Adapt, improvise, and overcome takes many forms is what I'm saying.
12.3.2025 19:29Adapt, improvise, and overcome takes many forms is what I'm saying.A pro-Ukrainian YouTube channel claims Ukrainian soldiers cleared a Russian bunker by throwing a beehive into it, and you know what, that's just the kind of crazy shit frustrated soldiers come up with. Hell, if you threw a beehive into *my* fighting position, I'd probably un-ass it too.
12.3.2025 19:28A pro-Ukrainian YouTube channel claims Ukrainian soldiers cleared a Russian bunker by throwing a beehive into it, and you know what,...Good morning from me and my pals Kermit and Jim.
11.3.2025 13:11Good morning from me and my pals Kermit and Jim.Me just now, else!Net: "Every bomb damage assessment done since 1915 has overstated the impact, Hiroshima and Nagasaki excepted. And yes, I'm including the WWII firebombings."
10.3.2025 21:04Me just now, else!Net: "Every bomb damage assessment done since 1915 has overstated the impact, Hiroshima and Nagasaki excepted. And...Today, and every day:
10.3.2025 13:30Today, and every day: it started / how it's going:
3.3.2025 02:11How it started / how it's going:I've been getting spam with the subject "GELATO BOY," and I wonder what his superpowers are.
1.3.2025 15:10I've been getting spam with the subject "GELATO BOY," and I wonder what his superpowers are.YES
Me: “No offense taken. Gen X’s dirty secret is that a lot of us turned out to be assholes.” #NoContext
20.2.2025 20:09Me: “No offense taken. Gen X’s dirty secret is that a lot of us turned out to be assholes.” #NoContextISTG I've never been so tempted to punch a man in a wheelchair before.
I think they say something to me because they see "middle-aged white dude" and think I'll agree with them, and then are gobsmacked that I don't.
This is the second one to try pulling the "I served my country, you can't tell me shit" card only to be met with "Cavalry scout, 82nd Airborne, dude."
19.2.2025 19:45ISTG I've never been so tempted to punch a man in a wheelchair before.I think they say something to me because they see...I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop…
19.2.2025 19:25I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop arguing with old white men in the grocery store. I will stop...I didn’t realize just how energizing it would be, to be 60 years old and back on a university campus as a student.
18.2.2025 14:12I didn’t realize just how energizing it would be, to be 60 years old and back on a university campus as a student.I just misread the subject of a message in my spam folder as "End Humanoid Swelling" and I wondered which set of aliens had sent it.
15.2.2025 23:26I just misread the subject of a message in my spam folder as "End Humanoid Swelling" and I wondered which set of aliens had sent...What do you know that I don’t, fortune cookie?
15.2.2025 18:36What do you know that I don’t, fortune cookie?"Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that."
12.2.2025 04:58"Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that." #veterans. You should expect that the #va is on Elon's list for dismantling, or some other major fuckery, if they get away with what they're doing at USAID and other agencies. So unless you want a bunch of unvetted 20-somethings who don't know jack about serving vets, and never took the oath or served themselves, deciding how to run the hospitals, process your education benefits and housing loans, etc., now is the time to speak up. #uspol #uspolitics #politics
3.2.2025 22:52Hey #veterans. You should expect that the #va is on Elon's list for dismantling, or some other major fuckery, if they get away with what...CN #pol #uspol #politics #uspolitics
They blinked. Freeze on grants and spending has been rescinded, per WaPo (gift link).
I need to find another idiom for glaring incompetence besides “clown car,” because using it in the current circumstances is an insult to clowns.
28.1.2025 22:50I need to find another idiom for glaring incompetence besides “clown car,” because using it in the current circumstances is an insult to...First day of classes in 27 years. Wish me luck.
28.1.2025 14:03First day of classes in 27 years. Wish me luck.CN #politics #uspolitics #pol #uspol
I just want to grab Merrick Garland by the collar and scream 'YOU HAD ONE JOB, ASSHOLE!" at the top of my lungs.
21.1.2025 17:32CN #politics #uspolitics #pol #uspolI just want to grab Merrick Garland by the collar and scream 'YOU HAD ONE JOB, ASSHOLE!" at the...