Recent data on the cerebellum require new models and theories
24.8.2023 13:32Recent data on the cerebellum require new models and theories remember the following "anecdote" but I can find the source back: In cancer biology, given the replication crisis, pharmaceutical companies do not know which paper to follow up or not. To sort that out, they invite the author to present their work and then conclude the discussion by asking: We want to invest 100 millions $ in that line of research, do you think it is a good idea? And then, authors reveal what the key limitations of the study are and whether they actually think that their study is replicable or not.
Anyone with a source ?
@briannosek was this in the context of the reproducibility project in cancer biology?
ANCOVA versus change from baseline had more power in randomized studies and more bias in nonrandomized studies
Word of the day: automagically
by @paulgribble
Which preprint on motor control/motor learning should I review in January?
17.1.2023 18:41Which preprint on motor control/motor learning should I review in January?good for teaching:
Just gave another talk on the P’s of Science: P-value, P-hacking, Pre-registration, Power, Pdf and Publish or Perish.
The best part, as always, was the conversation afterwards.
Developmental and age differences in visuomotor adaptation across the lifespan
On correction and retraction:
h/t Lex Bouter (only on Twitter)
12.1.2023 13:48On correction and retraction: Lex Bouter (only on Twitter)2023 did not start as expected as we have lost a very good friend who was only 44yo from heart attack during an emergency surgery. So, I wish you to take care of you own health in 2023. Go to the doctor and have a health check. Don't let your job strain all your energy. Watch out for your mental health. Take many breaks. Spend time with your loved ones because you never know when the show will stop. 🤟
6.1.2023 21:112023 did not start as expected as we have lost a very good friend who was only 44yo from heart attack during an emergency surgery. So, I...Great resources on biomechanics and kinematics: classes, videos, datasets, softwares, etc.
There is a sensorimotor group that you can follow here:
and if you tag that account at the end of your toot, your toot will automatically appear on the feed of that account and will be visible for all the followers.
Uptake is not great at the moment...
21.12.2022 16:28Reminder:There is a sensorimotor group that you can follow here: and if you tag that account at the end of your toot,...I liked the idea of @eLife to have an evaluation by the editor for each paper but... is the one below really informative. Lots of buzz words (fundamental, advance our understanding, lasting influence, ...) but we actually know nothing about what are the key aspects of that paper? What is the convincing evidence? Our understanding of what?
This one could be written exactly like that for any paper. Is that good? (this is an open question)
@andpru ?
21.12.2022 14:50I liked the idea of @eLife to have an evaluation by the editor for each paper but... is the one below really informative. Lots of buzz words...People continuously use the latest available information about a moving target's position, combining it with an extrapolation based on the target's average velocity to guide reaching movements. This strategy leads to a bias if the target's velocity changes systematically, but the bias can be compensated for by adjusting movements to correct for previous errors
The reviewed studies suggest that although motor performance tends to decline in old age, learning capabilities remain intact, and older adults are able to achieve considerable performance gains.
19.12.2022 21:28The reviewed studies suggest that although motor performance tends to decline in old age, learning capabilities remain intact, and older...From a meta-analysis about #tDCS (on sequence and working memory)that we are working on: "Overall, included studies were of poor methodological quality, especially with regards to statistical power. " 😱 🤦
19.12.2022 19:53From a meta-analysis about #tDCS (on sequence and working memory)that we are working on: "Overall, included studies were of poor...Learning that you were close to funding line is both satisfying (they did like the project but there is room for improvement) and disappointing (I have to submit again)
16.12.2022 19:25Learning that you were close to funding line is both satisfying (they did like the project but there is room for improvement) and...Is chatGPT better at statistics than most scientists?
Mostly yes.... but it does contain some inaccuracies
16.12.2022 19:22Is chatGPT better at statistics than most scientists? Mostly yes.... but it does contain some inaccuraciesFrom @urisohn
How to keep internet links in your paper forever valid:
How cerebellar architecture facilitates rapid online learning