rainy days .
1.12.2024 13:40Every day on the roads of Mozambique the ground does not stop shaking because of the trucks carrying top quality wood to China, but...@AnonAntifaV_ Help Mozambique, the nations that only have eyes to see our resources are silent and pretend not to have time for us, Venezuela intervened quickly, but we are different, just because we are black.Don't we deserve freedom? Anyone who knows how to do something here on the forum and elsewhere should do something for the Mozambican people who are being hunted in their homes with weapons of war.🇲🇿
13.11.2024 11:17@AnonAntifaV_ Help Mozambique, the nations that only have eyes to see our resources are silent and pretend not to have time for us,...@AnonAntifaV_ Hi, I come with tears in my eyes because of the atrocities that politicians addicted to power in my country are doing to the people, the people who are contesting the results of the party in power for 50 years. The people have a choice, but they deny us that choice. They are using real bullets to kill those who protest with only leaflets and water in their hands. I wish all their secrets were exposed.So that Interpol and other nations rush to intervene in the matter, help us.
13.11.2024 11:10@AnonAntifaV_ Hi, I come with tears in my eyes because of the atrocities that politicians addicted to power in my country are doing to the...