Pushed changes to Not1MM.
Merged PR from @DD5ML Adding DARC VHF.
Add His Maj King of Spain CW and SSB
Add EA RTTY contest.
Add call history support to ARR Field Day and ARRL DX.
Switch to a Run state if engaging auto_cq.
#hamradio #python #linux
Wrote a little Python app that loads in an ADIF file and lets you map it's ADIF tags to a Not1MM or N1MM compatible call history file. Hosted on PyPi so you can install with:
pipx install adif2callhistory
or if you have uv installed just run it with:
uv tool run adif2callhistory
Source available at:
10.3.2025 20:33Wrote a little Python app that loads in an ADIF file and lets you map it's ADIF tags to a Not1MM or N1MM compatible call history file....Pushed changes to Not1MM.
Adding Auto CQ.
#hamradio #python #linux
Pushed changes to Not1MM.
Adding an optional password field for cluster signins. Some clusters now require authentication to post spots.
#hamradio #python #linux
Pushed changes to Not1MM.
Adding support for the Labre-RS Digi contest.
#hamradio #python #linux
20M has been pretty much useless the whole day. The S9+ QRM must be close 'cause the front end overload light is winking at me. Tomorrow I'll kill the main circuit breaker and pray it's in my own house.
26.1.2025 06:2220M has been pretty much useless the whole day. The S9+ QRM must be close 'cause the front end overload light is winking at me. Tomorrow...Pushed changes to Not1MM.
In between Winter Field Day contacts, added missing call history file support to REF CW and SSB.
#hamradio #python #linux
Pushed changes to Not1MM.
Fixed crash after recalculating mults.
Fixed Not1MM not following radio mode changes while using rigctld for CAT.
#hamradio #python #linux
Yesterday I pushed a commit adding a rate window to Not1MM. It had a wee flaw that crashed on launch. Feel free to update. No matter how much you test, test some more. Mia Culpa. I never took Latin, So I could be ordering a coffee...
#hamradio #python #linux
Pushed out a change adding a rate window to Not1MM.
#hamradio #python #linux
Added ARRL RTTY RU to Not1MM.
#hamradio #python #linux
I've been slacking off.
19.12.2024 04:33I've been slacking off.Changed the way not1mm detects fldigi QSOs. Switched from monitoring the fldigi qso file for changes, to listening for fldigi ADIF UDP traffic. Much cleaner.
#hamradio #python #linux
Added RTC to IARU HF, IARU Field Day, DARC XMAS, CQ WW, CQ WPX, RAC Canada Day, ARRL VHF, ARRL Field Day, ARRL SS, ARRL DX, 10 10
#hamradio #python #linux
Added Real Time Score reporting to ARRL 10M, ARRL 160, CWOPS-CWT, JIDX, K1USN-SST, LZ-DX, NAQP, REF, RAEM, Stew Perry, Weekly RTTY, Winter Field Day.
10.12.2024 01:05Added Real Time Score reporting to ARRL 10M, ARRL 160, CWOPS-CWT, JIDX, K1USN-SST, LZ-DX, NAQP, REF, RAEM, Stew Perry, Weekly RTTY, Winter...Just finished adding ARRL 160 to #not1mm just in time. Might even have time for some debugging. Finished the preliminary work for realtime score reporting with contest.run, contestonlinescore.com and hamscore.com
#hamradio #python #linux
Pushed changes to not1mm
Add Call History support.
Expanded ESM support to other contests.
Added RAEM, French REF and NAQP RTTY contests.
Fixed some crashes and misc bugs.
#not1mm #contesting #amateurradio
7.11.2024 04:17Pushed changes to not1mmAdd Call History support.Expanded ESM support to other contests.Added RAEM, French REF and NAQP RTTY contests.Fixed...Pushed changes to not1mm
Added ESM (Enter Sends Message) support to CQ WW DX CW plugin. If it plays nice with others I'll add it to the other plugins.
#HamRadio #not1mm
Pushed changes to not1mm.
- [24-10-2] Add WPX RTTY.
- [24-10-1] Merged PR removing leading zeros from serial numbers. Merged PR correcting the parsing of lookups for previous name and state in the CWT.
- [24-9-25-1] Added WARC and 4M bands.
- [24-9-25] Fix QRZ lookup crash on non-existant call.
- [24-9-24] Correct crash in CWT.
- [24-9-22] Merged in changes for CQ WW RTTY
- [24-9-12] Fixed WSJT-X MFSK submodes FT4 Q65.
#HamRadio #not1mm
Pushed changes to not1mm.
[24-9-11-2] Removed all the sketchy threaded call lookups. They're now implimented as a multicast service.
[24-9-11-1] Fixed high clock cycle usage from the FlDigiWatcher class.
[24-9-11] Fixed the HamQTH call lookups.
[24-9-10-2] Removed mapping of FM to PH in the ARRL VHF Cabrillo logs
[24-9-10-1] ft8_watcher now used default WSJT-X Multicast address and port.
#HamRadio #not1mm