From twitter
RT @danpdc
I'm not a fan of AutoMapper. But if you use it, you should definitely use projections more often than I see around code bases!
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#programming #dotnet #csharp #programmingtips
4.4.2023 04:38From twitterRT @danpdcI'm not a fan of AutoMapper. But if you use it, you should definitely use projections more often than I see around...From twitter
RT @midudev
Esta es la mejor terminal para programadores.
Incorpora ChatGPT, es rapidísima y es GRATIS:
From twitter
RT @codeopinion
Consistency is critical when working with an event-driven architecture. You must ensure that when you make state changes to your database, the relevant events you want to publish are published. You can’t fail to publish events.
24.3.2023 06:12From twitterRT @codeopinionConsistency is critical when working with an event-driven architecture. You must ensure that when you make state...From twitter
RT @fernandoescolar
🚨New Release Alert🚨
🧩vscode-solution-explorer v0.8.2 🧩
This version comes with better support for F# projects, along with some exciting new features and bugfixes. Upgrade now to experience the difference! #VSCode #FSharp #codinglife
21.3.2023 16:56From twitterRT @fernandoescolar🚨New Release Alert🚨🧩vscode-solution-explorer v0.8.2 🧩This version comes with better support for...From twitter
RT @ggarciapaola
Soy programadora y mi pareja programador. Son las 21:00 y estoy dando de cenar a nuestros hijos. Él está en un evento explicando su visión de cómo pueden sentirse las mujeres en el sector Tech. El mundo es muy raro, ¿verdad?
From twitter
RT @subidubi
Hace un par de días @rahego comentaba esto, y amablemente se ha ofrecido a recibir consejos en público para mejorar el diseño de sus presentaciones.
Voy a destripar una que me ha pasado y espero que le (os) sirva ¡Vamos allá!
From twitter
RT @nutlope
Announcing AI Commits – a CLI tool that generates your commit message for you with AI.
Available on npm today!
15.2.2023 06:35From twitterRT @nutlopeAnnouncing AI Commits – a CLI tool that generates your commit message for you with AI.Available on npm...From twitter
RT @Helion_1ero
Regalo una RTX4090 a todo el que de RT y LIKE a este Tweet.
Real no fake
From twitter
RT @IdentityServer
As announced over 2 years ago - today is the day!
* EOL of .NET Core 3.1
* All IdentityServer4 repos have been archived
Visit IdentityServer at its new home here:
Thanks to all supporters!
Check out our Community Edition:
From twitter
RT @maciejwalkowiak
There are so much happening now in 🍃 @springboot ecosystem that it's easy to get lost.
Subjectively, the most interesting Spring projects releases in November 2022:
25.11.2022 22:24From twitterRT @maciejwalkowiakThere are so much happening now in 🍃 @springboot ecosystem that it's easy to get lost.Subjectively,...