Am I the only one who finds stuff like this terrifying? Especially as an #advocate, you expect people to bash you, but not quite like this #mean #girl approach. #US #Musk #Trump #scary #world
17.2.2025 12:21 Am I the only one who finds stuff like this terrifying? Especially as an #advocate, you expect...on top of the usual crap storm that my mental health is, and the chronic pain that refuses to abate, so my hope is that the worst is over. Is there a word beyond exhaustion that could commmunicate its depth? I don't think so. #venting #life #single #parenthood #co-parenting #dogsitting #frustration
13.2.2025 12:12on top of the usual crap storm that my mental health is, and the chronic pain that refuses to abate, so my hope is that the worst is writing sharply worded emails, to struggling with the economics of living in this world, to exhaustion and burnout, to needing to unplug from the crap storm of politics plaguing this and many countries, ... I worry about what the rest of the week has in store for me. And this is
13.2.2025 12:12to writing sharply worded emails, to struggling with the economics of living in this world, to exhaustion and burnout, to needing to unplug...This week's crap storm of my life has been made tangible and real by the winter storm that is making its way through #Ontario. From pet owners who don't communicate well, to unexpected BS every day from this result, to last minutte frantic planning and scheduling, to creative problem solving, to feeling more and more defeated in the advocacy space,
13.2.2025 12:12This week's crap storm of my life has been made tangible and real by the winter storm that is making its way through #Ontario. From pet...... in my professional life ... feel free to share #hospital #Ontario #lndont #LHSC #patient
11.12.2024 00:58... in my professional life ... feel free to share #hospital #Ontario #lndont...this 4 times now, I think I've finally found the best recipe for success on bringing home a new guide. Hopefully I don't jinx myself, LOL. #guidedog #travel #successor
28.10.2024 11:57this 4 times now, I think I've finally found the best recipe for success on bringing home a new guide. Hopefully I don't jinx...There are always ebbs and flows with the guide dog lifestyle, but having now been home a month with Anise, if the way she works now, is the way she works her whole life, it's going to be fun. She is starting to generalize APS buttons, as demonstrated by her targeting one today that she had not been formally taught. Newport still tries to get into her harness if he sees it, but I know that will pass. Having done
28.10.2024 11:57There are always ebbs and flows with the guide dog lifestyle, but having now been home a month with Anise, if the way she works now, is when people ask as I am managing my dog or rewarding her, "Is she in training?" The thing is, they're always in training. Yes, they have been formally trained, but like us, their learning doesn't stop when they complete formal training and are issued. If a dog is being asked to do anything, go anywhere, etc, it is in "training", just as we are as we move through the world. #totallyblind #travel #nuisance
25.10.2024 15:15love when people ask as I am managing my dog or rewarding her, "Is she in training?" The thing is, they're always in training....little pissy today. The point is still valid, though. Distractions ruin the momentum, even though they can be constructive learning experiences, but that's besides the point! Obviously I chose this lifestyle, and ultimately it's wonderful, but nuisance distractions and lack of education by pet owners is an interminable annoyance. I also
25.10.2024 15:15little pissy today. The point is still valid, though. Distractions ruin the momentum, even though they can be constructive learning...Although I appreciate the sentiment, I don't care that your dog is friendly, I don't care if mine wants to visit, and if you know it's a working dog, do you not realize that distracting her actually gets her into trouble, prompting me to have to manage her? Why does no one understand that when she's distracted, my safety is in jeopardy, as if I hijacked the steering wheel of your car! I'm sorry, I'm just a
25.10.2024 15:14Although I appreciate the sentiment, I don't care that your dog is friendly, I don't care if mine wants to visit, and if you know...Why is it that when I come cruising down the sidewalk at a good clip with my cane, that pet dog owners usually move out of my way, but when I'm doing the same thing with my #guidedog they either stand in my way, or allow their barking dog to hijack her focus? They often say something like, "my dog is friendly", or even, "they just want to play", or even, "oh no, Fido, that's a working dog".
25.10.2024 15:14Why is it that when I come cruising down the sidewalk at a good clip with my cane, that pet dog owners usually move out of my way, but when...This is embarrassing. I haven't spent this much time in Green Hill zone since I was like 4! And pooh on #Sega for not letting me use the d-pad! Possibly a setting that can be changed in the game, but I'd need sighted assistance for that! #SonicXShadowGenerations
23.10.2024 09:58This is embarrassing. I haven't spent this much time in Green Hill zone since I was like 4! And pooh on #Sega for not letting me use the...Wow! Sometimes my tireless advocating does result in tangible change! There will finally be an APS at my corner!!! FINALLY!!! Oh yeah, and my dog is so smart, that she guided me around the construction being done there, before I even realized it was going on. She's a great little worker.
16.10.2024 16:08Wow! Sometimes my tireless advocating does result in tangible change! There will finally be an APS at my corner!!! FINALLY!!! Oh yeah, and...So many traffic checks since I've been home. I swear they're testing us! Thank goodness for this wonderful dog!
5.10.2024 19:49So many traffic checks since I've been home. I swear they're testing us! Thank goodness for this wonderful dog!but all good things must come to an end. My new guide has a tremendous amount of zeal, confidence and motivation for the work, and I couldn't have asked for a dog with more healthy lead and initiative. We're going to go places, and hopefully do great things together. #GuideDogsfortheBlind #independent #travel
5.10.2024 18:37but all good things must come to an end. My new guide has a tremendous amount of zeal, confidence and motivation for the work, and I...Home almost a week now and settling in well. The cat(s) and kid(s) seem to be enjoying my new guide, and my retired guide is enjoying having a friend with whom to play. I miss the hospitality of #GDB, the convenience of the playyards, and the guaranteed 3 squares a day,
5.10.2024 18:37Home almost a week now and settling in well. The cat(s) and kid(s) seem to be enjoying my new guide, and my retired guide is enjoying having...It's so beautiful here! I love the scenery!
24.9.2024 17:04It's so beautiful here! I love the scenery!Wish I could get paid for my #opinions. This person is absolutely right! #school #smartphones #ban #Ontario
7.9.2024 11:03Wish I could get paid for my #opinions. This person is absolutely right! #school #smartphones...Why is it that articles from other countries, and people are braver than those here? I know what this mother is talking about. I LIVE it! I just hope there will be a happy ending. #school #singlemother #yikes
7.9.2024 10:58Why is it that articles from other countries, and people are braver than those here? I know what this mother is talking about. I LIVE it! I... Wow. Someone brave enough to stpeak a #truth that I have felt since I became a mother.
29.8.2024 20:10 Wow. Someone brave enough to stpeak a #truth that I have felt since I became a mother.