Finally saw Oppenheimer. Really fantastic. It seems the push to see it in IMax was maybe so that weak-ass Trinity detonation would actually seem good/big? I think a *little* CGI would have been better than that trash and gas fireball.
4.2.2024 22:46Finally saw Oppenheimer. Really fantastic. It seems the push to see it in IMax was maybe so that weak-ass Trinity detonation would actually...I am a bit naive, politically. I've struggled to understand why our elections, especially presidential, seem to be always neck-and-neck. The heuristic that the goal is actually to win by the fewest number of votes possible seems to explain a lot. Excess votes are a liability to be paid, and the goal is to keep things as they are. Duh?
5.1.2024 15:21I am a bit naive, politically. I've struggled to understand why our elections, especially presidential, seem to be always neck-and-neck....I thought Rebel Moon wasn’t too bad until someone told me it wasn’t AI generated.
24.12.2023 15:53I thought Rebel Moon wasn’t too bad until someone told me it wasn’t AI generated.Took my son to see Godzilla Minus One yesterday. Best time I've had in a theater in years. Incredible cinematography, and the story? It's like if Masaki Kobayashi made a kaiju film. Fantastic anti-war film.
5.12.2023 13:39Took my son to see Godzilla Minus One yesterday. Best time I've had in a theater in years. Incredible cinematography, and the story?...New cat day! Meet Spike!
4.11.2023 14:52New cat day! Meet Spike!Got new lights in this ancient prop. Looks good with this ancient synth. #arp2600 #lostinspace
28.10.2023 18:25Got new lights in this ancient prop. Looks good with this ancient synth. #arp2600 #lostinspaceI once had the thought that the effort it would take to learn C++ now wouldn't be a good investment - it would take you years to just learn all the things you shouldn't do. I sort of feel the same way about almost all software development now.
26.10.2023 17:44I once had the thought that the effort it would take to learn C++ now wouldn't be a good investment - it would take you years to just...Working on my slides for a Microservices Architecture class next week.
10.10.2023 13:14Working on my slides for a Microservices Architecture class next week.In a few minutes, I'm leaving for the funeral of my friend Sean Carlin. He was in a band in the early 90's that had a pretty big hit. It was mentioned in one of the Q dispatches for some reason a few years ago, and went viral. He made a bit of residual money on it and donated it all to progressive causes.
8.9.2023 13:47In a few minutes, I'm leaving for the funeral of my friend Sean Carlin. He was in a band in the early 90's that had a pretty big...Son (12): "Bleach" was Nirvana's best album.
Me (53): I'm not going to argue, but ... Nevermind.
Son: Fine. I win.
I really like #JetBrainsRider but went to code on my linux laptop last night a bit and it would start the tour of the new "look" and shut down every time. And today on my desktop it won't start either. Ugh.
10.8.2023 13:23I really like #JetBrainsRider but went to code on my linux laptop last night a bit and it would start the tour of the new "look"...In 1998 a friend sold me a bunch of CDs cheap because he needed beer money. I don’t remember any of them except one: The Lion and the Cobra. Blew me away and still does to this day. What an artist and inspiration. So sad.
26.7.2023 21:14In 1998 a friend sold me a bunch of CDs cheap because he needed beer money. I don’t remember any of them except one: The Lion and the...I'm not saying "some are good some are bad", really - just totally different emphasis, experiences, etc.
24.7.2023 17:26I'm not saying "some are good some are bad", really - just totally different emphasis, experiences, etc.Teaching 16 recent CS grads last week and this week. The spectrum on what that means (having a CS degree) is so big it is almost meaningless.
24.7.2023 17:23Teaching 16 recent CS grads last week and this week. The spectrum on what that means (having a CS degree) is so big it is almost...