Work has begun on #Eberron for #SavageWorlds for @foundryvtt
It's slow-going, but it's going.
24.7.2023 20:31Work has begun on #Eberron for #SavageWorlds for @foundryvtt It's slow-going, but it's going.What's next for Eberron for #SavageWorlds? We're not sure yet. Our original idea was to go through each of the v3.5 #Eberron books one at a time in order of release, but since will have significantly less content than others, so we're considering other approaches such as creating PDFs based on themes (organizations, geography, etc) or content types (player options, bestiary, NPCs).
We also have a couple of projects we're working on and want to finish before we venture back into Eberron.
2.7.2023 00:58What's next for Eberron for #SavageWorlds? We're not sure yet. Our original idea was to go through each of the v3.5 #Eberron books...We just updated the #SavageWorlds Dice Roller web app and greatly improved its use of Discord webhooks. We also added a "Breaking Things" option for damage rolls that disables exploding dice as per the core rules. Give it a spin!
Woot! 100% of the population of The Immaterial Plane is on Mastodon! Let's welcome @jenniferjuniper !
27.4.2023 16:22Woot! 100% of the population of The Immaterial Plane is on Mastodon! Let's welcome @jenniferjuniper !Wednesday, April 19th, at 7pm EDT, Jenn and Kristian will team up with Diana Restrepo and Adam Conn as members of the supervillain team The Graveyard Shift in Clint Black's #NecessaryEvil actual play. Viewer donations will support the National #MultipleSclerosis Society. Hit the link for more details!
#SavageWorlds #ttrpg
11.4.2023 19:07Wednesday, April 19th, at 7pm EDT, Jenn and Kristian will team up with Diana Restrepo and Adam Conn as members of the supervillain team The...A new #Eberron for #SavageWorlds Character Sheet is now available! Designed by the very talented Karl Keesler, this sheet is form-fillable and includes independent layers for backgrounds with core skills prefilled. #ttrpg