#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!
22.9.2023 10:36#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!
21.9.2023 10:20#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!
20.9.2023 11:10#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!
19.9.2023 12:14#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!
18.9.2023 11:34#GettingStarted, hope everyone is having a great day!16/ If the goal of aid agencies, faced with constrained budgets, is defined as moving refugees to self-reliance, then a stronger set of policy tools is likely needed, where cash–likely more cash–may be part of the solution. FIN
15.9.2023 11:3616/ If the goal of aid agencies, faced with constrained budgets, is defined as moving refugees to self-reliance, then a stronger set of...15/ In a world of increasing acute crises—witness Morocco and Libya, among others, this week—how the world will deal with both acute crises *and* protracted displacement needs clear-eyed debate and planning.
15.9.2023 11:3615/ In a world of increasing acute crises—witness Morocco and Libya, among others, this week—how the world will deal with both acute...14/ “Overall, we conclude that although a large, lump-sum cash transfer had positive effects on households in Kiryandongo, it is unlikely to fundamentally change the dynamic of refugees’ dependence on humanitarian aid.
15.9.2023 11:3614/ “Overall, we conclude that although a large, lump-sum cash transfer had positive effects on households in Kiryandongo, it is unlikely...13/ “So, an aid strategy that relied on one-time lump-sum transfers may end up leaving a subset of the population impoverished once the transfer ran out…
15.9.2023 11:3513/ “So, an aid strategy that relied on one-time lump-sum transfers may end up leaving a subset of the population impoverished once the...12/ “Although most income gains in our sample can be attributed to business revenues or remittances, in our treatment group at the end line only 33% of households own businesses, and 76% reported receiving no remittances…
15.9.2023 11:3512/ “Although most income gains in our sample can be attributed to business revenues or remittances, in our treatment group at the end...11/ “Whether an aid agency should—or morally ‘can’—replace continuous cash transfers with one final lump-sum transfer depends critically on how long the positive effects of the transfer will last…
15.9.2023 11:3511/ “Whether an aid agency should—or morally ‘can’—replace continuous cash transfers with one final lump-sum transfer depends...10/ “On many dimensions, we indeed find that refugees had the potential to be more self-reliant post-transfer, driven particularly by increased business income and remittances. But is this enough to justify ending monthly consumption support?
15.9.2023 11:3410/ “On many dimensions, we indeed find that refugees had the potential to be more self-reliant post-transfer, driven particularly by...9/ “We also find promisingly positive effects in psych well-being. We demonstrated limited downside effects, at either the HH or community level. Taken together, these pieces suggest that large, one-off unconditional cash transfers are a feasible, non-harmful tool for the humanitarian toolkit…
15.9.2023 11:349/ “We also find promisingly positive effects in psych well-being. We demonstrated limited downside effects, at either the HH or community...8/ “Our results show that it is operationally feasible to deliver large cash transfers via mobile money to refugees registered in a settlement and for recipients to translate that money into increased consumption, dietary quality, and household assets….
15.9.2023 11:348/ “Our results show that it is operationally feasible to deliver large cash transfers via mobile money to refugees registered in a...7/ However, I spend the rest of the 🧵 drawing on ‘implications for policy & practice,’ where we go from a point estimate to making meaning. If I do say so, this section represents a fine example of something productive coming from a Heather-@danstein_econ back-&-forth.
15.9.2023 11:337/ However, I spend the rest of the 🧵 drawing on ‘implications for policy & practice,’ where we go from a point estimate to...6/ We have lots of interesting results, including a positive result on a self-reliance index. I encourage you to read the paper in full and admire the many tables.
15.9.2023 11:336/ We have lots of interesting results, including a positive result on a self-reliance index. I encourage you to read the paper in full and...5/ This had been brewing since before Covid but the pandemic and its sequelae threw the situation into sharp relief. Suddenly, understanding self-reliance—that is, could a one-time transfer move a HH to the point of no longer needing aid—rose in importance.
15.9.2023 11:325/ This had been brewing since before Covid but the pandemic and its sequelae threw the situation into sharp relief. Suddenly, understanding...4/ Then came Covid and the lockdown of markets and schools as well as cuts to World Food Programme monthly consumption support given many competing demands on their budget. Given a constrained budget, new and acute crises compete with protracted displacement.
15.9.2023 11:324/ Then came Covid and the lockdown of markets and schools as well as cuts to World Food Programme monthly consumption support given many...3/ (a) the operational feasibility of transferring cash to 10,000 HHs registered in a refugee settlement & (b) whether refugees, w/ potential constraints on how they could use cash, could make use of the transfer, including transformative use. We pre-registered multiple outcomes.
15.9.2023 11:313/ (a) the operational feasibility of transferring cash to 10,000 HHs registered in a refugee settlement & (b) whether refugees, w/...2/ Starting out (see our ‘office’ for baseline, below), this was not meant to be a paper on transfers ‘amid shocks.’ Rather, @GiveDirectly & members of the Cash Working Group in Uganda wanted to know…
15.9.2023 11:312/ Starting out (see our ‘office’ for baseline, below), this was not meant to be a paper on transfers ‘amid shocks.’ Rather,...