Me on dating apps
28.11.2024 21:33Me on dating apps#dating #apps #sex #sexyHave you ever faked an orgasm with someone?
By 2025, I swear 99% of the dogs in the world will be called Luna.
24.11.2024 20:15By 2025, I swear 99% of the dogs in the world will be called Luna. #dogs #unoriginalPublic service announcement for UK youths - wearing white socks with sandals makes you look like a cunt, and a moustache with no other facial hair makes you look like a 70s paedo. Gen X already know this, but you may not. Consider yourselves enlightened. You're welcome.
#psa #announcement #genz #millennial #genx
19.10.2024 10:30Public service announcement for UK youths - wearing white socks with sandals makes you look like a cunt, and a moustache with no other...Poll: Fucking in time to music is a bit strange and makes me need to stifle a giggle
#poll #sex #sexy #nsfw #erotic #music
I don't know what it is about #reddit but it sure seems to attract a large proportion of hypersensitive bellends. And not in a good way. It's like walking on eggshells trying to talk to people on there, fraught with peril at every turn that someone's going to be a huffy prick in response to my slightest remark.
29.9.2024 14:54I don't know what it is about #reddit but it sure seems to attract a large proportion of hypersensitive bellends. And not in a good way....Sorry guys, it's been all memes lately hasn't it. Have this picture of me to compensate.
#nsfw #erotic #sex #sexy #ass #silver #black #corset
22.9.2024 09:41Sorry guys, it's been all memes lately hasn't it. Have this picture of me to compensate. #nsfw #erotic #sex #sexy #ass #silver...This makes me piss myself laughing
22.9.2024 09:32This makes me piss myself laughing#frog #problem #meme #cartoonI'd like to propose this new UI screen for the Uber app
19.9.2024 08:27I'd like to propose this new UI screen for the Uber app#uber #vom #travel #ui #appI made a meme
#nailpolish #pedicure #manicure #spa #beauty #makeup
2.9.2024 08:28I made a meme#nailpolish #pedicure #manicure #spa #beauty #makeupJust had a sneaky wank on company time to this
#nsfw #sex #erotic #porn #cumshot
20.8.2024 15:43Just had a sneaky wank on company time to this #sex #erotic #porn #cumshotWhen somebody contacts me online and uses me to have a wank, and then immediately blocks me or deactivates their profile, can we invent a new feature where I press a button and it posts some dog poo through their letterbox?
#dating #nsfw #sex #sexy #dickheads
24.6.2024 10:25When somebody contacts me online and uses me to have a wank, and then immediately blocks me or deactivates their profile, can we invent a...Who feels like being sick?
12.6.2024 19:47Who feels like being sick?#nsfw #sex #dating #grossIf someone describes you as 'conventionally attractive', is that damning with faint praise? Is it even accurate, given that I've got dyed black hair, tattoos and a nose ring?
12.6.2024 10:32If someone describes you as 'conventionally attractive', is that damning with faint praise? Is it even accurate, given that I've...What this morning's orgasm would look like if you could see sound...
#nsfw #erotix #sex #sexy #audio #voice #realorgasm #orgasm
31.5.2024 09:38What this morning's orgasm would look like if you could see sound...#nsfw #erotix #sex #sexy #audio #voice #realorgasm #orgasmMe about 2 mins ago, thinking about being taken advantage of at a doctor's appointment.
#nsfw #sex #sexy #erotic #realorgasm #orgasm #audio #voice #audioporn
31.5.2024 09:37Me about 2 mins ago, thinking about being taken advantage of at a doctor's appointment. #nsfw #sex #sexy #erotic #realorgasm #orgasm...Love it when men say "that went right over your head, didn't it", and I'm like, "No, it didn't, I'm not thick - it was just a shit joke".
#nsfw #joke #bantz #dating #misogyny
24.5.2024 14:57Love it when men say "that went right over your head, didn't it", and I'm like, "No, it didn't, I'm not thick...Current view
#nsfw #sex #sexy #erotic #selfie #bath #naked
24.5.2024 14:56Current view#nsfw #sex #sexy #erotic #selfie #bath #naked10 years ago I was writing my sex blog, Secret Diary of a Seaside Slut (I lived in Brighton, UK at the time), and recently I've been re-reading some of the posts and marvelling at how I'm still experiencing all the same shit. Here's an excerpt. Rock on, 35 Year Old Me.
#slut #swinging #slutshaming #feminism #misogyny
3.5.2024 11:4510 years ago I was writing my sex blog, Secret Diary of a Seaside Slut (I lived in Brighton, UK at the time), and recently I've been...I went to my very first sex club experience last night, and I jumped in with both feet. I made two men cum through a gloryhole, and I got gangbanged by around 9 men in a darkroom. It was fucking amazing. There's a quick clip attached here but if you want the full length, you can hear it for FREE at
#sex #sexy #erotic #nsfw #audio #voice #swinging #gangbang #gloryhole
14.4.2024 14:09I went to my very first sex club experience last night, and I jumped in with both feet. I made two men cum through a gloryhole, and I got...