New post on my blogletter FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week, I discuss attempts to calm myself with those old hits: MUSIC and NATURE. I end up getting some big help from model trains and lighthouses.
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Yesterday was our anniversary of moving to Los Angeles. I thought I wasn’t celebrating enough then I realized I edited my feature film, recorded a podcast, bought a Raymond Chandler book, and drank a forced perspective martini. A very LA day.
19.3.2025 02:48Yesterday was our anniversary of moving to Los Angeles. I thought I wasn’t celebrating enough then I realized I edited my feature film,...My donut is caught up on world events
16.3.2025 19:12My donut is caught up on world eventsNew post on my blogletter FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week's adventure is a late night trip to the library and being open to seeing the gift of human weirdness around you.
Federal judge rules the find out phase must be enforced after the fucking around
12.3.2025 00:29Federal judge rules the find out phase must be enforced after the fucking aroundGot up early this morning to do some editing on our horror film DEAD MEDIA before the real life horrors sunk in for the day. I was kept company by Smokey The Bear and some of the images above my desk—an exhausted Dale Cooper and a young Frank Sinatra’s mugshot
10.3.2025 21:30Got up early this morning to do some editing on our horror film DEAD MEDIA before the real life horrors sunk in for the day. I was kept...t's Bandcamp Friday! The day where artists get full proceeds. I've got several comedy albums AND a creepy cosmic horror story I wrote and performed called THE BEAST THAT ATE THE DAWN. Set in the flour mills of old Minneapolis, an ad man loses his mind.
7.3.2025 18:24t's Bandcamp Friday! The day where artists get full proceeds. I've got several comedy albums AND a creepy cosmic horror story I...New post on my blogletter, FINISH YOUR MONSTERS! This week, I discuss striving for small victories to help yourself NOT GIVE UP on NOT GIVING UP. Also, knives.
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Very thankful for this sign that stopped me from my plan to drive my Toyota up a mountain
3.3.2025 17:23Very thankful for this sign that stopped me from my plan to drive my Toyota up a mountainNew post on my blogletter FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week, I discuss getting fresh life and creative perspectives via deserts and Russian metro stations. Plus, a sentient book.
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Last Night’s Dream: I was running for political office. My platform was that bears and sharks should be friends. I will attempt to continue the dream tonight to see how it works out
23.2.2025 21:47Last Night’s Dream: I was running for political office. My platform was that bears and sharks should be friends. I will attempt to...I just hope Amazon puts the focus back on classic James Bond storytelling elements. Like the long history of villains that are grossly wealthy, insecure egomaniacs desperate to validate their fragile egos with wild schemes to control the media, governments, and space itself.
20.2.2025 19:54I just hope Amazon puts the focus back on classic James Bond storytelling elements. Like the long history of villains that are grossly...They say you can’t buy friends but these guys arrived in the mail and now I will never be lonely again
19.2.2025 18:37They say you can’t buy friends but these guys arrived in the mail and now I will never be lonely againNew post on my blogletter, FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week's post is about how spending Valentine's Day with Captain America helped me get through the week.
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I enjoy filmmaking because you learn a lot about the human experience. I’ve been editing close-ups for the last four hours and marveling at the truth that when we blink one eye opens before the other. Anyway, getting excited for my next horror movie, FREEZE FRAME
17.2.2025 22:30I enjoy filmmaking because you learn a lot about the human experience. I’ve been editing close-ups for the last four hours and marveling...Went for a walk in Hollywood and saw a coyote run down the sidewalk and pause briefly by an ad for a pilates class. Poetry is not always made of words
16.2.2025 01:51Went for a walk in Hollywood and saw a coyote run down the sidewalk and pause briefly by an ad for a pilates class. Poetry is not always...I'm excited for the Captain America film this weekend. I know the reviews have been rough but:
1) I like experiencing films for myself
2) Cap films/shows are my favorite in the MCU
3) A lot of racists will be thrilled if the movie does poorly and I want to use my entertainment dollars to tell them to go to hell
New post on my blogletter FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week, I discuss trying to calm down enough to function and how art helped. Plus, a sketch of a film character that's haunted me since 1992!
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Old and outdated: How are you?
Fresh and relevant: How loud is your internal scream today?
11.2.2025 03:08Old and outdated: How are you?Fresh and relevant: How loud is your internal scream today?New post on my blogletter FINISH YOUR MONSTERS. This week I revel in the power of quitting things to stick it to fascists. Plus, a new sketch from a reader (send me yours if you're interested) and some rewards I got for leaving my apartment.
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