Polytheology: Deities I believe (might) exist vs. deities I worship
I think something that initially confuses many non-polytheists is that when I say I believe a given deity exists, that doesn't necessarily mean I worship that deity. In reality, there are many deities that I think exists (or am at least open to the possibility that they exist) that I have no interest in worshiping. This includes Egyptian deities, indigenous deities or spirits, most of the Greek deities,
10.2.2025 13:33Polytheology: Deities I believe (might) exist vs. deities I worshipI think something that initially confuses many non-polytheists is that...Bonus Post: Learning a bunch of medical terms
Hello dear readers! In the brief note at the top of my previous post, I mentioned that I'd be giving a bit of an update on my health situation. This post is that update. There's going to be a lot of medical terms and links in this one, so buckle up! I saw an electrophysiologist on the thirtieth of last month.
8.2.2025 21:26Bonus Post: Learning a bunch of medical termsHello dear readers! In the brief note at the top of my previous post, I mentioned that I'd...Thoughts from an ex-gay survivor reading other survivors’ experiences (and one in particular)
Personal Note: As I'm sure you all noticed, my plans to return to my regular blogging schedule at the beginning of the month didn't happen. What can i say? Oopsie. I guess the news from my electrophysiologist on 30 January impacted me a bit more than I expected. I'll write a post about that later. But I did want to write this post about one of the books I've been reading.
8.2.2025 00:29Thoughts from an ex-gay survivor reading other survivors’ experiences (and one in particular)Personal Note: As I'm sure you all...A personal update
Hello, dear readers! I apologize for my lengthy absence (which isn't quite over). I did not expect to disappear for two months. However, life has been hectic and stressful and I just decided I needed some time away. For those who have not followed me on social media, I have been chasing answers for what's going on with my heart since September.
23.1.2025 14:45A personal updateHello, dear readers! I apologize for my lengthy absence (which isn't quite over). I did not expect to disappear for two...Polytheology: Finding a relationship between cosmology and morality
NOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It is subject to change as I gain new insights. Also, no one should interpret anything I say as the “one true doctrine.” I think we're all familiar with stories about cosmic battles between good and evil. They often depict two great forces, one good and the other evil, in conflict, battling for something.
18.11.2024 14:46Polytheology: Finding a relationship between cosmology and moralityNOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I...Reeling and trying to recover from a Trump win
Hello dear readers! Last week felt like a massive trainwreck to me. And it started out so well. I was excited to get out another polytheology post on Monday and was hoping to get back into blogging after only putting out four posts in October. Then things changed on Tuesday. I will note that Tuesday already started out rough for me before the U.S.
11.11.2024 14:46Reeling and trying to recover from a Trump winHello dear readers! Last week felt like a massive trainwreck to me. And it started out so...Polytheology: Remaining in community with the ancestors
NOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It is subject to change as I gain new insights. Also, no one should interpret anything I say as the “one true doctrine.” Happy Monday, dear readers. For today's polytheology post and in honor of Samhain/Winter Nights,1 I thought it would be good to talk about the importance of the ancestors in my theology.
4.11.2024 19:05Polytheology: Remaining in community with the ancestorsNOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold...Polytheology: Human relationship with deities
NOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It is subject to change as I gain new insights. Also, no one should interpret anything I say as the "one true doctrine." In my previous post in this series, I posited that I do not consider deities to be omnipotent. When I've mentioned this on various occasions, someone has often asked, "What's the point in worshiping them?" I'm not sure whether the person asking the question has a limited understanding of what it means to worship a deity or honestly does not see the value in honoring and establishing a relationship with a being who, while not all-powerful, still might have much to offer.
16.10.2024 16:27Polytheology: Human relationship with deitiesNOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It...Work Drained Me
Happy Saturday, dear readers! It seems I missed Friday's post. Please blame my work on this. I've been mentally exhausted most of the week as my tasks have changed on a near-daily basis. On the days that the tasks haven't changed, I spent most of my time realizing that what I thought would be a relatively easy task is far more complicated than I first thought.
12.10.2024 14:27Work Drained MeHappy Saturday, dear readers! It seems I missed Friday's post. Please blame my work on this. I've been mentally...Polytheology: The nature of deities
NOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It is subject to change as I gain new insights. Also, no one should interpret anything I say as the "one true doctrine." Happy Monday, dear readers! After last week's brief detour into a book review, I thought it'd be good to get back into my…
7.10.2024 16:21Polytheology: The nature of deitiesNOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. It is subject...Hamingja: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan Smith
Happy Saturday, dear readers! In today's post, I want to take a brief look at the fourth and final part of the Heathen self that Ryan Smith discusses in the third chapter of Spinning Wyrd. What jumped out at me is that Smith (or at least those whose views he's sharing) seems to hold two slightly different views of the hamingja.
