11:11 Systems Object Storage in Veeam Data Platform 12.3
*Note: This is a modified version of a post I've written for the 11:11 Systems Innovation Blog. This post includes more nerdy bits so please choose your own adventure. The original blog can be viewed at With the 12.3 release of the Veeam Data Platform 11:11 Systems low cost and Veeam optimized Cloud Object Storage product directly integrated into the Veeam UIs for both the Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE products.
3.3.2025 14:3811:11 Systems Object Storage in Veeam Data Platform 12.3*Note: This is a modified version of a post I've written for the 11:11 Systems...New post on koolaid.info: Configuring Cohesity CloudArchive v2 with AWS S3 Buckets
10.12.2024 16:20New post on koolaid.info: Configuring Cohesity CloudArchive v2 with AWS S3...New Post on koolaid.info: PostgreSQL 16 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for VB365 v8
9.12.2024 19:34New Post on koolaid.info: PostgreSQL 16 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for VB365...New Post on koolaid.info: Prepare Ubuntu 22.04 for VB365 v8 Proxy use
6.12.2024 00:42New Post on koolaid.info: Prepare Ubuntu 22.04 for VB365 v8 Proxy...Deploying NATS.io for VB365 with Podman
With the release of Veeam's Backup for Microsoft365 version 8 Veeam has begun the move to a more distributed and cloud native approach to supporting the product. The end result is the capability known as proxy pools, where you can create a pool of worker VMs, or proxies, that jobs can have many object storage backed repositories assigned to it and then jobs can load balance across the entire pool for processing.
3.12.2024 13:31Deploying NATS.io for VB365 with PodmanWith the release of Veeam's Backup for Microsoft365 version 8 Veeam has begun the move to a more...New post on koolaid.info! Automating Let's Encrypt Lifecycle with Posh-Acme and Cloudflare #VeeamVanguard
15.11.2024 18:04New post on koolaid.info! Automating Let's Encrypt Lifecycle with Posh-Acme and Cloudflare...Synology DS923+: Immutable Microsoft365 Protection
In continuing my look at the latest generation Synology DS devices, in this case a DS923+, one aspect that I'm continually impressed with is DSM's simple to use ActiveBackup capabilities for cloud services Microsoft365 and Google Workspaces. For many organizations a small, low cost solution coupled with an offsite copy is sufficient for practical data protection as well as compliance needs.
24.10.2024 19:52Synology DS923+: Immutable Microsoft365 ProtectionIn continuing my look at the latest generation Synology DS devices, in this case a...Two Simple Ways To Immutability With Synology
In today's data protection world the ability to write data with periodic immutability is the golden ring that everybody reaches for. This is because we are long past the days where the biggest threat to our data as it lives in production is physical disaster, today's disaster is ransomware, malware, deletion or any other form of data security. If you are unfamiliar with the term immutability in the sense of data storage means that once…
24.10.2024 18:42Two Simple Ways To Immutability With SynologyIn today's data protection world the ability to write data with periodic immutability is...VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator: VMware For The Very Small Masses
Not everybody who needs on-premises virtualization and wants to use VMware vSphere needs full blown VCF. ~Me That leading quote is just as jump off the page as VMware's presenters, Alan Renouf and Chris Taylor, ask that we forget everything we know about Broadcom's acquisition of VMware. This was done during their presentation at Edge Field Day 3 about their product, …
5.10.2024 13:43VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator: VMware For The Very Small MassesNot everybody who needs on-premises virtualization and wants to use VMware...New post! What Problems Are Modern Edge Computing Solving For? #EFD3 cc/ @onlogic
1.10.2024 14:23New post! What Problems Are Modern Edge Computing Solving For? #EFD3 cc/...New Blog Post: Maintaining Recoverability in Veeam Capacity Tier Migrations #VeeamVanguard
25.9.2024 12:48New Blog Post: Maintaining Recoverability in Veeam Capacity Tier Migrations...New Post on koolaid.info! #VeeamVanguard
3.9.2024 14:48New Post on koolaid.info! #VeeamVanguardhttps://www.koolaid.info/veeam-backup-for-microsoft365-v8-release-thoughts/New koolaid.info post: Synology DS923+: Overcoming the HCL
22.5.2024 14:05New koolaid.info post: Synology DS923+: Overcoming the HCLhttps://www.koolaid.info/synology-ds923-overcoming-the-hcl/New koolaid.info post: First Impressions with the Synology DS923+
20.5.2024 14:00New koolaid.info post: First Impressions with the Synology DS923+https://www.koolaid.info/first-impressions-with-the-synology-ds923/New post on koolaid.info: PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 2022.4 Installation & Configuration for Veeam Purposes #VeeamVanguard
14.3.2024 20:57New post on koolaid.info: PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 2022.4 Installation & Configuration for Veeam Purposes...Spinning Disk Use Cases Are Getting Smaller
As I’ve previously mentioned I was fortunate enough to recently attend the joint SNIA’s Storage Developer 2023 Conference and Gestalt Storage Field Day 26 Event. At these events we both heard directly from companies in *FD style but also dove deep into the storage realm with an excellent collection of breakout sessions. One thing you did not hear much about at either event was traditional spinning hard disks.
8.1.2024 19:33Spinning Disk Use Cases Are Getting SmallerAs I’ve previously mentioned I was fortunate enough to recently attend the joint SNIA’s...New Post By Me: Backups are InfoSec and InfoSec is Backups #CommvaultShift
20.11.2023 15:58New Post By Me: Backups are InfoSec and InfoSec is Backups...New Blog Post: Veeam 100 Summit 2023
14.11.2023 13:58New Blog Post: Veeam 100 Summit 2023https://www.koolaid.info/veeam-100-summit-2023/New Blog Post: Thinking About… Storage in 2023. https://www.koolaid.info/thinking-about-storage-in-2023/ #SFD26 #SDC2023
26.10.2023 02:01New Blog Post: Thinking About… Storage in 2023. https://www.koolaid.info/thinking-about-storage-in-2023/ #SFD26 #SDC2023About time to get staged here at SecureWV 2023! I’m giving a session today at 11 and the rest of the content looks great. If you are local you should stop by.
20.10.2023 13:33About time to get staged here at SecureWV 2023! I’m giving a session today at 11 and the rest of the content looks great. If you are local...