113-year-old Ukrainian synagogue damaged by Russian shelling — local reports https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/113-year-old-ukrainian-synagogue-damaged-by-russian-shelling-local-reports/ via @timesofisrael@twitter.com
31.1.2023 14:57113-year-old Ukrainian synagogue damaged by Russian shelling — local reports...RT @sasson_adi@twitter.com
הקואליצה אתמול: לא מגיעה לועדה למניעת אלימות במשפחה ולקידום מעמד האשה
הקואליציה היום: אבי חימי תתבייש על היחס המחפיר הזה לנשים תתפטר מיד
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sasson_adi/status/1620424163495395330
31.1.2023 14:26RT @sasson_adi@twitter.comהקואליצה אתמול: לא מגיעה לועדה למניעת אלימות במשפחה ולקידום...RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.com
Week after his appointment, acting health minister hasn’t shown up for work – report https://www.timesofisrael.com/week-after-his-appointment-acting-health-minister-hasnt-shown-up-for-work-report/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TimesofIsrael/status/1620414627787214849
31.1.2023 13:38RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.comWeek after his appointment, acting health minister hasn’t shown up for work – report...Trying to sound tough (I guess), Ben Gvir threatened to shut down the department dealing with gun permits if it doesn't come up with a way to give people permits more quickly.
Shutting down the department would almost certainly prevent anyone from getting a gun permit.
RT @N12News@twitter.com
בן גביר קטע דיון עם מנהלי האגף לרישוי כלי ירייה: "אם לא יימצא פתרון עד מחר - האגף ייסגר"
📷 AP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/N12News/status/1620381816069955584
31.1.2023 11:28Trying to sound tough (I guess), Ben Gvir threatened to shut down the department dealing with gun permits if it doesn't come up with a...coulda told you that
RT @ndtvfeed@twitter.com
Humans Can Still Grow A Full Coat Of Body Hair, Study Finds https://www.ndtv.com/feature/humans-can-still-grow-a-full-coat-of-body-hair-study-finds-3738855
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ndtvfeed/status/1620329800442200065
31.1.2023 11:20coulda told you thatRT @ndtvfeed@twitter.comHumans Can Still Grow A Full Coat Of Body Hair, Study Finds...If you understand Hebrew, I cannot recommend this podcast enough. Dynamite stuff by @TehilaFriedman@twitter.com, with @rothmar@twitter.com and Shraga Bar-On
RT @MachonHartman@twitter.com
החרדים שולטים ברבנות הראשית אבל לא סומכים עליה. רוב הדתיים-לאומים חושבים שהיא גוף שאיבד את זה, והחילונים ומתנכרים אליו. האם היא כבר לא רלוונטית בכלל, או שיש מה לתקן? פרק שני בטרילוגיה על מוסדות הדת בישראל
האזינו בספוטיפיי https://bit.ly/bemedinat-ep8, או בכל אפליקציות ההסכתים האחרות
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MachonHartman/status/1618627832749625344
31.1.2023 11:11If you understand Hebrew, I cannot recommend this podcast enough. Dynamite stuff by @TehilaFriedman@twitter.com, with @rothmar@twitter.com...RT @religion_state@twitter.com
Rabbi Yoni Rosensweig looks to remove stigma of mental health, one ruling at a time https://www.timesofisrael.com/rabbi-yoni-rosensweig-looks-to-remove-stigma-of-mental-health-one-ruling-at-a-time/ @JudahAriGross@twitter.com #Halacha
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/religion_state/status/1620346986527608833
31.1.2023 10:07RT @religion_state@twitter.comRabbi Yoni Rosensweig looks to remove stigma of mental health, one ruling at a time...RT @religion_state@twitter.com
Less than a third of Jewish Israelis trust the #Rabbinate; does it care? https://www.timesofisrael.com/less-than-a-third-of-jewish-israelis-trust-the-rabbinate-does-it-care/ @IDIisrael@twitter.com @JudahAriGross@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/religion_state/status/1620345633331888129
31.1.2023 10:07RT @religion_state@twitter.comLess than a third of Jewish Israelis trust the #Rabbinate; does it care?...RT @yoavr@twitter.com
לא הבנתי למה הש.ג. בגולני שקיבל שתי פקודות סותרות משני מפקדים שונים לא היה יכול פשוט להרים טלפון למתפ״ש שיסביר לו מה עושים מצב כזה
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/yoavr/status/1620340906699423747
