Here at 6:20, the future president of France, Raphael Glucksman, says that the most effective help to the Ukranian Army came from Danemark.
Anybody knows something more?
Torino 5 Ottobre 2024
4.10.2024 13:53 5 Ottobre 2024Manuale: il ciclista (edizione del 1910);
Si è detto e si è ripetuto a sufficienza che in Italia il motociclismo è morto; che il motociclo ha tutti i di- fetti dell'automobile senza offrirne i vantaggi; che si tratta di una macchina pericolosa, indocile.... staremmo anche per dire: recalcitrante.
Luigi Rossi
L'anarchico delle due ruote
Luigi Masetti: il primo cicloviaggiatore italiano Milano-Chicago e altre imprese di fine Ottocento
IsebN 978-88-888
9 738883 829746
17.5.2024 12:15
Many years ago, I have lived and worked in the USA. I have noticed the problem of BAD WATER. I think it penalises the USA to the point that they have to hire foreign skilled workers ( like I was ) to make up for lost brain power due to generalised poisoning. This is not sure, but back than we were discussing it.
3.5.2024 13:54 years ago, I have lived and worked in the USA. I...
This is a very good summary of the historic primary energy shift happening in Deutschland during these decades.
Note: Deutschland was an energy rich country about coal. Actually they practically invented coal.
Deutschland is an intrinsically poor country about renewables. They have moderate solar radiaton an off shore wind locations. The fact that with this setup they are leading the energy transition deserves additional kudos!!!
💪 De expertise van Belgische bedrijven in wind op zee zetten we overal in, ook in Nederland 🇳🇱
🔌 DEME Group zal er de kabels van het twee grote windmolenparken op zee installeren. Goed voor groene, goedkope stroom voor meer dan anderhalf miljoen huishoudens.
Zo toont ons land zich als exporteur van klimaatoplossingen. Daar mogen we heel erg trots op zijn 🇧🇪💚
22.4.2024 13:54💪 De expertise van Belgische bedrijven in wind op zee zetten we overal in, ook in Nederland 🇳🇱🔌 DEME Group zal er de kabels van...This is interesting. Nowadays people is considered young, even too young to the point of not beeing employable, till the age of 81.
Therefore #gabrielattal is also considered a kid. Now this kid has one of those many temporary jobs and has to speak about the kids of his own nation. This is what he said:
This will be the last 13 teeth sprocket of my life.
They last too short.
Now on Ill go mega gearing.
Balochi Solar Photonic Revolution.
15.2.2024 07:47 Solar Photonic Revolution.
8.2.2024 16:43 now is one of those moments when Texas electricity is all renewable.
A good 50 GW.
29.12.2023 15:49 Mass of walkers.
21.12.2023 16:43Critical Mass of walkers.
16.12.2023 12:24
Bad Karma.
13.12.2023 12:58 Karma.I have reached this conclusion: the USA needs to think about a second republic. The current US republic is based on year 1700 technology. The second US republic can be based on year 2100 tech which will be totally AI based.