5.10.2024 18:25Hamingja: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan SmithHappy Saturday, dear readers! In today's post, I want to...Let’s talk about “An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft” by Moss Matthey
[Content Note: Brief references to of cults, homophobia, self-hatred, and authoritarian control.] Happy Monday, dear readers! I thought I'd take a brief break from my polytheology series to talk about a book I recently finished reading. That book is An Apostate's Guide to Witchcraft: Finding Freedom Through Magic by Moss Matthey. In it, Matthey describes his own experiences leaving the cult he was raised in and finding a home in witchcraft.
30.9.2024 13:46Let’s talk about “An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft” by Moss Matthey[Content Note: Brief references to of cults, homophobia,...Medical stuff is such a pain
Hello dear, readers! I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to write a post for today. Between dealing with health insurance nonsense and uncovering a bit of a concern with my health, I've been too focused on on other things. Before anyone (else) gets too panicked, rest assured that I'm in no immediate danger. However, my primary care doctor and I noticed something that is somewhat concerning.
27.9.2024 15:28Medical stuff is such a painHello dear, readers! I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to write a post for today. Between dealing with...Polytheology: The One Eternal Reality
NOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. it is subject to change as I gain new insights. Also, no one should interpret anything I say as the "one true doctrine." We were gathered around the altar in the center of the room. The ritual space was illuminated only by candles. I and the other coven member assisting me were standing.
23.9.2024 13:46Polytheology: The One Eternal RealityNOTE: This series is an exploration of my personal theology, which I tend to hold lightly. it is...The Fylgja: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan Smith
Happy Friday, dear readers! in today's blog post, I hope to continue my reflections of chapter three of Spinning Wyrd by Ryan Smith. Specifically, I want to explore the third part of the Heathen self that Smith talks about, the fylgja. This is the aspect of the Heathen self that I've always struggled with and have my doubts about.
20.9.2024 17:03The Fylgja: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan SmithHappy Friday, dear readers! in today's blog post, I hope...Introducing a blog series: Polytheology
Happy Monday, dear readers! Today, I would like to announce and introduce a new blog series I've decided to work on that I'm calling "polytheology." This series is going to be an exploration of my theological views as a polytheist. Theology is fairly important to me. After all, I am a theistic witch and a Norse Pagan/Heathen, so my deities are pretty important to me.
16.9.2024 13:46Introducing a blog series: PolytheologyHappy Monday, dear readers! Today, I would like to announce and introduce a new blog series I've...The Hugr: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan Smith
Happy Friday, dear readers! Today, I want to offer a quick review and a few reflections on Ryan Smith's discussion of the hugr ("mind") from chapter three of his book, Spinning Wyrd. Smith offers the following expansive idea bout the hugr: These connotations strongly suggest that the mind was seen as more than just one’s internal thought processes and perspectives but also the kind of frenzied, excited inspiration that drives creativity and understanding.
13.9.2024 13:58The Hugr: Reflections on chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan SmithHappy Friday, dear readers! Today, I want to offer a quick...A polytheist’s thoughts on “universal salvation” and Christian hegemony
Note: This post is heavily based on a Twitter thread I posted. I've edited and added to what I said there to flesh out a few more thoughts in this post. The other day a Christian's post about universal salvation came across my Threads feed and I decided to post something to my social media accounts1 about it: …
9.9.2024 13:47A polytheist’s thoughts on “universal salvation” and Christian hegemonyNote: This post is heavily based on a Twitter thread I posted....I'm thinking about doing a series of blog posts called "polytheology" on my blog. Using the term to refer both to a theology that is polytheistic in nature and a recognition that there are often multiple theologies that can and should be explored together.
Gotta see if anyone else has used the term before, though.
8.9.2024 18:31I'm thinking about doing a series of blog posts called "polytheology" on my blog. Using the term to refer both to a theology...The Hamr: Reflections inspired by chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan Smith
Happy Friday, dear readers. I'm ready to get back to my normal blogging, which means it's time for some reflections on chapter three of Spinning Wyrd by Ryan Smith. In this chapter, Smith discusses the four-part self, a common understanding of the human being among many Heathens. Smith explores each of the four parts of the Heathen self at a level of detail and to a degree of expansiveness that I don't recall seeing elsewhere.
6.9.2024 13:45The Hamr: Reflections inspired by chapter three of “Spinning Wyrd” by Ryan SmithHappy Friday, dear readers. I'm ready to get back...