31.1.2023 08:47RT @yoavr@twitter.comלא הבנתי למה הש.ג. בגולני שקיבל שתי פקודות סותרות משני מפקדים...RT @AlexandrRoitman@twitter.com
Today in #Moldova was opened a new museum of Jewish History.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlexandrRoitman/status/1620062922486718465
30.1.2023 17:55RT @AlexandrRoitman@twitter.comToday in #Moldova was opened a new museum of Jewish History.🐦🔗:...RT @jfederations@twitter.com
Tomorrow, Jan. 31, at 2:30 PM ET, join @jfederations@twitter.com and @TheJDC@twitter.com for a live update from our leaders on the ground in Moldova, two hours over the border from Odesa. Register now: http://ow.ly/Tr9450MEGMk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jfederations/status/1620104648680931328
30.1.2023 17:24RT @jfederations@twitter.comTomorrow, Jan. 31, at 2:30 PM ET, join @jfederations@twitter.com and @TheJDC@twitter.com for a live update from...Less than a third of Jewish Israelis trust the Rabbinate; does it care? https://www.timesofisrael.com/less-than-a-third-of-jewish-israelis-trust-the-rabbinate-does-it-care/ via @timesofisrael@twitter.com
30.1.2023 17:24Less than a third of Jewish Israelis trust the Rabbinate; does it care?...RT @DGisSERIOUS@twitter.com
Anti-Semites: it’s all in the Talmud, the secret plots the Jews have to control everything!
The actual Talmud: https://twitter.com/SketchesbyBoze/status/1618824854660321280
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DGisSERIOUS/status/1620083464711307267
30.1.2023 16:05RT @DGisSERIOUS@twitter.comAnti-Semites: it’s all in the Talmud, the secret plots the Jews have to control everything! The actual Talmud:...RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.com
Israel clears major hurdle in bid to qualify for US Visa Waiver Program https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-clears-major-hurdle-in-bid-to-qualify-for-us-visa-waiver-program/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TimesofIsrael/status/1619992093602217987
30.1.2023 10:03RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.comIsrael clears major hurdle in bid to qualify for US Visa Waiver Program...RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.com
Rabbi Yoni Rosensweig looks to remove stigma of mental health, one ruling at a time https://www.timesofisrael.com/rabbi-yoni-rosensweig-looks-to-remove-stigma-of-mental-health-one-ruling-at-a-time/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TimesofIsrael/status/1619811507604426752
30.1.2023 06:22RT @TimesofIsrael@twitter.comRabbi Yoni Rosensweig looks to remove stigma of mental health, one ruling at a time...Meat chulent, veggie chulent, potato chulent
29.1.2023 19:16Meat chulent, veggie chulent, potato chulentPOV: You walk into a dope kiddush
RT @midwestern_ope@twitter.com
POV: you walk into a Midwest party
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/midwestern_ope/status/1619722721545572352
29.1.2023 19:16POV: You walk into a dope kiddushRT @midwestern_ope@twitter.comPOV: you walk into a Midwest party🐦🔗:...RT @chaimlevinson@twitter.com
על זה הלכנו לבחירות! https://twitter.com/regev_miri/status/1619751939595718658
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chaimlevinson/status/1619757848904491008
29.1.2023 18:28RT @chaimlevinson@twitter.comעל זה הלכנו לבחירות! https://twitter.com/regev_miri/status/1619751939595718658🐦🔗:...Maybe the day after journalists were harassed and physically assaulted on the streets of Jerusalem isn't the best day to publish an op-ed calling for Israel to "regain deterrence" over the media.
29.1.2023 13:25Maybe the day after journalists were harassed and physically assaulted on the streets of Jerusalem isn't the best day to publish an...RT @Jerusalem_Post@twitter.com
Over the course of just a few months, @HonestReporting@twitter.com's research team uncovered countless social media posts from journalists and news producers who espoused horrific antisemitism.
Read more of this op-ed by Akiva Van Koningsveld >>
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post/status/1619686162611970049
29.1.2023 13:25RT @Jerusalem_Post@twitter.comOver the course of just a few months, @HonestReporting@twitter.com's research team uncovered countless...