I took the time at #WICMP to familiarise myself with the lasercutter at zam #hackspace in erlangen. Thanks for the opportunity.
1.3.2025 17:15I took the time at #WICMP to familiarise myself with the lasercutter at zam #hackspace in erlangen. Thanks for the opportunity.Today I was reminded that it is not allowed to record meetings and run them though an AI to generate meeting minutes.
What can I say? I am a fast typer. 😅
So I took it as a compliment 🙂. The quality of our team's hand written minutes is above average because we want the entire team to know everything that was said without having to call a participant for context later on. We take the time to add context as well as links to documentation and tickets. It simply saves time in the long run.
The #38C3 wristband fits nicely into my bracelet collection.
I am still kicking my self over not noticing this obvious conversion sooner. I lost more than half of my collection after I had to cut them off for an MRI and didn't know what to do with them 🥲.
Oh well, now I can wear them as an accessory to all those congress merch shirts and zippers I collected over the last 20 Years 😊
31.12.2024 14:19The #38C3 wristband fits nicely into my bracelet collection.I am still kicking my self over not noticing this obvious conversion sooner. I...Usually I get my nails painted at some point during congress but this time I totally forgot 😧.
Luckily a very nice person offered to paint them out of the blue. We had a nice chat about text editor preferences while I had to hold still 🥰.
They finished just in time for me grab my stuff and head to the train station. Don't look too closely at my hands. My skin hads suffered a bit from constantly washing my hands. #38C3
31.12.2024 00:58Usually I get my nails painted at some point during congress but this time I totally forgot 😧.Luckily a very nice person offered to paint...I went to this years #38c3 for the buildup again. It's nice to see everything come together with everyone having fun doing what they like.
If you are frustrated by the processes at your day job and/or those enforcing them no matter how stupid. If other people keep pushing their work to you.
I highly recommend coming to the buildup. Here you can see how things work out with minimal leadership. Everbody wants to be here and help getting this event going. People roam the halls _looking_ for work 🤩
"Solche Zyklen kommen gehäuft in der Pubertät und vor der Menopause vor, also am Anfang und Ende der geschlechtsreifen Zeit."
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poledance, light clothing
I completely forgot to post a #poledancing picture from #håckmas this summer. I had a great time. Especially because many attendees of my #poledance workshops stopped by to use my pole for some photoshooting of their own 😊. This is exactly what makes me eager to share my favorite sport and drag this 100kg pole stage to every CCC event (except 38c3 🥲)
18.11.2024 17:07poledance, light clothingI completely forgot to post a #poledancing picture from #håckmas this summer. I had a great time. Especially...Is there a hashtag for posts that explicitly are positive in nature? I want mastodon to only show me things that cheer me up.
#positivity looks promising
9.11.2024 16:41Is there a hashtag for posts that explicitly are positive in nature? I want mastodon to only show me things that cheer me up.#positivity...I think I learnd something today.
The Endcap dangeling at the end of my extension cord didn't reach. "Stupid design! Don't they test for that?" I said to myself.
Then it hit me. They probably mean to attach the cap one winding down from the socket. Then it doubles as a retainer for the dangeling socket. And the small hole in the string attaching it to the cable is probably for the plug to stick through. Both sides are fixed in place firmly and won't unwind. 🥰
Yeah, they did test. 😅
restriction of free speech
Just saw this in my newpipe list: A clip from Bill Maher's talkshow. Just read the heading. My first thought was: "That makes sense. Bots are manipulating the people's opinion all over the place". Then I froze in horror over what I just thought 😨.
How do they decide who is a bot and who isn't? Bots ares supposed to look and act like humans. The obvious way is to force everbody to use real names and authenticate through some kind of service... or be treated like a bot 😞.
My mother is very caring with her things. She wouldn't let her dashcam in the car for fear it might die in the heat. Naturally the latch holding it in place is completly worn out from constant detatching and attaching.
I wanted to fix the little notch (increase hardness) with a drop of superglue but didn't realize the tube was already pretty pressurized when I screwed the cap off. Luckily my desk was spared and only my hands were affected. 😅 I even managed not to glue my fingers together 😋
Eye contact
There was an Outdoor #polefitness and photo shoot session this weekend ☺️. The weather was perfect and we had a lot of fun.
Here is a low Resolution picture of me doing a double martini with one of my trainers at a lakeside. Imagine us Spinning slowly.
Recently I got a feeling of resentment for my epilator. So I (hopefully) fixed it 😁. The feeling of hair free legs is nice and it also helps a little with #poledance
9.7.2024 17:38Recently I got a feeling of resentment for my epilator. So I (hopefully) fixed it 😁. The feeling of hair free legs is nice and it also...Made a small #weekendproject a week ago for our anual #hackspace camping trip. The site tends to be completely dark at night and has no electric power. So I took a 54 meter LED light string from storage early and made a converter to power it from a usb powerbank. It lead a safe way over the grass to the bathroom at night.
The strip is rated for 9W at 31V.
To make the battery last longer and also lower the brightness for total darkness I brought that down to 5W. At this power it lasts 15 hours.
I have a #fairphone 3 for nearly 5 years now and never had to replace a part*.
Of course the battery life was getting shorter but I was fine with that... until I was gifted a decent charger. Within one week the battery got really bad 😑. OK, no more rapid charging, then.
I got a new battery and it will probably last until the fairphone 6 is released 😋.
*One of the volume buttons died but there is no spare part available ☹️. Their repair shop can fix it but i want to do it my self. I can solder.
21.6.2024 16:36I have a #fairphone 3 for nearly 5 years now and never had to replace a part*.Of course the battery life was getting shorter but I was fine...I love watching the #24hlemans endurance race and have been watching it since Audi first entered the competition. I am from #ingolstadt after all 😅.
However it saddens me to see there are still no fully electric cars (i.e. batter powered) in this race.
I know the Energy density is low, but what does it matter? Just put them in an extra category and make sure they drive just as fast as the others to not create a road hazard 🥺.
I don't care about hydrogen fuel. That's a dead end technology 😔.
16.6.2024 14:45I love watching the #24hlemans endurance race and have been watching it since Audi first entered the competition. I am from #ingolstadt...The workshop at the #gpn22 was a great success. 😀. Originally scheduled from 21:00 to 22:30 on Thursday we agreed to just continue having fun with various tricks until 00:30.
The day after I scheduled another workshop with also was fully booked within an hour. Yet again people didn't want to leave when the allotted time was over 🥰.
I also got to know a few other experienced dancers. I hope we can work on something cool for the next events 😉.
Thanks for all the curiosity in #poledance
Aaaaand it's gone. 😄
All #gpn22 workshops on day 1 are now fully booked after just a few hours. This even includes the #poledance workshop I am hosting. I love how open the chaos community is. 🥰
26.5.2024 13:40Aaaaand it's gone. 😄 All #gpn22 workshops on day 1 are now fully booked after just a few hours. This even includes the #poledance...My #polefitness workshop for the #GPN22 has been scheduled: https://cfp.gulas.ch/gpn22/talk/V8HNM8/
I am really looking forward to showing my favorite sport 😄
24.5.2024 15:38My #polefitness workshop for the #GPN22 has been scheduled: https://cfp.gulas.ch/gpn22/talk/V8HNM8/I am really looking forward to showing my...I took part in a local street pole challange today.
I may not look it but I am holding on for dear life here. This sign pole doesn't offer nearly enough grip for this pose. The shirt and pants are also not helping my cause. This is the best smile and pose I can hold under these circumstances. Still a success in my book. 😅